Call me naive, but this appears to be an enormous amount of basmati rice for a very low price. In the past I've been glad to get 5kg at this price.
Call me naive, but this appears to be an enormous amount of basmati rice for a very low price. In the past I've been glad to get 5kg at this price.
Riviana Basmati comes from Pakistan.
its on earth so its local.
but that imported crap they get from mars we shouldn't be supporting.
Did you refer to the chocolate bar?
its on earth so its local
I prefer the one grown on mars and imported via the intergalactic moon hypersphere.
Avoid the one that is imported via the cosmic-relicular black hole as people has reported the rice looses its aroma when passing into the mid galactic chamber of the black hole.
but that imported crap they get from mars we shouldn't be supporting.
Don't be marsophobic…anti-semarsite?
You got 69 votes while mentioning mars. Bowie released his mars album on 1969. 69 is a dirty numbers. This week is a shocking sad + grieving week for our couple big beautiful starsman. Illuminati?
Oops. Got mixed with Riverina..
It is a SunRice company, so it does have a Riverina connection, if that's any consolation. The rice is still imported though.
I was reading about arsenic and heavy metals in rice the other day (because I eat rice everyday)… and was surprised to learn that Australian rice contains much more heavy metals than some imported varieties.
Having said that you shouldn't avoid buying locally produced rice because the level of arsenic is below the threshold set by A/NZ food standards.
You can further reduce the amount of toxicity in rice by rinse washing and cooking in high water volume as well as using coffee filter paper.
I will be picking up a bag of this basmati this weekend ;)
I thought it was the imported stuff you had to watch. Thought there would be more pollution in Pakistan due to high population.
There's no heavy metal in Pakistan. Australia have AC/DC. Although the singer is English.
Interesting. Heavy metal as a genre is very easy to replicate. Very few have soul or originality, unfortunately.
please don't let supporting Australian farmers get in the way of saving .20c.
I've always been on the fence about Aussie rice, because while I like to support our farmers it takes a lot of water to make rice and it doesn't seem like the sort of thing we should be growing…
That said I know 0 about farming so could be way off :P happy to be corrected
The problem is that it's mostly grown in SE Australia with low rainfall instead of our tropics.
Why should I care about Australian farmers, in particular? I support all farmers, especially poor ones who tend to be overseas.
Food safety and transport pollution is another matter.
@tightwad: No one need care about anyone. You do what's in your best interests. It's in my best interests not to send money to bangladesh or wherever because that wealth ain't coming back. So when you're whinging about being out of a job or poorly paid, think of all the wealth you transferred overseas to people who, at the end of the day, give less of a crap about you than the farmer down the road. If the local product is comparable quality-wise and price-wise given the local cost of production they get my business. But that's just my cool story, bro.
The money doesn't come back to you, though. It comes to Australia, though. We are all Australians, but we're all from planet Earth, too.
Australia is a net exporter. But foreigners should stop sending their wealth to Australia using your logic.
I do care about others BTW.
@tightwad: No, using your logic we should support farmers on the basis that they're poor, not that they're producing a substantially superior product over the local offering. No country should trade on the basis of charity because eventually, it's the local producers who'll have their hand out when they're out of business through no fault of their own other than not giving you the warm fuzzies when you buy their product.
That's not my logic at all.
Of course if someone is producing the best quality for the price it's a no brainer. But the logic here is that we support Aussie farmers because they are Australian.
If people think they are nice because they are supporting Australian farmers they are ignoring the fact that whatever they buy they are supporting somebody.
No warm fuzzies here, but I'm not going to be pressured into buying local products by xenophobic bigots.
@tightwad: supporting the Australian farmer over the foreign one, all other things being equal, isn't a case of being nice it's simply sound economic advice in a world with borders and markets. No doubt when the world reaches a critical masse of people with your attitude we can all celebrate the inevitable new world order as dirt poor Bangladeshis together because that is the ultimate outcome of the globalisation you subscribe to.
@tightwad: You're right - I don't want to live like a Bangladeshi. I'm particularly xenophobic about their lack of basic human and labour rights which naturally allows them to offer cheaper rice. I'd hate for their practices to be exported here but that's precisely what you encourage when you buy from them. But hey, to each their own.
So buying a product from a farmer (who happens to be based outside of some artificially created boundary) for a low price will make you become poor.
Conversely, buying a product from a farmer (who happens to be based inside of some artificially created boundary) for a high price will make you become rich.
The logic is laughable. But the Aussie farmer will love you and go laughing all the way to the bank.
And the Bangladeshi farmer will stay in abject poverty and thus keep you awake at night fearing you may become poor if you slip up and buy his wares.
I bet your life is full of Americana. Moves, tv programs, fast food, cars: Holden (GM)/Ford, etc., Is it because they aren't dirt poor? Saudi Arabia is rich. Do you surround yourself in their culture? Doubt it! Why?
Australia was officially anti non-whites until 1970. It will be a while yet before the common man can become colour blind.
Advace Mankind's Fare!
this is basmati rice …… I don't think we grow much in Australia, if any, Basmati is usually imported from Pakistan or India. Because the packaging has an australian sounding name doesn't mean it's grown in australia.
Other varieties of rice we do grow a lot of and even export, but not basmati.
Save $9 not 2 cents.
Do Aussie farmers care for you?
Yum, I also use basmati to make vanilla rice, rice baby.
Baby 7/10
Baby with rice 10/10
Thank you for your suggestion.
Here's your damn upvote!
Is OzBargain reddit now?
Don't blush baby.
Is the link dead? Nothing came up for me. If it is legit, that is a mental price, my target price is $1/kg but I haven't got rice for that much in ages, normally about $1.30/kg is what I settle for.
Link is still working for me.
Dead for me too. As soon as I log in my profile to buy it changes to product not found.
I'm guessing it's your location.
Basmati is a more expensive variety compared to the normal long grain (sun white ) or calrose (medium grain).
product not found
Works for me still.
in adelaide its $9.99 in woolies stores i have seen, still $1/kg is a good price
WA, some stores have it!!
Riviana Basmati Rice
Save Riviana Basmati Rice to list
SAVE $11.01
$8.99 $0.09 / 100G
which stores have it?
Ordered a bag using click and collect at the innaloo store. They ran out of the 10kg and gave me 2 x 5kg bags instead! :)
Not available at all woolies supermarkets. Canberra Airport/Majura Park has it for $8.99.
I've been paying $9 for this at Coles for the last year now…
One cent too much JV. Call yourself an OzBargainer?
In Australia?
your probably thinking about the 5kg bag.
do you even lift?
Probably gets it home delivered…
An Ozbargainer would walk 500miles just to save .01c
omg! my local woolies had some bags on clearance for $5 a bag! yes the 10KG ones. Picked up 3 - one for family to share, the rest for us! (expiry is in 2017)
Whoa that's cheap.
Aged basmati rice are more expensive and better so don't bother about expiry. Some companies in India store it for 5 years before they sell
My local had it for $4 last month on clearance. Got the last two.
Good price on that. Works out much cheaper than importing 1,100 sacks at once.
lol. Remember that one.
Hahaha! I saw a shipping container the other week in Sunnybank (QLD) and immediately wondered if that's where he'd set up shop XD
now if only Woolies could do a deal on beef so that I could afford some of that to go with the rice.
from memory basmati is like champagne, can only be called basmati if its grown in a particular region of India/Pakistan border
Correct - It's grown in Punjab; a region which is shared between India/Pakistan
Not shared, divided.
Not shared, divided.
Thanks (!) to the British overlord.
This particular rice is good but nowhere close to the aged basmati rive sold in Indian grocery stores. On the flipside, long grain aged basmati runs close to $4-5 per kilo.
For $10, it's very good value.
I bought cheap basmati rice from an Indian store and it was terrible!
We need why the fuss is all about - people all around me are eating basmati rice. it's been around for long time and suddenly become trendy. low sugar?
low glycemic index
So brown rice is out of fashion?
no , its still in fashion. But i think people prefer basmati because it cooks faster and has a better taste
@easternculture: basmati rice has been around for long time. just wonder what the conspiracy may be that suddenly has all the hype. any Hollywood star is eating it?
Well people are more health conscious now so maybe thats contributing to its popularity
any Hollywood star is eating it?
Tony Abbot was seen eating basmati rice in Bondi in his Speedo's
yes basmati cooks faster than brown rice and is more neutral in taste than brown rice so can have it with a greater variety if dishes. I make up batches, freeze it and microwave to get rice in a hurry. Much cheaper than buying frozen cooked rice in the supermarket, or that stuff in the long life packet.
@eatwell365: reason for neg? thought it was a valid question, Bilkrum yoga was suddenly hot due to Madonna, Scientology was Tom Cruise.
Inclusive of Muslim culture
Don't forget to use the $10 off coupon if shopping more than $100
India Gate Classic Basmati Rice is the best, I have tried several brands. Yes its bit expensive, but tastes great. Around 44$ per 20kg bag at Costco.
Yes. That's best. $58 per 20kg at Costco. It used to be around $44 a year ago
Holy sheep! When did that happen? I bought 2 bags 1.5 years ago, did not know…
Good. Support local produce.