Looking for Some General Advice Regarding a Car Accident

I was involved in a 5 car accident a last week, me being in the middle.

Story: the 2 cars in front of me stopped semi-abruptly on a highway, I managed to stop with ease, the car behind me also just managed to stop, however 2 seconds later the last car couldn't stop and smashed into the car behind me resulting in a domino effect (i.e the car behind me smashed into me, and me hitting the car in front of me etc).

Police were called and a report was filed, and everyone agreed it was the last guy who was at fault.

I took down all the details of the guy who was at fault (as advised by the police), but due to shock and not thinking right, didn't take down any details of other people.

NOW, I called my insurance today and (profanity) found out my policy had lapsed for a month, meaning I'm not insured, and better yet, the main (profanity) guy who is at fault also doesn't have insurance.

I asked the insurance people what I should do, but they didn't really give me much info.

I know im (profanity) stupid for driving without insurance, but I would just like to know what I should do now. This is my first time being in an accident, and I'm a little lost.

The main guy also looks like a deadbeat, so I honestly doubt he'll be able to pay up.

The lady at the insurance company said he would have to cover all expenses for all 5 cars because he was the only one at fault - is this true?

Anyway, I guess I'll have to chase up the payment myself, but how should I even start. Looking for some guidance on how I should proceed with this matter. Any advice would be much appreciated. I'm just quite worried I'll have to end up covering all the costs myself (i know this is a high possibility), but would like any insight at all.

Again, I know im stupid for not having insurance, looking for some serious replies please.

Thanks guys.


  • +3

    try again without the foul language.

  • With insurance they alway pass on the blame for the rear ender. In this case yeah, the person right at the back is blamed when it's a domino situation

  • +1

    If the guy who caused the accident doesn't have insurance you are somewhat screwed. You can contact the person and advise of cost of repairs and hope he/she pays up otherwise you will need to commence civil legal action. Problem is if the person has no insurance the other 3 parties involved if they go through there insurance, the insurance companies will be sending letters of demand to the driver and possibly commence legal action. He/she may not have any money once this process runs it's course.

  • -4

    Good job on not following to closely and being able to stop…

    found out my policy had lapsed for a month

    But now I'm not reading any further.

  • If that guy gets letters of demand from other people's insurance (as well as from you), he'll probably pay them first before yours (a company with a legal team is scarier than an individual). You may want to be a step ahead, get your quotes and get the money out of him before he runs out of cash.

  • OP how long had you been with your insurance company?

    • op is in the sin bin.

  • who were you insured with?
    how long have you had insurance with them?
    how long have you had insurance?
    have you had continuous insurance on that car or other cars?
    was it fully comp or 3rd party?
    which state?

    • just car
      3 years
      3 years
      only 1 year on this car, as i changed cars last year.
      fully comp

      • +2

        Omg double account!

      • +2

        it may sound weird, but call these guys https://www.fos.org.au/about-us/contact-details/

        and ask them a simple question "i have been using justcars for 3 years to insure my cars. i changed cars during this time and always had fully comp. the latest renewal notice came, i intended to renew it but simply forgot. the policy ran out on xxx and on yyy i had a crash. if i pay my insurance premium now, are they required to process my claim against my policy?"

        something in the back of my mind says they must, if certain criteria exist…but i can't remember what those criteria are.

  • Check under the bonut things

  • +3

    Insurance policy lapsed = no insurance. Your insurance company is not going to do anything for you. Sorry!

    • I seem to recall some insurers cover for a little bit after the expiry date?

      Because if a policy is renewed late, the insurers don't give you another full year for the premium, just what's left of the original year.

      • +2

        I seem to recall some insurers cover for a little bit after the expiry date?

        op has been driving without a policy for a month. the insurer shouldn't have to cover uninsured motorists.

        • the TAC cover injured motorists even if the car is uninsured, and unregistered and the driver unlicenced……..

        • @oscargamer:

          the tac covers personal injuries in motor vehicle accidents. it doesn't cover property damage.

        • @whooah1979:

          my point being they pay for incidents when people don't have the cover usually required

        • @oscargamer:

          TAC and insurance companies are different organisations. TAC is a government owned organisation that actually helps people. Whereas insurance companies' top priority is to make money, with little (or zero) compassion.

  • +4

    Any poles injured ?

    • +2

      Nah they just fell over on the grass. She'll be right mate…

  • if you remember to fill up fuel for your car,how can you forget to renew your annual car insurance ? I don't get it !

    • Didn't know you could get insurance at the local servo

      • How about Coles insurance and Woolworths motor insurance?

        • +5

          My car doesn't have an insurance gauge.

  • -3

    I always thought if it's a domino effect involving 5 cars, 4 cars will be fault for not leaving enough distance between you and the car in front.

    Unless the car at the very end was still going at a high speed when it hit the car in front.

    • +1

      wrong - car that started the dominoes is at fault

      • -3

        Yes even if you round a bend and hit the end of a 6 car pile up that happened 2 minutes before (source: it happened to me but luckily someone came round and hit my car a minute later so I was their fault)

  • +1

    Just thank god everybody was ok and no one was seriously injured. Highway accidents can be tragic.
    If you have no insurance, you will be using a lot of your personal time for chase up phone calls (like a debt collector). Even though so many cars are involved and last person was responsible, I would focus your attention on the car behind. Chase his/her insurance company for damages and leave the onus on them to chase up the car behind. Best of luck

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