Woolworths Phone Plan Samsung Galaxy 5. Any Feedback?

Looking at Samsung Galaxy 5 and calls on plan. Found Woolies have $38 over 24 months. Includes $1000 WORTH OF CALLS AND UNLIMITED TEXTS. Includes data which won't use. Uses part of Telstra 3 G network. Not sure what that means although map looks comprehensive on their Web site. Don't need international calls.
Want this phone cos of accessibility options for friend with deteriorating macular degeneration and hearing loss.
Anyone any experience of Woolworths phone plans and coverage?
Is there a better offer anywhere? Telstra is quoting $60 on plan and with current $200 for new customer that would reduce 2 year plan to about $52 a month. Appreciate your feedback.

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  • I did read that , thanks, now had better get rewards card before
    I place order!

  • It's a good value plan, but not any better than buying outright.
    What about the S5 specifically is advantageous for someone with poor eyesight and hearing loss?

    Coverage is as good if not better than Optus or Vodafone.
    Woolies resell Telstra Wholesale Network (as do ALDI and Telechoice) which is currently 3G only (but supposed to include 4G some time this year) and is specifically limited to roughly match the coverage provided by Optus/Vodafone.

    If buying outright, Boost offer full Telstra NextG coverage for $20/month, effectively giving you a budget of $18/month to spend on a handset. A Xiaomi Redmi Note 2 which can be bought for less than $200 (~11 months @$18/month) could be a great option with a larger screen than the S5.

  • Sounds worth investigating. I can change background of S5 which makes it easier to see numbers. Easier if background is dark, greater contrast for him
    Can also use wave hand over to open screen and move head to scroll down and up contacts.
    Will try and find out if it can speak numbers as they are pressed and read messages which are too small to read and write.
    Accessibility is of major concern as needs a phone which is user friendly for very limited sight and uses hearing aids as well so need clarity and volume.
    S5 is on US SWIFT LIST for its accessible features. He currently uses vodaphone which offers sufficient coverage for him.
    Thanks for your suggestion. Joyvee

    • All those features sound like default Android accessibilty features to me. But I'm not an expert on these features.

  • +1

    Found out that apple products have best accessability options. Had to forgo android preference and go for quality ease of use for my friend. Thanks for info on Boost which is economical. I did look at xiaomi which seems to be excellent buy. Apple also offer free accessability workshops which should maximize optimum usage. Sales person also spent a lot of time customizing iPad and virgin iPhone to special needs.
    My best $45 telstra plan was found here. Really appreciate how this community support everyone with their queries. Thanks.

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