[Hack] Read Australian Financial Review (AFR.com) for Free

Moved to Forum: Original Link

First of all sorry couldn't manage to reply to - https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/181233

If you install this chrome extension, you can read afr.com news articles for free. - https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/remove-website-ove…

Valid until afr makes it unbreakable. :-)

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The Australian Financial Review
The Australian Financial Review


  • +3

    Holy shit this is awesome! More votes!!

    I can confirm it works perfectly.
    Two losers reported this deal. What a bunch of buzzkills

    • -3

      I haven't reported or voted one way or another but it's pretty easy to see why some people may not consider this a "deal".

      I'm sure the extension works, but it's clearly not sanctioned by the sites it affects.

    • +1

      Thank you cDNA :-)

    • +1

      A very good extension…

      But you can just press ESC or click the X button (of the Refresh in Chrome) as soon as the page appears .__.
      Fast enough to stop the page from loading the overlay scripts

      Sometimes the site's overlay script will still load the first time
      Which is normal
      Let the browser store the cache first
      And then F5 to refresh and ESC when text appears

      No extension, nothing…

  • +2

    Very useful extension!!

  • +8

    The Australian dollar is plummeting and we're all f'ked.

    There, saved you time reading a review of Australian finance.

    • +1

      Nekminut: "AUstralian shares are rallying thanks to China. We're on track for higher growth!"

    • +2

      How are we all f'ked? as commodities are traded in US dollars as we are a commodity rich country? a lower currency is good for exports.

      • +2

        and tourism!

        • +3

          good for the country but not good for me! for my travels and purchasing goods!

          its all ABOUT ME ME ME

      • Coal won't save us

        Australia's car industry might.. wait

      • Iron ore and oil prices have dropped 60%, dollar has dropped 30%, so we're worse off in AUD terms.

      • So what?
        LOok at the price of commodities. They're at an all time low. The USD is too stronk!

    • For me I really hope you're right about the dollar. I have most of my investment in USD.

      • I still have thousands in USD from when the dollar was valued at $1.07 (AUD/USD). Best investment ever! :D

    • +1

      how did you work that magic? care to share the script please?

  • How does it work? I have installed chrome extension "remover overlay". Nothing happens if i click on the icon.

    • +2

      What icon? After you install the extension you just use the browser as normal to access the AFR site and there's no block/request to pay. Works!!

      • Kool!

  • +1

    freeOBP you deserve a medal .. :-) .. !!

  • +2

    You can also stop loading the page just as the text comes up, preventing the overlay from loading.

    • Great. Thanks.

    • You can also use your browser's web development features (Chrome example: "inspect element") and simply delete/edit the overlays and alter the colour changes in the console.

      • I actually tried removing the element and from the minute I spent, couldn't remove the overlay without taking all the content with it. Maybe if I had an extra minute…

  • +1

    Tampermonkey has some excellent scripts like this to customise your internets

  • +1

    That is awesome. Thanks!

  • Where is this located in the forum section?

    • You can tell on the New Forum page, the column on the very right! Btw, it's under "Internet"

  • What does this hack offer that Private Browsing doesn't?

    • It's completely different/unrelated. Although Private Browsing means no cookies are saved, so I'm assuming AFR let you view ~5 articles for free or similar.

      • I don't read much on AFR, but I've never had a problem in Private/Incognito mode.

  • I've just been using The Age / Fairfax Paywall Bypass which was mentioned on here before. 3600 users. 4.5 star rating.


    Yeah, create an incognito window, search for a few terms in google and it'll work as well.

  • Doesn't work for me on Chrome, after going to the homepage, if I click on any page link it loads a page and then it blanks that page out.

    • +1

      You can click on READ icon added by extension if you see blank page. that will do the job for you. usually it works out of the box but in some cases you get blank page and you need to click the icon. see video on the extension page.

  • I don't mean to bring this up. Lower Australian dollar means oz properties and farm lands are on sale for Chinese investors.

    • AMerican companies are heavily investing too. My Suburb is filled with newly established apartment complexes and all are owned by the Chinese. I have checked with the government departments and many are owned by foreign investors and millionaire chinese businessmen. Most people who live in them are Chinese.

      I don't want Australian to turn into Asia's toilet.

  • It doesn't work on the Chrome on the iPad. :(

  • +3

    Audited the code, looks clean. No guarantee that it won't change though. lol.

    It's just using jQuery's remove function to delete the div and then cleans up the formatting to present it in a good format.

    If you are paranoid can make your own hack using tampermonkey and use @ require to fetch all the jQuery files, just copy it out if you are afraid that the extension will update to something more malicious in the future. You can probably get it to work in FF by customising it yourself.

    I generally use a non-standard browser so I never see the paywall for some reason…

    • What's this non-standard browser you speak of?

      • IE6

  • +1

    Thanks :)

  • updated extension to remove paywall overlay from theage.com.au

  • Thanks OP

  • Thank you - great work mate!!

  • Can you please do this for The Australian?

  • Hi,
    2018…Wondering if there is a working link for this extension?
    Or other ways.

  • I just made the code public - https://github.com/dbashyal/overlay-remover/releases.
    That is what I found in my old private repo. Feel free to update and send PR.

    • yours still working?

    • Hey dbashyal it seems afr broken your overlay remover. It is no longer working. Any chance you can break it free again lol.

  • sadly AFR is broken now

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