This was posted 9 years 1 month 7 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

PlayStation Plus IGC (FEB) Helldivers, Nom Nom Galaxy + More (Membership Req)


Here’s the full list of great titles that await you on 2nd February:

Helldivers (PS4/PS3/PS Vita)
Nom Nom Galaxy (PS4)
Persona 4 Arena Ultimax (PS3)
Grid Autosport (PS3)
Lemmings Touch (PS Vita)
Nova 111 (PS4/PS3/PS Vita)

Mod: To be reminded of this deal when it starts, hit the NEW Reminder link below where you can auto-add this event to your Google Calendar, iPhone etc. as well as custom date OzBargain reminders.

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closed Comments

    • +8

      Helldiver's is a great game.

      81 on Metacritic as well.

        • +8

          Well your opinion is in the minority as general consensus is the game is great fun.

        • +14

          @holden93: Relax buddy. Did you roll outta bed this morning looking for a fight?
          No need to sh!t on your fellow OzBers….

        • +1

          @holden93: please tell us what the good games are

        • +7

          @holden93: you expressed them, now let it go … don't download it for free that'll show'm.. in fact go out of your way to pay for the game you dont like to show'm who's boss.. :P

        • +3

          @holden93: oh the hypocrisy…

        • -7

          @scud70:so why don't you all stop the but there comments and enjoy the game you want to like I am right now.

        • +1

          @holden93: will do boss.. will do..

        • +2

          @holden93: Because we all have to start work ;)

        • I enjoyed Helldivers, though not so much the $40 I paid for it in retrospect!

        • +14

          Mate. I have no issues with you expressing your opinion but comments like this "people are clueless to what a good game is" are not called for and would be borderline personal attack.

        • -8

          @britta:if you take it personal then that is your choice.

        • -1

          @Where's_That_Cake:clearly not since you are on here.

        • +2

          @holden93: Perks of owning your own business champ ;)

        • +2

          Should try playing it with some friends, it's crap with randoms but a blast to play 4 player couch coop.

        • @WyattDerp: @holden93

          I am curious too, what type of games do you play?

        • +4

          @holden93: Not the first time i've found a holden lacking substance…

        • -5

          @Ozimodo:not the first time I've seen how abusive this community is towards unpopular opinions.

        • @holden93: psst sorry I think my @holden93 didnt trigger a message since I didn't reply directly to you.

          Just being very curious, what type of games do you play?

        • +6

          @holden93: Yet you fail to see that the main reason people started negging you is due to the fact that you started to belittle other peoples' opinions.
          "doesn't make me wrong just means lots of people are clueless to what a good game is."
          The fact that you even said "if [we] take it personal then it is [our] choice" shows just how in the wrong you are.

        • @holden93:

          Are you trying to get the number one spot in January's most negged comment?

      • the game looked good, had good reviews, i bought it, didnt like it. Was expecting it to be more a gauntlet legends type of game.

    • +4

      I agree, PSplus has been pretty poor for a while now.

    • Agreed. I remember when PS Plus Monthly Games were great. Now they're ho-hum or plain bad.

  • They're divers not drivers :p

    • +1

      Oops :-D
      Fixed up

    • +7

      helldrivers? .. sounds like peak hour/school drop off in my area.. hahaha

  • Wow, an actually decent month for a change.

  • +1

    All of the whingers, just unsubscribe. Its the same sulking from the same people every month.

    If you don't find the value in the subscription, don't pay for it.

    • +15

      I have unsubscibed, can I whinge now? A 2D Soup Distribution Simulator for PS4? Isn't that the sort of crap people play on facederp or mobile phones?

      However, another decent title for PS3, can't help but think that the old platform is the better platform. Everything is cheaper and while the graphics aren't 'better' at least they are 3D :P

      • Yup. My Fat PS3 broke so I bought a new Slim PS3. Great console. Great games.

        My PS4 collects dust.

        • I foolishly sold my PS3 when I got a PS4. I assume the best place to get a PS3 now is ebay/gumtree/cashconverters?

        • +1

          Got my Slim PS3 from EB Games. They had the 12GB (brand new) for $149. Bought the hard drive adapter on eBay for $3. Then used a spare 250GB drive leftover from a recent laptop upgrade.

          Love the PS3.

  • +4

    Spewing I paid for helldivers

    • me too :(

      • Shit go bro an absolute shit go 😞

    • +1

      I paid for it when target had out on clearance… And I still haven't even opened the box!

    • I paid for P4AU. Still in shrink wrap.

  • +1

    Awesome month!

  • +4

    Paid AUD 29 for Helldivers and it was worth every cent. Spent 20-30 hours on it though it got a bit repetitive once you have collected the majority of weapons and strategems. Hopefully they update the game with more galaxies, weapons and enemies.

  • +3

    so glad i didnt buy hell divers. lookin forward to this. big up vote from me

  • +1

    Good games for PS3 at least

  • +2

    I was actually really hoping everybody's gone rapture to be on plus this month, I know it's coming just don't know when :P

    Does not matter to me what the games are anyway, all freebies. With the plus subscription, $6-$10 depending on how many months you subscribe. The discount benefit alone you can save more than $6 in buying games but for some bizarre reason it is a problem that freebies are not to your liking? Talk about entitlement.

    • +1

      It's more that the quality has gone down so low since they made ps plus compulsory for online play. Have a look at the wiki list of ps plus games in chronological order, you'll see what I mean.

  • Now I just need a PS Plus membership.

  • Renewing PS Plus allows Sony to give you crap for free

    • +1

      well not "free" are paying for it with sub

    • Not free if you pay for it.

  • +4

    Anyone know where to source the cheapest ps plus sub atm?

    • +2

      Very rarely do you get cheap subs. Sometimes the supermarkets do discounted PS cred but nothing at the moment

  • +6

    There was a lot of buzz about Helldivers upon release and it was highly received, looking forward to it. Best thing about PS+ is that it rejuvenates and builds multiplayer communities when a game becomes free to millions.

    In that regard a free Killzone Shadowfall would be great some day. The multiplayer is sensational, but it needs a bigger player base.

    • -2

      Killzone not even that good. They need to have blacktops 3 for free cos I don't wana buy it.

    • +1

      Multiplayer Killzone 2 was great, even the Vita one wasn't too bad. I didn't go for Killzone SF as I would have been getting into it very late I assumed the player base was dead. Didn't they make the multiplayer for killzone 2 free or standalone at least? If they did that to Killzone SF I would go out and buy a PS4 and resubscribe in a heartbeat/as soon as a bargain for console appeared.

  • Yep. Not renewing. #ComplainsEveryMonth #StillManagesToBeDisappointed

  • Wanted persona 4 arena ultimax. Couldn't be bothered getting psn. Ended up using Amaysim voucher bought from eBay cost $20

  • holy crap thank goodness i just sold my copy of helldivers : P would've been worth nothing after this. It was an okay game but only if u have friends to play with…alas, my friends are pcmasterrace snobs.

  • I can't see the Feb games? I'm still seeing the January games

  • Lemmings Touch is still listed at $4.55

    • Lemmings is now listed as free.

  • i just bought a vita on ebay, waiting for it to arrive.

    looking at the ps plus games, i'm not really interested, would buying a month every time something i want appears be a good/possible option?

    • Not very cost effective

      • it is if i don't want more than 7 of the 12 game bundles every year :)

        this is also under the condition of me not making use of the other perks.

    • +1

      You can only play the free PS+ games while your subscription is active.

      • deal breaker :(

        i don't game enough for this to be worth it for me.

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