I've never tried sending money to people outside ebay internationally so I'm a little confused when it comes to sending money to someone via Paypal.
My end goal is to send someone money for a game in the cheapest way possible.
Paypals fees are pretty bad but the person to person market for game sales seems to like it so thats what I've got to work with.
Say for example I want to send them $20 USD for a game. I'd want to use a payment for goods and services. Would they end up with $20 USD on their end (I'm absorbing all the fees?) or do they get fee'd as well and end with less than $20USD?
Do I pull the money from my bank account and pay the paypal conversion fee or do I pull the money from my debit card in USD and pay the banks conversion fee (2.5%)? But then am I fee'd because I'm pulling the money from a debit card?
Or Perhaps I should look into opening two Citibank plus accounts one AUD account and one USD account then put a paypal account on the USD account so I can transfer money between conversions without fees and only pay the normal USD-USD person to person goods fee?
Anyway super confused here, thanks for reading and any help would be excellent thanks.
I sometimes buy Steam games from someone who lives in Asia where their pricing is much better than it is locally. As per the seller's instructions I've always paid by PayPal's send money function but I have to set it to "Family and Friends" (listing the transfer as a business transaction may incur more fees, I don't know.) and I have to pay PayPal's fee which is ~2% as far as I remember.
You can choose the currency it is sent in and you'll just get PayPal's exchange rates.
When it comes to bank fees I would have no idea, I've personally never been charged any but different banks/accounts could be different.
So for your specific example
If the seller wants $20 USD, just make sure you specify the currency and that's exactly what they'll get. PayPal will just exchange it for you at their rates and charge you the fees as well.