I'm currently with TPG and want to switch to Telstra prepaid. I was looking at the Telstra Prepaid Freedom Plus plan and seems to be suitable for me as I use about 1gig data per month. I've read the wiki about Telstra prepaid ( https://www.ozbargain.com.au/wiki/telstra_pre-paid_starter_pack_guide?s[]=telstra ), especially the section on "FREEDOM+ Scheme for lots of calls & plenty of spare Credit" about 10 times already but I'm still confused about how to get the most out of this plan. If I sign up for Prepaid Freedom Plus do I have to port in and out my number every 28 days to avoid the expiry of my account? What are the options I can look at if I need to use about 1 G data per month?
Thanks in advance
You only need to port in and out if you want to use the discounted starter packs. If you recharge it's $30 per 28 days.