JB Hifi $200 OFF Gold, Green or White Samsung S6 Edge $798 Gold Green White Only
Ends Sunday 17 January 2015
Outright, instore and online.
This coupon is unique and can only be used once. Offer valid for instore & online transactions until the close of trade Sunday 17th January 2016, offer cannot be extended. Coupon cannot be used in conjunction with any other coupon offer. Coupon limited to one per transaction and valid for a gold, green or white Samsung S6 Edge 32Gb (Outright) only (SKU 728444, 728445, 706371). Offer while stocks last. Excludes delivery charges. $200 off will be calculated from the current ticket price. Offer can be redeemed through the presentation of coupon including the barcode contained within this email at any store in Australia or by visiting www.jbhifi.com.au, adding the specified product to your shopping cart and entering the coupon code number in the box provided at checkout. Barcode and numbers within the barcode must be legible when presenting instore.
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GENERIC CODE 92250501819
**Generic PDF copy for in store purchases - Just print it out. Thanks samehada
So no coupon code or trade in required. I'm in a store and they have tried for 30 minutes and can't get it to process