This was posted 9 years 2 months ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Tontine "I Need Memory Foam Support" Contour Pillow $20 (Estimated RRP $50-80) @ The Reject Shop


Excellent price for brand-name memory foam pillow.

Availability and dates unknown - seemed to be "normal price" - not in current catalogues. Appears to be a deleted line.

Tontine product names are bizarre and annoying. Even more bizarre is that other companies are coping the "I..", "This is…", "My..", "Our.." format.

Image of pillow

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The Reject Shop
The Reject Shop

closed Comments

  • is this nationwide offer?

  • +1

    Memory Foam has been known to cause allergy issues , so this is at a good price to test if it causes any issue and throw it away if it does ( else a bonus gr8 pillow )

    • Are you thinking of Latex?

      New Memory Foam does have a strong smell for a few days which will make hypochondriacs "feel sick", but I'm not aware of any actual known allergy.

      EDIT: I spoke too soon.

  • +3

    Memory Foam (petrochemical petroleum based) isnt the healthiest material to use for a pillow.. i know i wouldnt want to be breathing in all those toxic off gas fumes every night while i sleep.

    Stick to 100% Natural Aussie latex, cotton, wool or feathers.

    • I've got a downtime memory foam pillow, with a protector installed I can't make out any smells from it.

      • after 3-6 months most of the fumes would have dissipated along with the smell.. Some of the fumes are orderless.. I would still avoid using it when their are so many natural alternatives out there.

        • +1

          orderless not odourless ?

        • +1

          @kryzstoff: I guess he means you shouldn't order it….

    • +5

      You'd probably hate to know what the devices you use to access OzBargain are made out of then!

      • +4

        normal Foam and hard plastics have a short off gas life, sometimes they are almost odor free by the time they go from the factory/store to your home.

        Also, i dont SLEEP on my keyboard and mouse.. unless it was a long night of league of legends

  • How did you come across this? Did you see instore? which state?

  • +1

    FYI.. called 5 stores in eastern suburbs of VIC, noone has stock.


    Doncaster East The Pines
    Blackburn Shopping centre
    Burwood shopping centre
    Forest Hill Chase

    • +1

      Sorry Wikiwiki. This was in suburban/metro Adelaide.

  • +2

    This is a good deal, but bear in mind if the evening room temperature is around 27°C+ memory foam and latex retain a lot of heat and will usually make it harder to sleep (they also become even more soft). Best to keep down pillows handy for warm weather.

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