Great deal for those looking for Nexus 5X. I just walked into JB HiFi this afternoon at Sydney Strand Arcade and got the 32Gb model for $547.
It's in their system for $547 if you walk in so ignore the $647 label on display and just ask.
Great deal for those looking for Nexus 5X. I just walked into JB HiFi this afternoon at Sydney Strand Arcade and got the 32Gb model for $547.
It's in their system for $547 if you walk in so ignore the $647 label on display and just ask.
I assume so if they think your old phone is worth that.
He was referring to the s6 deal. The answer is no. The trade in coupon is for s6 phone only
There's the coupon from giving JB your email, and a $200 phone trade in, which I thought arctan was asking about.
@imahapyboy: because some of our fellow ozbargainers could know the answer and your question is invalid
So basically you can trade in any old phones for the value of $200 and use that credit to purchase any phones at JB HIFI?
Can anyone confirm that please? I did ask a few weeks ago on trade in for my Huawei Mate 7 and the value they gave me is exactly $200.
I would like to know as well if the trade in credit can be used on any phones as I need a cheap phone to use while my phone is getting fixed.
Isn't the S6 Edge 32GB @ $598 the better choice?
I'd certainly pick it over the 5X. The S6 Edge has a better camera, faster processor, and (to me) a more premium feel and design. Also has 3GB Ram as opposed to the 2GB in the Nexus, but runs on Samsung's customised android OS as opposed to the stock on the 5X, which some might not like.
as if you regard LG as a Chinese company?
Careful on OZBargain. Lots of sensitive Chinese people :/
The only reason I go with nexus, I was not fond of Samsung's bloatware.
My experience is from the S4 so things may have changed, but I find the stock feel quick, simple and you will always be one of the first to get the new OS rollout's
Can't justify upgrading my Nexus 6 however, will wait for next release.
If you didn't have the 6, and it was available today at the same price as the newer 5X, which one would you buy?
This reason may be a bit personal, but IMO i hate the curved edges. The curve creates a blackish green shadow on the sides of the screen that once I see it, i can't un see it! So +1 for 5X.
Yeah, I'd only buy stock android myself. After the S3 and Note 3 I wouldn't buy another Samsung. Even though the specs may be better, the carrier and Samsung bloat makes the extra specs almost worthless and the lack of updates over time puts me off completely.
It's definitely getting android 6.0 (possibly the following release even), but the 5X will definitely have a longer official OS update lifecycle.
Oh, i was under the impression it already had andriod 6.
The lack of updates, especially security patches is a bit concerning, or am I just overreacting?
They also committed to providing at least 18 months of upgrades as part of the Android Update Alliance.
Needless to say, it never happened.
Apparently Samsung is going to give the S4 6.0 eventually so thats 3 years of updates.
Probably, but is the $200 phone trade in only on the s6 deal or does it apply to all phone trade in deals? If it applies to all phones then it would bring the price down to $347.
Edit: based on this I'm inclined to believe that $200 off can be had on this phone too.
believe $200 is only for samsung
where is the S6 selling for $598?
it was sent as an email from JB to customer mailing list! it's actually $798 with an additional $200 if you trade in a phone, which then brings the total down to $598!
You are mistaken. The coupon is $200 off the ticketed price (which is currently $998). So after coupon it is $798 for S6 Edge 32GB. Read the terms!
Not a mistake. There are two deals that can be combined. One is a voucher obtained by signing up to JB Hifi's "Instant Deals" e-newsletter. The second is a $200 trade-in price for any working phone. This gives a total discount of $400.
Source: I paid $598 for the white S6 Edge 32GB sitting right next to me.
cheaper at Harvey norman with $25 credit when signing up to mail list
No it isn't, this is the 32GB version. After voucher, HN's comes to $573
you are correct
Not bad…
…but I remember a time when the Nexus was $300.
Nexus = barebone software. Doesn't justify this price at all (Especially the 6P, made by Huawei, so should be a lot cheaper, rather than around Samsung / Apple / Sony territory!).
Sony & Samsung were once low end manufacturers too. Everyone has their first step!
Don't think many will find your post very useful. My Nexus 6P is much better than my Nexus 5 in terms of build quality.
Why should Nexus devices cost less because of the software? It still does pretty much everything Samsung phones do. Most are gimmicks anyway.
Try bending the 6P :P Actually, don't.
Why should it cost less? Because it is bareboned Android.
Other manufacturers actually try to make it better, and some succeed, or fill it with gimmicks. The point: THey make the effort, and so their higher price is at least justified.
BTW, Samsung's gimmicks? THis isn't 2012, when they had 'hover view' etc. Multi WIndow? Not a gimmick, would be especially useful on such a large screen like the 6P, instead of wasting screen realestate. Quick Connect? Smart Remote? SideSync? All are useful…
ALso let's not forget the 'double press a button to automatically go to camera' feature, popularised by the S6, now adopted by Nexus.
Point: Nexus phones SHOULD be cheap, as they were in the past, which is why they became so popular.
Wow you are one of those naive people huh? Do you often try to show off your hulk-like strength by bending your phones during normal use?
Try comparing like for like if you are even capable of doing that and I've had galaxy note before so you don't need to tell me anything about multi window or hover view. While multi window was useful at times, it's not useful enough to be a dealbreaker. Hover view, even less so.
At the time I got my galaxy note, it was about 540 bucks. Probably about a year after release if my memory serves me correctly. I then upgraded couple of years later to Nexus 5 for 425 right after the release. At the time, Samsung flagship devices were at least around 700-800. Even now, you're looking at more than 1000 for galaxy note 5 whereas Nexus 6p can be had for 700-800 so they are actually cheaper. Market has moved on and flagship phones cost more than they used to, so I don't know what you're whining about.
And based on my personal experience and others around me, I would rather have lag free experience and quick updates over extra features. All Samsung phones unfortunately becomes laggy as time goes.
My Nexus 5 is over 2 years old and still as snappy as the day I got it running marshmallow. I dare you to compare it to Samsung phones from the same era. Lol
My Nexus 5 is over 2 years old and still as snappy as the day I got it running marshmallow.
To provide an opposing anecdote (though not in support of inose either): before mine (spontaneously) died the other week, it would lag pretty severely when opening applications at times, especially Chrome and Camera, but even something as simple as Hangouts - sometimes up to a 4-5 second wait (no exaggeration). I can't compare it to a Samsung phone of the same era (I can compare it to a Sony Xperia Z1 of the same year, which is currently a piece of absolute garbage), but I can definitely say it was not as good as when I first got it.
FYI, currently have a Nexus 6P, so hardly biased against Nexus.
Erm… mate, you're putting words in my mouth?
Hover view was my example of a not-so-useful feature.
Multi-window, however, is quite useful. Maybe not for you? But I like to YouTube some album (music), or even some widescreen video, while I browse on CHrome underneath. You can't do this on a Nexus; it's one or the other.
Also you talk about lag, and about comparing your Nexus 5 with a Galaxy device from that era. Why? I'm not comparing phones from that era; I'm talking about the present.
Galaxy S6 phones… lag? No. And if you find lag, let's be honest: you are looking for it in vain. Who wants lag? Are you for real lol
(BTW, I own a Nexus 5, as well as a Galaxy tablet. The old Galaxy tablet is relatively smooth sailing, enough to make anyone happy. THe Nexus 5, is snappy too usually, but it does lag sometimes, like when I"m opening up the Gallery or the Camera. Is the Nexus smoother than the Galaxy tablet? Hardly. No bias.)
Seems like you're taking this way too personally. Relax, no offense intended lol.
Also Note that I have voted for this deal; you haven't :P
S6 has been out for how long? Of course it doesn't lag now. Give it some time. It will lag just like every other Samsung devices I have come across. Galaxy tablet doesn't lag? Every one that I've tried at the store lags.
Conveniently ignore my criticism about your ridiculous comparison lol yep 8Gb Nexus 4 was cheap when it was on run out. You're basically saying current Nexus line of devices are overpriced just because it's priced higher than Nexus 4 8gb. Anyone can see the madness except you.
I will reiterate that Nexus devices are still priced very competitively compared to the current generation phones. You feel free to time travel 6 years and cry over how much more it costs.
Nothing personal. I just can't stand it when people can't use their brain and make stupid comments. Just because I shoot down your ridiculous claims doesn't mean I take it personally. Get real.
Maybe it was a precursor to the phone dying? My mother has inherited my old Nexus 5 and it's running flawlessly. Actually it's running better than ever on marshmallow and has resolved the dreadful battery life which is one criticism I had about Nexus 5
$300 was for the 8gb Nexus 4 about 4 years ago. Even then original price was about $450. I reckon this is a pretty sweet deal. Especially with the price of other similar phones.
Oh if that's the case… then maybe…
I don't know, I want a sub $500 nexus :(
$249 according to this posted deal.
And 2 years 4 months ago.
And yeah the nexus 4 never existed 4 years ago. I don't think the nexus 4,5 and 5x have been priced that much different, just exchange rates changed.
Is it just black? no white or mint?
Damn, I just bought a N6 from JB-HiFi for $548… Do they happen to allow returns after the phone has been used? :(
Not phones, unless they're faulty sadly. Can't resell them once they're opened (telco laws).
Ahh well.. Thanks for the info. Time to look for someone in need of a new phone!
On behalf of the OzBargain community, we feel sympathy for your pain.
Thank you ;_;
First world problems…
The nexus 6 is still a great phone though! Very happy with mine that I got from mobileciti :)
I agree it's a great phone but I only just upgraded from a N5 less than a month ago. Would've rather bought the N5X if they were the same price :\
JB had this for $747 (or $737?) for ages and ages, now all of a sudden it's discounted twice? Eg. 747 > 647 > 547
how ages is your ages?
Age of empires 2
Yeah, I bought mine for $728 at JB in late November. That was slightly better than the Google Play store at the time.
Going to be trying to claim the difference on my credit card's Guaranteed Pricing Scheme insurance.
Are you sure you're talking about 5X and not 6P?
I bought my 64GB Nexus 6P from JB Hifi for 840 including the Talkband b2 watch which I sold on eBay for 100 bucks. This was in November also. 728 for 5X seems a bit steep?
He is correct about the 32gb Nexus 5x pricing.
Google Play store originally listed them at:
$659 for 16gb
$739 for 32gb
Other retailers prices were around this too, at release time.
Which credit card is that with??
If it works, let us know. Will sign up for that card instantly!!
28 degrees MasterCard has that option. I believe the fee was around 2% of the closing balance
Citibank Signature. I'm not confident yet since the PDS states the lower price needs to be in a printed catalogue to claim; there's some discussions I found from Google that suggest they stick to that quite strictly (screenshots of websites weren't accepted).
How does this compare with the Huawei P8?
The Huawei actually looks like the better phone, and is cheaper, but maybe someone more knowledgeable can weigh in
It's is better than that rubbish
You mean, the Nexus 5x is better than the Huawei P8?
Huawei, good physical body but software & OS is damn horrible
cheers! Been after a phone to replace my aging, cracked screened and unpatched SG2!
Get something cheaper
Grab a Nokia 3310. Cheap as, and a battery life to die for.
You'll never regret it.
Good weapon too
Snake is addictive too.
This or hold out for a decent Xperia Z5 deal?
…I may be waiting a while.
Beware, once you get used to having a waterproof phone you may find it hard to go back. (also beware that that while Sony advertise their phones are IP certified they still say you shouldn't put them in water and don't warranty water damage wtf)
Thanks for your advice!
I noticed Google has also dropped the price on these
$479 for 16gb
$559 for 32gb
Which they are calling "$100 off".
Nice find. Waiting for sub $400
I paid ~$500 for the 32gb, which now doesn't seem so good but 2 weeks ago was unbeatable for local stock!
28 Degrees my fiend
anybody tried to trade in their old mobile phone for $200 to bring the price of this 5x down to $347?
Yes, you could trade in an old phone to get $200 credit, but it would have to be a fairly decent phone and you could probably get a better price on Gumtree or eBay.
My understanding is that JB Hifi will allow a trade-in of almost any smartphone or tablet, as credit towards a new phone or tablet purchased on the same day. This is a standard service that they offer to all customers.
However, the trade-in is provided by a 3rd-party company that JB Hifi has a deal with. JB have access to the 3rd-party's database that will determine what value will be put on your traded phone. If you bring in an old busted phone, your trade-in value will be very low (or zero). If your phone model isn't on their list, they can't offer you a trade-in value at all.
There's currently a special promotion where any working phone (even if it's very old, cracked screen etc) can be traded in for $200, but ONLY when traded as credit for the purchase of a Samsung S6 Edge. This deal does not apply to the purchase of any other phone.
Thanks for your detailed explanation. Cheers
Just a JB and the ticket on the 5X and 6P says $50 trade in
According to many sources, Galaxy S7 will be out in February
Buy fro JB HI-FI end up better as you can claim the GST. If you got it from Google store, they do not include GST and funnel all the earning to overseas to avoid paying the Australian Tax..
Sadly, I think this promotion has ended :( Wanted to buy one today, but found out the price has gone back to $647 for the 32gb variant.
I m not sure if it can help as I know there is some current promo ($20 discount) at T-dimension, you might check it out.
Can you do $200 old phone trade in as well on this?