• expired

LogitechShop Mania G500, G110, G35, G15, MK700, G330G19, Purefi, X230. Harmony1 See Description Details


Deals extended by 24 hours. That's midnight Tuesday, 16/3/10.

G500 for $79 delivered (Expired): http://www.logitechshop.com.au/shop/item.aspx?itemid=3561
G15 + G330 $99 delivered (Expired): http://www.logitechshop.com.au/shop/item.aspx?itemid=3625
The Mk700 + g330 $99 Delivered (Expired): http://www.logitechshop.com.au/shop/item.aspx?itemid=3626
The x230 with the mk700 $105 delivered (Expired): http://www.logitechshop.com.au/shop/item.aspx?itemid=3627
the g35 and the g15 $169 delivered (Expired): http://www.logitechshop.com.au/shop/item.aspx?itemid=3628
the g35 and the g19 $260 delivered (Expired): http://www.logitechshop.com.au/shop/item.aspx?itemid=3632
g110 + g35 $169 delivered (Expired): http://www.logitechshop.com.au/shop/item.aspx?itemid=3630
Logitech G13 Gameboard + G19 Keyboard $218 delivered (Expired): http://www.logitechshop.com.au/shop/item.aspx?itemid=3629
Purefi anytime + g330 $99 delivered (Expired): http://www.logitechshop.com.au/shop/item.aspx?itemid=3631
Harmony one $149 delivered (Expired): http://www.logitechshop.com.au/shop/item.aspx?itemid=3481
Illuminated keyboard $60 delivered (Expired): http://www.logitechshop.com.au/shop/item.aspx?itemid=3538

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closed Comments

      • can they contact me again sorry? I think ive missed a few block numbered calls..

        • +1

          Just had them contact me. I just wanna say BC - logitechshop service is awesome, well the guy i dealt with on the phone was superb. Jonothan was his name, just make sure he gets commended for me :) Thanks mate

    • I hope my resolution was to your satisfaction .:)

  • +1

    Any deals on bluetooth keyboards, eg. Dinovo mini/edge? ;)

  • So um how long does bpay take to go through, i paid on saturday. Dont want my order to be cancelled.

    • Paid on Saturday , Ok simple . Bpay Reports are generated every day in the evening ,It should show up . Also note . Before we cancel we recheck reports first . Yours should show up on this evenings report

      • hey, BC I paid Saturday Night by PayPal which would then take the money out of my bank account and send it to PayPal, then to you. Would you know if it would start the transferring process on the Sat night, or would it have started Monday morning?


  • So how many of the orders did u guys manage to get sent out today :O

  • BC, what's going on? I got 2 seperate orders on paypal but your shop only show 1 in my account!?

    • Same for me mate.

      • So where's the other order go? Eaten by rat?
        BTW did anyone receive any email after you ordered as I didn't receive any email at all…not even the sign up. Is this normal?

        • They called me up on the phone and asked for the transaction ID of the missing order. I paid by PayPal, like you did. Nothing has happened since then though. I had to email the Transaction ID to them.

          I didn't receive any email or anything either, not sure if it's normal.

          • @Piquant: Ah ok…been worry though I did something wrong. Now I know I'm not the only one.

            • @POWERevolution: order number ?

            • @POWERevolution: ok , Here is an explanation . Very simple , out of the thousand of orders that were a few orders less than 5 the PayPal transaction got added as they were separate orders . but it listed only one .For a strange database reason , maybe the traffic at the time . But let me say this , nothing to worry about as its very simple , every PayPal transaction carries an individual ID , and its easy to fix . We have called the few people in question , easy done , and an apology for any inconvenience caused .

          • @Piquant: Please check . It should be fixed .

        • no rats , LOL . All normal .

  • I have ordered some 220's via bpay and was wondering how long the payments take to clear and approx delivery times as I need them by Friday
    The payments have been deemed "successful" by my bank but the status is still "BPAY Pending" on the logitechshop website.
    Was just wondering if the pending status is due to major traffic and has not been processed or if the funds have not been physically transferred through yet.

    I ordered a Purefi Anytime last week and was very happy with it but I was rather concerned with the packaging.
    The smaller box came in a bigger box that in which it was free to move about in and anything could of easily been damaged.
    Luckily the contents were not damaged but the packaging is a major concern for me.

    Anwyays, as a whole I am very impressed to see this shop work out and am a major supporter :)

    Wouldn't mind seeing a Dinovo Edge + M950 deal

    • Yeah that would be a sweet deal :-)

  • What about a G330 & G19 Combo ?
    Like the G330 & G15 combo offered…

  • The status of my orders (13601, 13875) still list as being "New". Any chance they have been shipped BC? I won't be upset if they haven't. Probably struggling with the sudden volume of stuff to move.

  • I bought a pair of 220's and my order status still says "New" as well. I paid on Saturday night through PayPal. Might i be one of the few who had a problem with the transaction? My order no. is 13008.

  • yeap mine is still New too

    paid with paypal as well for the 220 pair :)

    • Last big sale they shipped them all but it took a while for them to post that they had and to post the tracking codes.

    • it usually takes 1-2 days to be shipped from my previous experience with them.

      So by tuesday afternoon i reckon most orders will have been shipped by then!

      • mine's still on new…
        paid by paypal on sunday morning too

  • wondering if i should get the pure fi anytime

    really interested in it cant resist … lol

    • Do it! Great price!
      Mine arrived today, very cool!

  • +7

    Ok Guys , Sorry needed a break , Plus i had to Answer some guy saying we sell dodgy logitech items without warranty :) yep , you get them all these days .
    Anyhow guys , We are full ball now , Processing , Packing , etc ,
    So let me explain the process .
    When an order comes in (if paid by CC or Paypal , it goes in as complete in the (new) folder
    if its Paid by Paypal but Paypal doesnt verify it , it goes into (Paypal Pending)
    If it is paid for by Bpay it goes into (Bpay Pending )
    We start picking the items for the orders flagged new , in order , not in for example sydney before Vic etc
    Once We pick it (we ususally do 100 at a time ) time consuming as we check and recheck ) we then Box and Label and issue a Eparcel Number - At that stage even if its 3 am , we mark it Shipped Awaiting first Courier or Australia post truck to pick up in early morning , Lately one Van hasnt done the trick they have to keep sending trucks till 5 pm .
    For the Bpay ones . A report is generated at aprox 10:38pm everynight which will reflect bpay actually fully paid 24 hours before , the day before . Once we check them , Ususally the morning after as report is available at night and accounts are not like us they sleep .:) we check payments against orders and they will be marked as new . And process restarts as if its a Paypal order .
    If a Bpay order is not payed for within 2 working days , 3 reports , we will then Mark it as unclaimed and that means cancelled . and release the stock .
    I hope that was a comprehensive explanation .
    I had to fully be shown all this to be able to explain it , now im an expert .
    THankyou all .

    • Guess that means some of those unpaid 220s will be released in a couple of days for a lucky few of you.

    • +1

      Apologies as I realise you are busy, but could you confirm the PID of your Pure-Fi Anytimes? Not keen on purchasing until I know what batch your models are from.

      • +2

        ill get that checked , ill have to get one open .i will check and let you know as soon as i can

        • Cheers mate, looks like I'll be picking up a g330 + pure-fi once that is confirmed.

      • Thanks billbro for bringing up the distortion issue:

        I have already purchased a Pure-Fi Anytime and will be testing it soon with a iPhone 3G and a Nano Gen 2.

  • How about a Squeezebox Boom special? I have one I got a previous time it was on sale and I LOVE it and been on the lookout for another one for the right price.

    Also i noticed something a bit odd here:
    The Bundled price of a Boom and Duet is dearer than buying the 2 separately..??

    • Noted as prices dropped for individuals , but the bundles approved , we still have a few left , ill see if it can be rectified or the bundles can be split . by the way , im taking a break from packing , i offered to pack ,,,, Extra $$$$ so all overtime ill take . so now my break ill help here where i can .

      • With the Monster Bonus you SHOULD get you shouldn't need to be doing any overtime :-)

  • +1

    by the way everyone , you know this deal we have extended for the extra 24 hours , so Midnight tomorrow its over . so hurry . and at 250 votes , ill be releasing one more deal . for all of you . that way everyone wouldve had a chance to vote on this , and we shipped most of the orders . 5 minutes more and my break is over , ill try to pop in every little while , incase people need anything answered .

    • Damn, I'm trying my hardest to promote this to 250 before it hits the 2nd page LOL. At least you're getting a nice commission from this. I have no idea what my drive is.

      • ask for a little freebie hahaha

        thou i wonder when the security camera pricing will be released.. any word from the boss?

        • 250 :) Didn't think it could happen. Still can't beat Nando's :P

  • Just wanted to say thanks heaps to bargaincrypt and everyone over at logitechshop for these awesome deals (especially the headphones :D) and for all the hard work you guys put in and are still putting in for everyone here.

  • +3

    hey how bout some surveillance camera packages BC that would be awesome!!! great deals thanks

  • +1

    well i think we deserve another amazing deal … twitter followers —> 200+
    i remember u said there would be a deal announced after 100 followers … which u did
    then again promised a new deal for 200 followers …

    so i think we deserve a new deal!!

  • Just a question, do you require instant payment through paypal or can I just let it withdraw from my bank account when I pay? My reason is that I don't want to put a random amount into the paypal account because I don't know how much the wii drums are gonna cost. Obviously it's gonna take longer to process though and it could be the same deal as with bpay I guess, but damn I'm keen for those wii drums and there's no way I want to miss out, so I may just go ahead and put a couple of hundred in tomorrow…

    • +1

      ill have a final price for you in the morning

      • lets hope you have some news on the cameras too xD

  • +5

    ok , Quickly before i go back to packing , I will have a deal ready for you by the morning , i also think we should not add it to this , as it no longer serves it justice , a new post is due . so everyone gets to read the title . do you all agree, Your thoughts are appreciated .
    Gooddnight . I go 2 more hours worth of boxing orders . then im going home to crash .
    Let me say this the Logitech logo is imprinted in my head now from the amount of times i seen it tonight .

    Good night .
    On behalf of everyone working here tonight .
    We thank you once again . We should get you all to send us a big tub of coffee :)

    • thx for the superman efforts on behalf of all of us :P

      • Bargaincrypt will be forever remembered as the Logitech Hero :)

  • Excellent deal — ordered 1 Harmony remote. Just received my Z5500s today from the bundle deal from before, now just have to test them. Many thanks.

  • +2

    @ Bargain Crypt hey mate will your 201006-LT and 201007-LT be cheaper than what you can currently find on ebay. Cheapest i can find is $115 for the 201007-LT and $114.10 for the 201006-LT and the addon cameras are $99.95 for the 201009-LT and $100.10 for the 201008-LT those prices all include delivery, if you could do some awesome deals on these i think you would sell them like hot cakes. Hey everyone…. put your hands up if you want to keep mongrels outta your house………(sigh) LOOKS like i'm the only one :( Keep up the good work mate :)

  • hope its a good deal involving a g15 or g19 + something i dont really need but would be cool to have anyway lol.
    bought a harmony+ps3 adaptor the other day and came in like 2 days.. amazing speed

    COTD takes like 10 days to get to me.

    • +1

      i think there is enough deal with the G15 and G19 listed above already

  • @ Bargaincrypt ok it has hit 250 votes what special deal do you have for us BC?

  • +1

    maybe surveillence stuff…..hint hint?

    • +1

      haha check twitter.. i suppose it is :P no indication of when thou

  • Ok Ladies and gentlemen . It will be Logitech cameras . at a freaky price . Please gimme a little while to confirm final pricing .
    Do you all agree it should be a new post ?

    • Sure thing.

    • Yes, new item, new post.

  • +1

    I will be making the post in 10 minutes People Unless somone else wants to .

    Pre Sale Starts at 4:00pm today .
    Shipping for the Cameras Start on Monday 16th March
    Guaranteed to be sold Very Quick
    Links will be updated soon
    Logitech Master System & Logitech Master addon $124.95 Delivered
    Logitech Indoor System & Logitech Indoor addon $124.95 Delivered
    2x Logitech Indoor addon’s $119.95 delivered
    2x Logitech Outdoor addon’s $119.95 delivered
    1x Logitech Indoor addon $64.95 delivered
    1x Logitech Outdoor addon $64.95 Delivered

    Do not miss out

    • Both my hands are up.

    • Hi BC - this offer looks FANTASTIC!!
      Just want to clarify the shipping date, as Monday was the 15th March - do you mean next Monday?

    • Regarding the Logitech Master System and Master addon,

      Does the master addon refer to Addon Outdoor Security Camera? So you get two cameras for that price?

      Also could you get a master system and a indoor addon as a 124.95 package?

  • I think this the record breaker ,. These prices are just out of this world

  • +1

    yes . we start on Friday evening or Monday Morning as the guitar combo will be up as well . Yes next Monday . But i doubt they will last for more than 48 hours .

    • Just wanted to clarify - can't wait to get on of these combos - just need the links - any idea of ETA :D

      EDIT: Never Mind, if the sale starts at 4pm I guess they'll be up by then - now to play the waiting game…

  • Hi BC,

    Firstly let me thank you heaps for your great bargains ! Good stuff :)
    I have a querry regarding an order for headphones a few days ago. On the account it says that the order status is "NEW". What does that mean ? Could someone please clarify this for me :)

    I paid via paypal so I assume my payment was cleared instantly

    Thanks heaps guys

    P.S - It would be great if there would be deals on laptop/notebook mice :)

  • Please go to other post to vote up . all info will be released on other one

  • Hi bargaincrypt,
    Should this offer be without shipping?
    The deals above look like you could do it with the mouse an keyboard separately so I don't see why the combo should have it.

  • Since the website is down, will the deals be extended for a little longer?

  • BC, any G15 special?

    ima get the purefi anytime now !

  • Hey bargaincrypt… My order number is 13962.

    I ordered MK700+G330 combo for 99. I got the keyboard but there's no G330 there.

    • I got my Ultimate Ears as well.. but no G330.

      • BC, I got a call from Logitech Shop.. All's settled. I should be receiving the G330 with my Logitech guitars and drum. Thanks again BC. Very good customer service. I emailed like 5 minutes ago and I already received a call.

        I'm very happy. You'll have my continued support.

  • +1

    Received my Harmony Remote.
    It's the best remote i've ever owned.
    Great price,product and service.

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