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Fintel - Free "INTRODUCTION TO TRADING" Workshop 10-11 April 2010 Limited to 50 Seats Only


4 years ago, I attended this workshop, this is good for beginner who would like to learn about technical analysis. and the good thing, this is for free.
In 2006, Tania predicted Oct 2007 stock market crash.

We would like to notify you that we are presenting an "Introduction to Trading" Workshop soon. (50 seats available)

WHEN: Saturday 10th and Sunday 11th April 2010
VENUE: Swissotel - 68 Market Street, SYDNEY
ROOM: Maple Room
REGISTRATION: Saturday 8.30 am - 8.45 am
TIME: Saturday 9:00 am - 5.00 pm
Sunday 9.00 am - 5.00 pm
BRING: Pens, pencils, calculator, clear plastic ruler and note paper.

Morning and afternoon tea will be provided.

Entry and exit strategies
Risk Management
Stop loss strategies
Chart drawing
Reading indicators
Chart patterns
Trading plans
plus much more
This workshop is being presented by our educators, Robert Lennox and Tania Oakley and is a complete educational experience, not a sales event.

For more information regarding the cost of becoming a member, including family specials that we have available, please email [email protected] or call the office on (07) 5474 9433 during business hours, 9.-00 am - 5.00 pm Monday - Friday.

We look forward to seeing you there!

You have previously attended a FREE "INTRODUCTION TO TRADING" workshop. If you wish to continue with ongoing FINTEL education, we can offer you enrolment in our "Mentor" program. You are then able to attend all of our very informative workshops each year. Our 2010 calendar is posted on our website.

Kind regards,

Meagan Oakley

FINTEL - Financial Intelligence Pty Ltd
Suite 1/27 Sunshine Beach Road
PO Box 1449
Ph: 07 5474 9433

website: www.fintelnet.com

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closed Comments

  • Personally I don't consider this as a special deal, many entities provide free seminars selling you a product or service of some sort whether it be invester education courses, trading software or managed funds.

    • a lot of free seminar only for 2 hours only. they are really sales people.
      but this one, they have full 2 days workshop. we do practice as well in that workshop and free.
      this is similar you went to school, they don't teach you buy or selling stock. they are teaching you about TA. how to identify the opportunities. you can apply this to forex, stock, commodities, etc.

      at the end of the seminar they only offering you further education, if you want it to take further.

  • -1

    Yeh. Also dont expect to get rich just by doing what they tell you. Otherwise they'd be doing it too and not selling this service.

    • they are teaching TA mate, not teaching you buy or sell stock.

      this is similar like people teach you how to cook.

    • +1

      I just love how ppl are really cynical of everything.
      Go in with an open mind! Don't expect for the seminar to change your life!
      Go in and learn something!

      But that said it is true that they would be trading instead of teaching if they really wanted to make money! However, if everyone took that stance in life then no one would make any more EVER!

      Why is it that I have a finance lecturer standing there teaching me all I want to know about finance and why is it that others apply it!

      It's preference and it's what drives you and motivates you! Teaching TA is a riskfree income! Anyway they're teaching on the weekend! Unless you are a Forex trader or Futures type you would be off work at 4pm on Friday. They could just be a bunch of Daytraders teaching TA on the weekend to suppliment their rich lifestyles!

      • lol my point exactly! my post that was neutralish got voted down by someone because transfer of knowledge is apparently bad…

      • "They would be trading if they wanted to make money" …

        1. are you saying they aren't trading as well as teaching (Technical analysis can be performed at night time after close of business … it's what they encourage students to do)

        2. they don't make money through teaching (Isn't a mentor package selling for hundreds, thousands or even tens of thousands of dollars)

        3. once the business has grown through selling to more and more clients, they can sell off the business or float it to make money

        Not being cynical but you are glossing over details.

        "Teaching TA is a riskfree income!" err … maybe. They get paid to teach and it's pretty difficult to come after them if you have any problems, especially if it's worded right.

        But I'm wondering, maybe you meant to say something different, to "Teaching TA is a riskfree income"

        Are you saying you are involved with the group?

        You know the teachers have rich lifestyles for sure? Is there evidence of this? (This bit is sceptical and analytical as your statements are coming across as quite glib)

        For anyone reading the thread who doesn't know, I suspect dragonrabit and JDogman are talking about "Technical Analysis", when they say TA, which is what the original post describes.

        The website linked to provides a reading list. You can probably borrow some of the books listed, from the library or pick them up off the web for cheap etc.

        My local library has a system where you can recommend books or dvds (maybe even extra copies) and if they get it, they charge the recommender just $2 and loan it to the recommender.

        • yes, TA = “Technical Analysis”

          As I said earlier, some people can learn something just by reading the book / website or watching dvd, but some people prefer something visualization and interactive.

          in Australia we have open university and also normal university that you need to attend the class.

          open university normally has cheaper cost than normal university.

          some people prefer open university, some people prefer normal university where they can have mentor and ask the lecturer.

          when you have a normal class, you have the chance to ask your lecturer your question directly, and you might get the answer straight away.

          And this is my personal experience in my office. Some times my company has a new system and we got overseas branches. We have sent them the procedure of this new system, but we still got plenty of question about this new system. So we have to give them live training via teleconference or via remote assistance.

          I am the one that learn this TA from reading the book. but when i got a question, i don't know who do i need to ask. It takes my times and money. Sound familiar? yes, because this is common mistake of new trader.

  • educational experience, not a sales event

    If that's true then why are they running it?

    • this is beginner level, if you want the intermediate and advance level, you need to pay the course. understand now?

      don't always negative thinking please. you haven't know about the course; but you have already judge the bad thing about this workshop.

      by attending her free course in 2006. i have protected my investment from the chaos in 2007-08.

      • Ah so it's just a sales-pitch-event for their educational course. Makes sense now.

        • from 2 days workshop, they only offering their further education in the last 1/2 hr on the last day of the workshop.

          so for 16 hours workshop in 2 days, 15.5 hrs full of education and 1/2 hr sales, still not enough?

          1. What is negative about questioning why they are running it? Someone has to pay for the expenses of the room, electricity, etc

          2. You've said it's not a sales event. Their site advertises they have no "telemarketers". But there is a sales component included in this event …

          Note: If you are saying the sales component is after and that people will not be questioned if they get up and want to walk out as soon as the sales talk begins … that is different.

          Will they be referring, during this introductory course, to things that they point out are covered in advanced or other training? If that is the case, it is a promotional course.

          • +1

            @SomeGuyOnOzB: based on my experience back to 2006, some people start walk away when they start offering their course on the last 0.5 hr of the workshop (the last day of the workshop). and the door were open at that time. since i left that workshop, no one from this company call me, they only send me this email, i guess every 6 months, but for sure less than other provider that send me more frequent.

            If you have attended many 2 hours free seminars and you attended this seminar, you can make comparison which one is more likely sales event. I don't deny if they are selling their course / mentoring program at the end of the workshop.
            But the main idea of this workshop is teaching people at beginner level about TA (technical analysis)

            back again to my cheese tasting example, some sales person might chase you to buy it after you taste their cheese, some don't. i guess the company would like to emphasize that they won't chase you after the workshop, coz they don't have sales people to chase you.

            In regards your question
            "Will they be referring, during this introductory course, to things that they point out are covered in advanced or other training? If that is the case, it is a promotional course."
            To be honest, i don't recall if they mentioned what they covered in advance training.
            It was 4 years ago, the things that i remember only her trick about stop loss and other stuff that i still figure out at that time. And I don't feel sales pressure on that last 1/2 hr of the workshop. But please remember, it was 4 years ago okay.

  • -2


    • can you tell me why?

  • Hey if they want to teach a bit of TA and plug their product then fine!

    Learning about TA is fun and educational and it could give you a new perspective of how the market works!

    Seriously everything in the market all has to do with psychology and it is extremely interesting!

    When I first started getting into TA, I didn't believe that some people traded according to Fibonacci sequences and I just found it fascinating that they actually work when you put a chart to it!

    Even if you dont learn anything, you'd get a free feed!

    Plus one from me, pity I'm in Melbourne
    (PS I would never buy their product either! Self taught is the way! :P)

    • So theres a free meal with this?

      • From what I read:

        "Morning and afternoon tea will be provided."

        But I guess you'd have to buy lunch :P
        Unless they had good morning and afternoon tea where it was all cakes and sandwiches then I would just load up! Gotta love being cheap!

        • yes, only cakes and tea/coffee provided.

  • -1

    u sound like a rep

    plus people really should learn to use the internet these days.

    technical analysis is so easy to pick up

    • -1

      if i am the rep, i will said so. i don't have to be pretend to be their rep.

      is it all people posting the bargain in here become their rep?

      are you the master of TA? can you teach me please?

      mate, if you don't know about TA, please don't say anything in here.

      i have been trading for 10 years, but i still need to learn more about TA. it is easy for people that don't know about TA. coz they don't understand what is TA.

      • Not overly upfront about being a rep really. Someone had to make the suggestion that you were, before you admitted to it.

        • I think he's trying to say that he's not the rep. Otherwise he would said so.

          (don't worry antman, i had to read what he was saying 3 times before i understood it)

          • @Doey21: lol yeah you're right. Apologies dragonrabit.

            Thanks Doey. I still had to re-read it just to be sure. The grammatical error of "i will said so" threw me.

      • u dont need 10 years experience to learn anything, the whole point of being taught or learning something is to save urself the trouble of having to take time experiencing things first hand. somebody else does the hard work of figuring out the methods and u just get taught the straight facts of what you need to know and look out for.

        like i said, plenty of self learning guides on the net. u can learn TA in a week if you try. u can go to all the seminairs u like, but nothing will change unless u trade first hand

        Edited - Mod: Removed personal attack

  • So, how do I register to this workshop?

    • please email [email protected] or call the office on (07) 5474 9433 during business hours, 9.-00 am - 5.00 pm Monday - Friday.

  • I attended a Hubb 2 day session and it taught me a lot! then I read a bit myself on their site and found that their presentation did not match what was already on the site! then they offered me a $3000 software package on money back guarantee! It was only being developed so it did not measure up. I asked for money back and had to wait a month! apparently it took them that long to process the credit card refund! I hope this one is better! HUBB has got some credibility and yet in hindsight, it was all a marketing ploy.

    • +1

      this is totally free mate. they don't sell software package, they are only teaching people for beginner level about TA, then if someone interested with their course, they can take further course with them for intermediate and advance level. at that time (in 2006) they only have 2 trainer on the room, they don't have sales people that chase you at the end of the workshop.

      thats why i put this offer in here, coz i believe this is bargain, they offer you free education. if i know if this is typical sales event, a lot of people will vote me negative after that workshop.

      you can ask Tania, she was very helpful when I attended her workshop back to 2006. the room at that time was full, some people have to stand up.

      guys, if someone in here said you can teach your self everything on the internet. it is possible, but how long it takes you understand it? internet is a jungle of information. you can go to the jungle, you can see so many tree and animal, but can you find the tree or animal that you looking for easily? or you might become lost inside the jungle?
      and if you think with the internet you can self teach everything, why people still sending their kid to school? why don't u just do home schooling with your internet?

      a teacher give you the direction.

    • -1

      "generous" "free" and "trading" do not belong together

      • +1

        thats what you think, but the fact there is.

      • +1

        I ahve been burnt a few times. and yet I believe that there are good people everywhere.
        the site does not ahve the free offer however. I ahve sent an email to them.
        I will attend and inform all of my experience. am able to benefit more from a real seminar as I ahve spent ayear reading now and fighting 3 cases through the FOS against shonky financial service providers. it is hard to find genuine people. but let not the sham blind you to acts of kindness which will form the basis of new models of business which aim to win win solutions. because we have been so hurt in the past, the good people hidden need to be given a chance to flower.
        I will keep my wits about me and try to find beauty and truth where it is.

        • yes. i went some of them in the past, bought one related with option, read their book and watch their dvd, nothing special for me, so i just returned all of them and got refund.

          but, it doesn't stop me to attend other seminar / workshop as long as free, and i just want to know if they got something new trick that i might never come across.

  • well.. i know a lot of this free seminars you can see everyday on newspaper.. if this is different then its good, but be prepared to say no to the marketers that will haunt you after the seminar

    • back in 2006, they don't have marketer in the room, they only got 2 trainer only in that room. i don't know now. and she put her brochure on the table upfront. thats why i recommended for people that don't have experience about TA. even myself at that time has trading for many years, i would like to learn from other trader about their strategies, what they look for that i might be able to copy his/her strategy.
      we should learn everything until our brain stop working.

  • Let's keep the discussion to the deal and not make it personal.

  • Sorry I still can't think of any reason why they make such a workshop for free. In this cruel stock market, you should know good trader will never teach you how to trade.

    "Morning and afternoon tea will be provided."
    Great, it just remind me "There is no free lunch in this world".

    Good luck for those going to attend.

    • have read all the post?
      have you go the supermarket and some people offering you tasting certain cheese? do they want you to buy? yes, but do they charge you money to try their cheese? no.
      it is similar like this.

      • When the supermarket person offers me cheese, they are not offering me the means to make my own cheese.

        NBN is saying that a trader with an effective strategy keeps it to himself because he doesn't want others to crowd out his advantage. He certainly would not give it away for free. I agree with NBN.

        • you are making a different analogy blitz. i just want to show nbn, when you get free stuff for trial, they are absolutely free. yes they give you some part of their product, ask you to taste, do you like it or not. if you like it, that is the next level, they would like you buy their product.

          same with this workshop, the educator try to show you this is some of the course that they offer to their client. if you like their course and would like to take intermediate or advance level,they would like you to buy their product.

          this workshop is offering course at beginner level for TA.
          so if you want intermediate or advance level, yes they are selling their course as well. i don't denied they are selling their course but they are not like other seminar. where they got bunch of their marketer waiting for you in front of their door.

          in 2006, at the end of the seminar, i asked a lot of question to Tania, and she is happy to answer all the question that i got at that time. and she just put her brochure on the front table. and a lot of people take that brochure without she need to come to everyone desk.
          but that was in 2006, they might change now.

          I agree there are a lot of free seminar outside, i don't have mentioned every single one. I went to most of them, most of them are selling their software and training course. but why i recommended this one, because this one is different than the other. the other might do this seminar every month. this one only do twice a year. This is the first email that i received so far this year.

          I agree all the successful trader has their own strategy to make them success. and remember as i said many times, this is only beginner level, for people that has less knowledge about TA.

    • have you ever organize to hire venue in the hotel? have you comparing the price with light refreshment and without refreshment at all?

      for 50 people only in the room, how much do you think to cost them to provide them with the light refreshment?

  • dodgy dodgy dodgy

    i'm especially suspicious of dragonrabit being a rep … i can't understand why he's so defensive about this. Clearly it will be a sales event, like the other dozen of them that are advertised daily on tv/newspaper … people are not willing to share their tips for free

    simple fact

    • -3

      i am defending my post. and so many people accusing me the rep of my post.

      my first post was about mediaring, free calls to 8 countries, on this post some member accusing me (similar like you) that i am mediaring rep.
      i am not mediaring reps, i have used mediaring back to 1999 when i was in the univ. most of overseas student in my univ would agree with me the service was free to make phone call back to their home country.

      the other post about sevenchannel, again some member said that i was the sevenchannel rep. again, i have to defend my self that i am not sevenchannel reps. i make the purchase 1 cent for lcd cover and they send it to me.

      and my previous post about tpg, do i TPG reps again? off course not.

      and on this post you did accusing me their reps. have you read my other post? as i said many times. i went to their workshop back in 2006. i have comparing with other workshop/seminar, for me this is the best. they don't advertised on the newspaper/tv.

      but for me, if people accusing me lie / doddgy, i can not accept that comment.
      would you be happy if you someone call you doddgy or liar?
      coz purely i just want post bargain on this forum.

      • +1

        It may look like dragonrabit a rep (he does defend his post quite vigorously!), but he has made lots of good (unrelated) posts in the past in which he has also provided quite a lot of followup info.

        So I think we can safely say he is not a REP, but rather just a passionate poster!

  • +1

    hmm im not in any ppl side, but the what i think:
    * this quite special, 2 days instead of 2 hours. (ivebeen to those 2 hours, with 1 hour actually is sales talk!)
    * they clearly says no sales event - other never mention coz they are selling!
    * free morning afternoon snacks :)
    * STILL, i believe, they will ask you to buy someting or join their classes, or somehow who knows.. as we know nothing free in this world - so like i said, just prepare to say NO to those offer.- if you dont want it. or YES if you want it.

    thats it. there is a + and - , there is something we have to give to get . hopefully the training is really good (we get) , so the time we spend (we give) is worthed.

  • Dragonrabit, may I please ask how do I book for the QLD seminar? Do I need you to make me an "invited guest"?

    • sorry esg, i don't know if they have seminar in qld or not. you can send them an email or call their office. but for sydney one, i told my auntie in the past, she just sent the email to them directly for registration and got reply confirmed.

      • Alright, thanks.

  • Note: everything they've listed can be found in a book or on the web

    The general strategy is to get people in and teach them. This can save people from having to look things up and/or generate good will. Then the person will be approached about buying something. It's one sales strategy, to give people something, then they feel obligated to give you something back.

    I'm not saying that what they will give you is good or not.

    But it's probably a good idea to know if you are the kind of person who can accept a "cheese tasting" and walk away without feeling pressured to buy or do something nice for the person holding the "tasting".

    Note: You can specifically look each of those topics for share trading, if you just want a "different perspective on trading" or to have some familiarity with what these people are talking about.

    It's also a good idea to know that books can cost you $20 - $80 on these subjects, before they tell you how much their classes will cost.

    (That said, some people prefer to be taught than to read from books)

    • +1

      i can say yes and no.

      yes, majority what she taught in the workshop can be found in the book / on the net. but as i said earlier, net is the jungle of information.
      same when you wanna cook risotto. you got all the ingredients in front of you, but if you don't know how to cook this risotto, you might end up cooking something else, right?
      some people can follow how to cook just by reading the book, but some people need visualization.
      thats why we still need go to school, and we need a teacher that teach us how to read, calculate etc, after you got that skill, you can explore more with the skill that you have.

      no, some of the information that she taught us in the workshop was based on her own experience. example putting the stop loss in the x % below the trend line. you might get a different x% based on your experience later on, but how many years before you got your own x%.

      I have trading in the last 10 years on different market, i like to know other trader strategy / opinion that might increase my trading skills. the market always change, your strategy might work on certain market, but it might not working on different market. thats why you still need to learn more, exchange opinion with other trader to improve our skills.

      nevertheless, this workshop is a beginner level for people, who would like to know about TA.

      And I like with foundit comment below
      "But it’s probably a good idea to know if you are the kind of person who can accept a “cheese tasting” and walk away without feeling pressured to buy or do something nice for the person holding the “tasting”."

      how people in here can judge the cheese is good or not, even they haven't try this cheese before? and how do you know the person that offer this cheese tasting will chase you, force you to buy their cheese?
      you might have bad experience with other cheese tasting in the past, but it doesn't mean all cheese tasting will be the same. right?

      any one agree if indian people claim that australia is a racist country because of some incident in melbourne? can you make generalization for some incident then claiming that the whole population is a racist country? off course not, right?

  • Hi DragonRabit,

    this is just to try and make sure this is transparent:

    • their website talks about a complete mentor package including software etc but has no pricing. Do you have pricing details for this?

    • are people there aware that you published this offer on the internet?

    • will you or have you benefitted in any way from publishing this deal to the web, apart from feeling good for having helped them out? If so, what ways? (eg discounts, increased introduction numbers, good will with the group because people there know you are bringing people in)

    • are you involved in this group in any way apart from being a customer?

    Thank you :)

    • +2

      Thanks for your questions foundit.

      "their website talks about a complete mentor package including software etc but has no pricing. Do you have pricing details for this?"
      This is the first time i checked their website since I left their seminar in 2006, i don't even recall how much the package was at that time. But i saw in their website for complete package $6,950

      "are people there aware that you published this offer on the internet?"
      I guess not, they sent me thats email, i thought this is a bargain for member, who doesn't know anything about TA and would like to know a little bit about this.

      "will you or have you benefitted in any way from publishing this deal to the web, apart from feeling good for having helped them out? If so, what ways? (eg discounts, increased introduction numbers, good will with the group because people there know you are bringing people in)"
      The answer is not. apart from feeling good if people appreciate my post in here. I was impressed with Tania prediction 2007 market crash. I don't know how to say thank you to her other than just post this information, and hoping other member also get the benefit of this free educational workshop.

      "are you involved in this group in any way apart from being a customer?"
      I am not their customer, I didn't purchase their mentoring program. I just went to their workshop, hoping if they got new trick that i can borrow.

      Not sure if you can check or not about my ip address that logged into your server. if this ip address can locate where i am. this people from QLD, I don't live in QLD. Thanks.

      • +1

        I thank you for the course. I attended. sat at the middle row at the front. incredible integrity. no sales pitch. the owner came in the last half hour and gave us all the drawbacks which we had to overcome before we should sign up with her. She is stopping this venture as it has fulfilled her purpose and she is happy to stay out of the public eye. such people are true heroes. they give back to society even though the public is so cynical they cannot believe someone might be willing to deliver a pure message. they gave some of their own secrets which they did not need to do based on their own studies. incredible altruism! I have been reading about trading for over a year and the teacher was able to cut through all the information overload and teach us the essentials to succeed in trading as a beginner.
        unfortunately I will need to work on myself, especially after the owner came [in her 30s!] and gave me a strong reality check. I still have much to learn. if Dragonbait finds more such courses I would ask him to share his discoveries again. He has done me a great service. Such altruistic actions need to be supported by other members.

  • +1

    Thanks Dragonrabit for this post.

    For those who didn't attend, you don't know what you've missed out. Its awesome!!!

    It turns out this is a regular member's event (to teach its members the basic principle's of share trading). They have also allowed a number of non members to attend based on available seats.

    There were no sales pitch, as it was intended for members. So you get the real stuff, not bread crumbs.
    They even ask you not to join them if you are not serious as they'll have to look after you until you are 'graduated'.

    Anyway, I had a good time and will use the system they showed to make more money so I can afford those bargain people post here.

    Thanks again DragonR.

    • +1

      no prob mate, thanks for your comment.

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