Want to Build a Pc

So looking to build a PC. Have never built one from scratch before but am keen to give it a go!

So tell me, if you were wanting to build a half decent pc what would you opt for? I'm not looking for a high end gaming machine.


  • +1
  • just so you know its very stressful…

    • computers these days are very easy to put to together

      the hardest part would be getting the front io/led connectors correct and even that has changed whereby the case manufacturers have done all the hard work already

      have a laptop/tablet/smartphone ready to google videos in case there are any hiccups

    • Ya I used to love doing it, now I'd rather pay the $50 most places charge to put it together.

    • Depends on the person, I personally love putting computers together.

      It isn't too hard, it's stressful if the case is tiny or the parts you bought did not come with enough screws or something.

    • +1

      stressful ? in what way ? i honestly think its easier to put together than ikea furniture , and that comes all in one box.

      • Could be missing screws?

    • Not sure if srs.

    • Well you have quick setup guides(and also manuals too) that these parts usually come with, if you get into trouble, that you can read(if they don't come with anything, except the hardware and box then gg - hahaha). Of course some of these may not be detailed enough so you'll need to figure some things out for yourself….but that's what the internet is for, right?

  • What do you plan on using the computer for? Have you had a look at the PC builds page on here or whirlpool?



    Good places to start.

  • This was my build which I picked up about 1 month ago. Goes like the ducks nuts!


    Everything I have thrown at it runs on Ultra settings 1080p 60fps.

    EDIT Just notices you dont want a high end gaming PC but ill leave this here to tempt you :-)

    • Tempted! But overkill :P haha

    • What are you planning on doing with this computer, ie. Video editing?
    • What's your budget?

    You haven't really given much information on what you plan on doing

    Information is key!

  • Apologies. Just surfing the web mainly, watching movies, burning cds/dvds, possibly the odd gaming :) But buying a PS4 to fill the void.


    was thinking the above but with an i5?? thoughts?

    • If you want it to be zippy I would recommend an SSD, atleast for the OS

    • The price is not going to be $470 something considering there are two parts that do not have a price listed.

      I've revised the above build to suit all your needs besides gaming, if you don't plan on doing it often on a PC don't waste money on the GPU


      This will be enough to do everything else but gaming… if you want some more storage for whatever reason, the price goes up. You can change the SSD to a HDD but an SSD makes a difference to the zippiness of your machine.

      • Would the option to add a video card down the track fit into the above?

        • You can fit in a video card now, the thing is, would you really use it for gaming? The build is pretty much for net surfing and movies… if you plan on gaming on PC often, I would recommend to change the CPU and mobo and add a GPU. Expect a rig capable of gaming to be around $1k mark

          If you plan on gaming on the PC once a month, I'd say stick with console.

        • @ProjectZero:

          Fair point, will suss yours out!

        • @ProjectZero:

          If I can get a decent deal on the SSD and OS i'll be rapt! Can you hang like a 1tb HDD off it also and just have the SSD for the OS?

        • +1

          @bemybubble: There's 4 SATA ports on the mobo so yes… worst case scenario, external harddrive lol

        • @bemybubble:

          Thats pretty common practice. SSD for OS and SATA for storage

          Also keep in mind you can do a fresh install of Windows 10 (download ISO from windows site) and use a valid Win7,8 or 8.1 key. You might be able to pickup an older OS for cheaper.

  • +1
  • Cheers guys,

    Seems I had the idea that I could build a pc for around the 500-600 mark with a half decent Video Card. Seems not to be the case :(

    • +1

      I could build a pc for around the 500-600 mark

      If you lived in America and were counting in American dollars, yes.

      But this is the land down unda and our dollar is about as strong as wet tissue paper so PC parts nowadays all cost quite a bit — the pricing of technology here all depends on exch rate.

      A half decent video card starts at $200+ and upper mid-range card starts at $300 (R9 380 for instance). That alone takes a big chunk out of your budget.

      but it is achievable if you buy some second hand parts. I recently sold a 7870 for only $130 dollars on eBay — this card provides the same performance as a more modern $200 GPU.

      For a tight-arse build you could try the following

      Parts Cost
      Intel i3-6100 Skylake CPU $170
      Gigabyte H110M-S2H S1151 $97
      Crucial 4GB DDR4 single DIMM $39
      Crucial BX200 240GB SSD $115
      Deepcool Tesseract SW USB 3.0 Mid case $49
      Corsair VS550 550W ATX Power Supply $67
      ░░ Graphics card allowance $150
      Total $689

      ░░ (allocated money for second hand graphics card, you can decide whether to either include one or leave it out completely if you don't play games)

      • Thanks heaps Scrimshaw.

        You have inspired me, im thinking I might try and build a PC with second hand parts..stay tuned for details and collaboration…!

  • just pay the $60 for someone to build it for you, totally worth it

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