TPG Unlimited ADSL2 from $75/month

First AAPT, then TPG, and now Exetel.

TPG is pleased to announce an exciting up coming change to our ADSL2+ product range. For the first time we will offer an Unlimited Broadband product for only $75 a month that has:

· No Shaping Speeds.
· No Time Limits or Time Restrictions.
· ADSL2+ technology.

What makes this even more exciting is that for an extra $1 our Home Phone Line Rental can be purchased as an optional add on at the time of purchase. A $10 Minimum call charge for TPG Home Phone applies. This product will be available at Limited Exchange Coverage areas only. More details to be provided at the time of product release.

Discussion and announcement here

Will the network be able to take the hit of these new plans?
Are people willing to pay $75/month when there is a $49/month plan with 130GB (Shaped to 1MBps)?

Please don't post this as a deal until it is available to order.


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  • All you need to do is read the stories of current TPG customers to realise how bad TPG's lines are as is, you can imagine how much worse it's going to be now.

  • ping might jump all over the places but really im not much of a gamer and really and anyways complaints come around more when you search online. more so than the positive. I have a few friends on TPG and their experiences are not bad and Im considering them when i move house.

  • So, what's a "Limited Exchange Coverage" area?

    PS: TPG is one of the most price-competitive ISP's we have.

    They improve their deals often (2 improvements in ~ the last 6 months), &
    - now that their shareholders have Approved their buy-out of Pipe N/W's
    (who run the newest cable to Guam), they are likely to improve deals,
    in the [near] future.

    They are the only ISP who seems to be moving ADSL-2+ closer & closer to
    UNLIMITED plans.

    As such, with a lot of "worried" ISPs floundering around in the market,
    expect some negative "hype"… take it with grains of salt… and -
    if you can't get better value money, support them with your custom. :-)

    …unless you WANT high prices for Internet service. :-/

    PS Telstra STILL has (last time we checked) "poverty-traps" on their low-
    end ADSL plans (costing ~ $30 - $40 / month), ie, unethical "penalty fees"
    for using more than the (what is it? maybe 1 or 2 GB, these days) data-
    allocation of those plans.

    $150 / GB is just Not Australian, Telstra… IMO. :-/

  • i honestly dont think i could use >130GB /month…
    so yeah, its not for me…

    however if i could reach that (and was in a share house), yeah i would for sure.

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