I was just wondering what sort of stuff to expect from this course ? I would highly appreciate some advice and experiences that you've had.
Much appreciated
Got offered a mechanical engineering course at RMIT

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It's like I just bought a car.. Can someone tell me what it does?
Expect to learn things, and buy expensive books, and go to lectures and tutorials and if you're good enough, a framed certificate with your name on it, for a minimum $30k cost.
Oh, and as above, did you not read up at all on what you applied for?
sigh…..is this what students have sunk to now?
You haven't got much help. So I'll try.
See if you can get the courses study guides, from either the bookshop or their library.
Get any copies in library of school newspapers/monthly magazines. These might have student unit/course comments (MurdochU did).
Go in to the department and ask for an orientation talk with a senior staff or students in their final years. I did this.Making a good choice is important from start, but you can change anytime.
Good luck.
yo im from curtin but mechanical engineering is a very broad major.
Theres a versatile knowledge that is divided into few topics such as designing mechanical stuff, manufacturing/industrial, finite element analysis, HVAC/thermodynamics related, fluid flow analysis(pumps, hydraulics) and others.
You can work in construction, oil n gas, mining, or even a factory :D :D
PS. I have just graduated with B. Mechanical Eng
In addition, I want to suggest you to join the Motorsport team in your university. It will be a valuable skill and experience.
Lots of mechanical engineers working outside of the industry because grad jobs are very hard to find these days.
I'd suggest avoiding the degree if you don't have solid contacts or are an exception rather than the rule.
Sorry I have come across some of you wrongly, I do know what the course includes and what will be learning just after some helpful advice or experience or just information in general
You don't have to work in the field you studied. Plenty of people don't. Undertaking tertiary studies should provide you will skills to apply yourself to a task, to work through problems/issues and to give you greater skills. How and where you use them is up to you
Except in this case he may not be able to work in his field of study… And it may not be up to him..
Why did you apply for this course when you had no idea???