Finding Cheap Flights to Frankfurt Germany (Return)

My niece and her boyfriend are travelling from Sydney to Frankfurt Germany on the 13th of July returning on the 4th of August 2016. She is looking at booking on Sunday with Flight centre but I told her I'd look out for some cheap flights. Anybody know of any bargains? Thanks in advance for any help.


  • has your niece thought about going to Europe in may and returning in September that way you avoid peak period charges on airfares..
    the only logical flight dates for a true ozbargainer

    • +1

      She wishes she could go for longer but unfortunately even this trip is going to mean some unpaid leave from work - I have found a reasonable price on sky scanner with Vietnam airlines. My ozbargainer antenna for cheap flights has been spoilt by my last 2 overseas trips being for free because I won them in competitions.

  • Airberlin and Finnair have some cheap fares (cheap for that period anyway) if you don't mind a 30-35 hour trip each way.

    • Thanks I'll look them up

  • +1

    Assuming that they are departing from Sydney the cheapest I can find is $1224 pp with 30kg luggage, which is stupidly cheap for that time of the year…

    • Yes it is sydney thanks I can't believe I didn't put that in. Was that with Vietnam airlines?

      • +2


        Considering the next cheapest 'quicker' option is with Qatar for $1786 per person, I'd definitely be going the Vietnam airlines option. But I don't know how fussy they will be about an extra 5 hours extra on the way there and about 10 on the way back. BUT for over $500 I would classify that as totally worth it.

        • So would I. I hope she agrees.

  • $1224 pp with 30kg is pretty bloody good.

    checked on Kayak and got $1214 through Zuji (with 30kg luggage)

    skyscanner to bestjet just gave $1,183 with vietnam airlines with 30kg for those dates

    • Yes I think she will jump on this. I just looked at a stop in ho chi min on the way home for one and a half days free transfers pool steam room and breakfast for $88. It's a little extra in flight cost too but 30 hours is a long time in one journey.
      Thanks for everyone's help tonight

  • Check Garuda flights to Amsterdam. This is a quick train trip from airport to Frankfurt. Garuda is 5 star airline and Vietnam not up to that by any means. Garuda quicker flight going to Amsterdam than return.
    Expedia has flights.$1692 from Melbourne. 26 March departure. Only fly on certain days. Ring Sydney office for dates and then use search pages as above.

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