has anyone got recommendations where i could order online some great fresh roasted coffee that wont require a second mortgage?
Quality Affordable Fresh Roasted Coffee Online
at $50 a kilo or more delivered isnt a bargain.
You asked for "online great fresh roasted coffee" Manna is not as much as you claim above if you look out for the deals. If you want cheap order some vittoria shite from coles online.
There are cheaper options such as what bringbring has mentioned roasting your own. I befriended a local roaster and get my filter roast beans for $20/kg.
I buy green beans from coffeesnobs.com.au and roast them myself, works out to <$15 a kilo for superb coffee. Roasted coffee there goes for ~$35 a kilo and the awards won would rank it as one of the best in the world. My roasting setup consists of a heatgun from Aldi ($20) and 2nd hand breadmaker ($20) + a desk fan. Mind you it does take some effort.
Can you tell us more, or point to instructions for this kind of ghetto roasting setup?
I've considered this myself too. I don't drink enough to warrant it though. It would be nice doing it on demand though.
It's known as Corretto roasting and IMO better than $500 roasters due to the ability to do large quantities of beans (eg a kilo) and nuts as well. I often do a kilo of macadamias or almonds and they're amazing.
I've roasted just about every way possible, I'd recommend starting with a popcorn maker. It doesn't make a lot and roasts a bit too fast, but you can pick up a new one for $15 or so and if you decide is not for you at least you've got something to make popcorn for the kids.
Now days I use a Behmor, which you can buy from coffee snobs as well.
Same here, modified breadmaker, Ozito variable temp heatgun ($40!!), desk fan. Used to use laptop with roast software and USB thermometer but thermometer broke so just do it by ear now. I find it less effort to roast than to order - 15 minutes while I'm doing something else at the same time.
I found postage costs killed ordering 250g roasted coffee. I couldn't get through 500g in time before it became noticeably stale.
Yes that is why I'm interesed in home roasting - doing smaller fresher batched. I'd be happy doing 250g at a time so would like some way for that. The breadmaker looks and sounds too large scale and complex though
Try the popcorn maker OZB Al recommended - I have a mate who uses a stovetop one (not an air popper), where he manually turns a whirlybird handle to stir. I find it pretty hard to stuff up a roast actually - even when I feel I have it still tastes good.
@Janko: Our stove is gas so I'd be a bit worried with chaff catching fire with the stove top type. I've looked at those little hand held ceramic stovetop shaker ones though.
I am looking at a second hand automated one a coffee shop near my work has cheap. It does 250g which would be perfect for me.
I like the idea of having the fresh roast coffee smell at home too.
I just need to find a good local source of green beans in Brisbane / Brisbane north side I can pick up from so am not looking at postage…
Postage isn't too bad when buying the green beans - I usually order 3 x 2.5 kg bags at a time interstate from coffeesnobs - about $100 worth, so the extra $15-$20 postage doesn't hurt like it does with smaller quantities of roasted coffee. But if you find local, great.
@Janko: Di Bella coffee is actually very close to me, about 3km. It looks like they sell green beans. I saw an artical online saying they import cuban beans too - I've been wanting to get some more Cuban beans after the last lot I got from Sweet Yarra. Oddly Di Bella doesn't list them. I expect due to the same issues I had with paypal on my sweet yarra order….
@Mobe1969: Yeah, just had a look at their green bean range online - decent prices too. Paypal, being a US company, freezes the accounts of sellers advertising Cuban beans due to the trade embargo with Cuba but you may find local sellers can give them to you directly.
Sweet yarra coffee. They post here and always have something on sale. I did try manna beans once and they were OK too. I think syc are better value though.
How about http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/1kg-STRONG-SAMPLER-Coffee-Beans-4…
About $24 including postage for 4 x 250g.
Not online, but I have a local roaster who will deliver free next time he comes past. He charges $25kg. Maybe you have somebody similar nearby? Try the local school markets, cafes etc. for a source.
Have tried Manna and Sweet Yarra coffees. They are ok, bit bland and thin on flavour.
I have been buying these for 5-6 years now. IMO great coffee. http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/MIFEIA-Gold-Medal-Espresso-Coffee…
I've tried all press espresso and bay beans. All press was OK, but a bit expensive for what was really some fairly plain coffee. Bay beans was quite nice though, and the customer service is great too. I think it was about $35 p/kg delivered, so its not crazy cheap, but worth the money and good value IMO.
I would recommend Manna Beans - https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/229914