This was posted 9 years 1 month 18 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[WA] Bugaboo Cameleon3 + Free Cup Holder - $1200 (Save $300) @ BabyZone


Hi Ozbargainers!

Until Wednesday 20th January Midnight, we are offering the Bugaboo Cameleon3for $1200 (RRP $1469) with a FREE Cup Holder valued at $39.95.
Currently limited stock available however all orders will be fulfilled within 2 weeks of ordering - contact us at [email protected] if you have any questions about the Bugaboo or availability!

Thanks so much :)
Baby Zone

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closed Comments

  • +4

    May as well buy a City Select…!

    • Agreed, managed to pick up a Baby Jogger City Select + matching Bassinet a week ago for $810 from BabiesRus (price beat policy) - couldn't be happier and a comparable if not better unit…

      • Not bad, about $760 delivered from the US for pram + 2nd seat. Bassinet kit is what, about $120 or so retail?

        Only difference between Aus and US prams are the red handbrake and tether strap, nothing else :)

        But that handbrake on the handle is so handy compared to a foot brake! Have had ours a few years now :)

        • +1

          and warranty.

        • +2


          Yeah, but these are a pretty proven thing, not much that can or will go wrong (lets face it, there's not a lot of moving parts!)

        • +1

          @Laurenlauren: Yep, considered US model on Ebay - essentially the same unit and slightly cheaper but opted to purchase from BabiesRus to avoid any warranty issues.

        • @My2cents:

          Yeah, at that price I'd likely do the same. When we bought, the price difference was substantial!

      • Hi My2cents, $810 is an awesome price for the city select + bassinet. Do you mind telling me how exactly you did it please? I'm currently looking to buy the exact same set but struggle to get even close to what you got. Many thanks!

        • +1

          Baby bunting special $799 city select + $100 matching bassinett = $899. Then 10% price beat at BabiesRus got it down to $809.91. I just printed the price from their baby bunting website, took it to babiesrus who beat it without a fuss (a total $348 saving from the babiesrus price at the time) If you sign up for their free vip card you also get another $5 cashback ($5 for each $500 spent). Sale has finished now but can send you a copy of the reciept if they will match that - not sure though.

        • Actually, there were multiple baby stores who had it for $799 at the time so you may still be in luck (babiesrus is the only baby store I know that does 10% pricebeat).

        • @My2cents: Thanks mate, this really helped!

        • +1

          @doubletoplei: glad to be able to help. Finding that baby stuff aint cheap but with bub on the way soon I think BabiesRus will be a constant go to - after I find a cheaper price elsewhere of course!

    • Short version: City Mini GT for toddler - sucks for babies due to bad seating position and adjustable backrest only.
      Bugaboo for babies - multiple seating positions and the seat can face both directions. My 2 and half year man-child doesn't fit anymore. We have an attached skateboard accessory so the baby can be seated and the 3 year old can jump on or off as desired.
      I own both.

      • Bugaboo for babies - multiple seating positions and the seat can face both directions.

        As can the Select, and it's cheaper to buy…

        • My City Mini GT has a fixed seating position and only the back rest is adjustable. It's fantastic, but the Bugaboo is far better for our baby - depending on the terrain. I got my City Mini from Amazon for $350 (was $650 here) when my mate went on holiday to the US. Both have things they do better. In 6-12 months the BB will be gone and the City Mini will reclaim duties.

        • +1


          I know you're referring to the Mini GT… we also have 1. I was referring to the City Select, as the direct competitor to this Bugaboo but cheaper…

        • @Spackbace: Ok, can't remember all the different models. Yes, it is cheaper, but sometimes you find something that suits you personally - hence owning both. At the end of the day you get what suits you and your budget … and of course your car.

  • +9

    free cup holder….. SOLD!

    Bugaboo's…the 'I'm trying to show how much I spent on a pram' brand of prams :)

    • Probs best to buy these second-hand at 1/3 of the price.

      • +1

        or realise your kid couldn't care less what kind of pram you push it around in :)

        • +3

          But you will. Much better than pushing around a heavy pram with the handling of a shopping trolley.

        • +4


          already do…have 2 kids… light weight /= expensive

        • @SBOB:

          True. I've had both the bugaboo cameleon and the citi mini double pram and both were good.

    • couldnt agree more, similar to that "stokke" brand. It's more for parents to show off how loaded they are…

    • -2

      There are heaps of prams more expensive than bugaboo. Bugaboo is hardly the "look how much money I have" pram.

      • +1

        Agreed. It's pretty common and there are a lot dearer ones around.

    • +2

      Does the cup holder fit a tallie of Coopers?
      Bugga the mums, I wannas make the dads jealous

    • +1

      Nonsense, I am a much better person because of this pram. My skin is more radiant, I'm more attractive and smarter. And with a free cup holder, I've got somewhere to keep my half-caf double black chai frappe. You guys outta try it.

    • +3

      Is there a need to judge in such a manner?

      Do you only judge upwards or also the prams beneath you?

      I own a Bee3…..yes I am guilty of having money.

      Personally I don't think it is worth the money, and can't wait until my youngest can go into a $25 Target stroller.

    • If you want to show off your pram take it inside a restaurant that doesn't have much space …and inconveniences people gettimg into or out of seats and blocks staff serving tables people will notice regardless of brand

  • This is like BMW in cars, City Select is my choice.

    • +2

      We have a City Mini and I like the fact that with one hand I can fold it and throw it in the boot of the car.

      Worked for the first one from ~6months to whenever and now working for the second from 6 months till he doesn't need it

  • +10

    How do they justify over $1000 for that thing?! What a rip..

    • Turnover is how they justify.

    • +1

      you're paying for the Facebook and Instagram votes. That is all

    • +2

      I was able to get one brand new for around $1000 after lots of discounts (sale, staff, etc) but from another store.

      Highly recommend this pram as i've used it for 2 kids over 5 years and still going strong.
      It's a big investment up front but it's built well, comfy for the kids, looks great and handles well. I've probably done more kms on the pram that in my car (no kidding… we dont drive much)

      It might be the 'BMW' of prams or whatever luxury brand you want to compare it to, but there's really no sense bashing it unless you've tried it.

      You would notice the difference in handling and ride comfort and 'features' similar to if you opted for a luxury car over say a cheaper option.

      Ultimately you get what you pay for… if you can afford it then i'd highly recommend this model of pram. If you cant, then there are other options out there or you can easily get a second hand one for around the $500 mark.

  • +1

    have a bugaboo and love it
    things to consider is:
    - bugaboo are quite heavy and large, for me its fine to load in the car but not for the wife, especially if you have a sedan (lift to place in the boot)
    - the suspension and wheels are much better (and larger) than most other models, this is good if you like walking around and the paths aint that good. Also entering trains and buses feel easier with the larger wheels (wife opinion compared to friends with other models)
    - bugaboo give u the bassinet included, some you have to buy it separately, bassinet is nice but wont last long
    - price! bugaboo are pricer but get david jones to price match, plus discount vouchers makes it cheaper!

    • +3

      I used a bugaboo for 2 kids and still use it as a pram with skateboard… 1200 well spent for me.

  • +1

    OOOMMMGGG.. $1200 for a Pram.. thats a lot of money :-(
    Not sure if its such a good Pram to spend on.

    • +3

      you dont have kids, do you?

      it IS a lot of money (but so is raising kids)…
      but it'll be some of the best money spent if you can afford it.

      • Agreed

        • disagreed …

          something like a $400 pram and $800 into an investment account would be a better use of money spend on your child..

        • @SBOB: Well, he says ( if you can afford ).. its all about affordability…

  • +3

    that's for ppl with too much spare cash or with cashed up parents/relos.

    IT's maybe good for a couple of year x 2 or 3 times? Soon as your kid can walk this thing becomes as good as supermarket trolley. And Yes i have 2 kids, 2 and 3 and they both don't use prams.

    Only thing pram needs to be is light, so you can load and unload it into your boot single handed.

    • Agree. Got a good pram cheaply from Amazon, but found that some kids simply don't like being in prams. We hardly used it.

    • My son used a trike i pushed around and a backpack carrier he hated prams and strollers

  • +1

    Man that's expensive. Does it come with a baby pre installed?

    • Actually people pay more for a bicycle

  • I was once one of those people with no children that sneered at upmarket prams and always vowed I'd have my child in a secondhand $59 stroller from Kmart.

    However, after some research, I purchased a secondhand bugaboo for around $450 in Ebay. This pram has honestly been a godsend. It has amazing suspension and is so dependable. I've taken it on 3 overseas trips (very sturdy and included raincover is great protection for kids going into a European winter) and it's been regularly used for walks of 8 - 12 km (on often uneven terrain) for the past few years.

    If you are a parent who expects to be doing a lot of walking with a pram and can afford to spend some money, then the Bugaboo is really worth considering. For something you might use 4 hours a day for a couple of years, $1200 for a new bugaboo (or $4-500 equivalent secondhand) is, in my opinion, money worth spending.

  • have a Bugaboo Donkey for 4 years now, love it and so do the kids.

  • +2

    All these people so quick to judge. Sure, these are expensive, but if you want to get something more palatable for you, go for it, stop looking here.

    The Bugaboos are indeed well made and way more sturdy than a lot of other brands around. Their after-sales support/warranty is also top notch and pain free. Is it worth the money? Dunno. Are BMWs and Mercs better than a Holden or Toyota? Not necessarily, but hey, Mercedes Benz sold more C-Class last year than Ford sold Falcons apparently…

    When we first looked for prams/strollers seven years ago, the options were far fewer, as were baby carriers. The go-tos were Bugaboo, Mountain Buggy and Phil & Ted's. Some others soon joined in as we approached our second kid and now the choice is bewildering. The Cameleon was over $1k even back then but we opted for the smaller and lighter Bee. We've taken it interstate, overseas, gone through two kids, used it as a shopping cart and it's still working well.

  • All prams are different and people need to find the one that works for them. I can't believe how much brand snobbery/hatred there is out there.

    • +1

      or people that bought Bugaboo's need to justify to themselves that its a great investment..
      Its like Thermomix owners ;)

      • The reverse is usually true. People who buy more expensive items tend to have made that decision a long time ago. Those who actually need constant reassurances they made the cheaper but perceived superior decisions are the ones who feel the need to belittle others who didn't.

        • You've clearly never met a thermomix owner :)

        • @SBOB:

          Are those the ones who push around their Thermomix in their Bugaboos?

        • I believe the Governor General requested one when he took up residency …. but I've never met him personally.

          Think I preffer my steak grilled or bbq'd than turned into a smoothy ….. how much soup / puree can a person eat ?.

  • +1

    We've owned about 5 prams and these fancy overly priced ones are just silly. Best pram we've had was the valco snap4, ~6.5 kg, one hand colapse, so so easy… ~$330

    Snap was also the best rated pram on choice when we bought it (we had a paid choice subscription, best thing we did when we had kids. You could see that a $350 was as good as a $1000 pram, a $150 cot is better than most $1200 cots, and why this was the case, etc.)

    I'll probably get down voted by patents who need to justify their expensive purchases..m

    P.s. If you need ultimate configurability for some reason, you can't go past City Select

  • I have a combi for 4 years, 2 kids, 6 overseas trips and it's still going. Never had to replace anything or call customer service. Not much storage but light weight and takes less than 10sec to put in the boot. I have small kids so works out perfectly.

  • +1

    Backpack is the way to go….. places kids high up, we pay more for a view when we are adults so why not let kids enjoy the same, they can see around and feel confident, people look up at you or you are at eye level an equal … In a pram the world looks down at you, you need to look up at everybody, you are like a small dog on a leash in a crowd. I used the back pack because I didn't want to be stuck in crowds and liked to be mobile and agile and not restricted due to the size of the pram…. until I was told of the studies done about the physiological impact of kids being so low in strollers in crowds …. wasn’t positive. Also allows you to go places strollers aren’t allowed e.g Eifel tower, bushwalking in the mountains, etc.

    • +1

      until I was told of the studies done about the physiological impact of kids being so low in strollers in crowds

      Oh dear

      • +1

        I would take the studies with a grain of salt, might be done by the same people and same scientific methods that did the anti vaccination studies

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