Anyone out there knows of a reliable website designer and developer for a Real Estate agency? A new business and ideally uses WP as a CMS.
thanks in advance !:)
Anyone out there knows of a reliable website designer and developer for a Real Estate agency? A new business and ideally uses WP as a CMS.
thanks in advance !:)
Had a look at SquareSpace. definitely something I'd think about. Buying a theme at ThemeForest is definitely something of a new area for my friend there LOL
Depends on your budget.
< $100 - see post by @rogr:
'> $100 < $1000 - Outsource to India or Eastern Europe online.
'> $1000 - I might take a look if you add an extra 0.
What is the price breakdown for $10,000 of what a client gets?
You definitely get what you pay for locally - as @rogr suggested you can get a quick site done cheaply with a theme / template and put on WordPress.
What's your budget, and where are you? I've got dozen of good studios I can recommend. I'm thinking though, given it's a post on Ozbargain, they might be more than what you're willing to pay :)
Definitely for something local if possible. I've had experience with offshore developer and not much of a fan. :)
it's new Real Estate business, probably looking for something that they can update to add more content as time goes. Budget-wise probably between 2K - 4K i think.
trial account with squarespace and see if you can do it yourself. if not, then get a local via upwork or airtasker.
I'll probably do that with squarespace.
Got a few private messages, i'd also look them up too :)
If you're still looking I would suggest looking at Agentbox
just get some hosting from siteground or something and then go on themeforest and buy a WP theme.
Conversely, you use something nicer like Squarespace.