This was posted 9 years 1 month 30 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

PSN EU/AU Sale up to 75% off, Bloodborne The Old Hunters $17.97, Atelier Shallie $19.98


Note the Assassin's Creed Syndicate deal ($54.95) expires on 27th of January instead of 3rd of Feb.

(Some deals can be further discounted if you have a PS+ subscription)…

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closed Comments

  • +7

    Bloodborne: Game of the Year Edition is $40 when a PS+ subscriber. It says 10% but the popup said save $7.99 bringing it down to $39.98. Amazing!

    • +3

      Brilliant game, I missed out purchasing the DLC…now at $14, The Old Hunters summon my soul :)

    • +4

      Easily game of the year for me. Consumed my waking thoughts for many months.

      • Then I will purchase it!

      • +1

        yeah i was 1 trophy away from platinum on bloodborne that damn chalice dungeon that halves your health and that demon fire dog destroyed me, just purchased the dlc but forgot my save file is basically in new game +++ mode and i have forgot how to play stuck fighting in that graveyard most of the night so not even getting access to the dlc for awhile i think

      • The game itself is good - though I do enjoy my games including at least 1 colour in them. Playing a game entirely in greyscale wears at you after a while.

        • +2

          There's plenty of red! #helping

      • +1

        ***k Bloodborne :D

        It's great but far out it's hard!

        • +1

          The start is the hardest part, get past that and you're sailing! Use a Madman's Knowledge to gain some insight, so you can use your echoes to level up in Hunters Dream before the first boss battle. You cant level up without at least 1 insight, and you don't get your first insight until after the boss. With levelling, focus on vitality and strength/skill, with one in endurance every so often. If you're really struggling, dont be too proud to use a guide or the 'save to USB' trick to create manual saves.

        • @His_Holiness:

          Cheers mate :)

          I got up to the sewers. I was really proud of myself. Then some asshole came up from behind and one hit me.

    • +2

      At $40 for the game + DLC, I can't recommend it highly enough. Hell, I recommend it at any price.

      One of the best games I've played in a long, long time.

  • Everybody's Gone To The Rapture, opinions?

    • +1

      Looked into this a few months ago. I've heard it gets repetitive fast and ends up being a walking simulator.

    • I loved it - my fave adventure of last year - but as Dagmar says, you'll require patience. It's not an action-fest…

    • I found it boring

    • If you like a very pretty meandering tale, that may or may not have a satisfying conclusion for you…then it's worth picking up at a discounted price.

      But if I have my pick of walking simulators, I'd pick Gone Home any day.

  • +5

    SotC: $10.78
    Ico: $9.18
    Ico AND SotC: $9.98

    I think I'll buy the double pack. I own an original Ico but never sourced a SotC!

    • +3

      You're in for a treat. Just try to fight the feels.

      • I just played through Brothers. That game had some serious feels!

    • Both hugely overrated in my opinion, especially SoTC. Dont be surprised if you cant see what the fuss is about.

    • +1

      wish they'd come to PS4 though. doesn't even need to be remastered visuals. i'd love to experience these games especially for $10.

      • +1

        Expect them to release them on PS2 classics via emulation on PS4 sometime soon, the list is slowly trickling larger

        • true! won't be $10 though :P

    • +1

      You lucky bastard! SotC is probably my favourite game.

      Enjoy it!

  • +1

    Link to the store for those that want it, just copy and paste.!/en-au/big-adventures-big-sa…

    P.S. Syndicate is the current weekly deal it's not a part of the sale.

  • Yeeeeees! Divinity original sin!

  • +13

    PS+ prices AUD:
    Bloodborne GOTY $39.98
    Bloodborne Old Hunters $14.98
    Diablo 3 $31.98
    Divinity $42.48
    Arcania $19.98
    Risen 3 $21.98
    Disgaea 5 $50.98
    Natural Doctrine 23.39
    Wasteland 2 $21.98
    Everybodys Gone to Rapture $13.46
    Fat Princess $14.96
    Primal Carnage $13.46
    Among the Sleep $10.36
    Brothers $9.96

  • Will Old Hunters requires Bloodborne GOTY ?

    • +2

      It requires Bloodborne. The goty includes the game and expansion.

  • +3

    Bloodborne is amazing, if you havent got it or the dlc and you own a ps4 go buy it

  • +3

    I think I'll give Bloodborne a go for $40. I'm guessing that's cheaper than any physical price?

    I've never played a Souls game in my life but at this price it's worth a shot!

    • +2

      for GOTY yes it's cheaper
      it's usually between 60 - 100 for physical disc whilst not on sale

    • +1

      cheapest physical is $49 at target, but that doesn't include the expansion.

    • You'll either love it or hate it… I bought a similar type of game Lord of the Fallens… and im just not a good gamer i think i am… I kept on dying and the game frustrated me.. lol.

    • i'd never played a Souls game before Bloodborne, thought i didn't have any patience for overly difficult games. Bloodborne turned out to easily be my 2015 GOTY, it's an incredibly well designed piece of work.

  • +1

    This site is handy to sort by region, unlike the blog which doesnt even show the prices :/

  • +1

    Hmm any stores having discount on PSN cards?

    • Who usually does have the sales on gift cards - only woolworths?

      • Coles and Woolworths have both done 20% off PSN cards in the past. It's fairly infrequent, though (only once in each store, from memory).

        • 7-Eleven also had a promotion late last year. From memory, it was two $30 cards for $50.

  • Any ways to get cheap(er) PS+? Xbox Live gold 12 month deals pop up now and then but PS+ never seems to get anything.

    • Playstation store has a sale every year or so, but you can't get discounted cards online like you can with Live.

  • Yesss been waiting for bloodborne old hunters sale as I really want to buy it but can wait for a cheaper price. +1 thanks OP

  • Is blood borne a constantly die and retry game?

    • +2

      Yes you die - a lot.

      • Does it at least have quick respawns? :)

    • Yeah, pretty much. It's the type of game that usually punishes mistakes, so you need to make deaths a learning experience.

      It can be difficult at times, but in a fun, challenging kind of way.

  • ignorant question.. are AU store prices in AUD or USD please? thank you.

    • +1

      AUD Mate.

      • @brad1601 - many thanks for that..hmm might be worthwhile creating an AU account for Bloodborne GOTY, I can't see it being less than $30 USD on special on the US store any time soon.

  • Everybody's Gone To The Rapture for $13.46 for PS+ members. Sold! Thanks for the heads up on the discounts!

  • +4

    Seek Paleblood to transcend the hunt.

    • +4

      May the good blood guide your way!

      • +4

        Despicable fatty.

  • Hey Kana, I posted a separate deal for Bloodborne GOTY. Cheers!

  • +1

    Cheers mate, had to jump on Old Hunters for $15. I've heard it's a really solid DLC.

  • +2

    For fans of Bloodborne, Demon's Souls is on sale for $6.24 on PS3. If you're not familiar with it, Demon's Souls is the first in the 'Souls' series (followed by Dark Souls and Dark Souls II) and is the spiritual predecessor of Bloodborne. While the setting is different and the graphics are showing their age, it's well worth a try for 6 bucks!

    • Thanks for this, just picked up demon souls for that price. 75% off is pretty damn good!

  • Divinity original sin EE ps4 version is still damn expensive even with the 50% sale …
    I already own pc version but couldn't finish it because my gpu died.
    I have no choice but to buy again this time on psn..

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