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Free: Learn Web Scraping with Node.js @ Udemy

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Course Description

In this course you will learn how to scrape data from web pages using the Request and Cheerio node modules.
We'll begin with an overview of how Request works to download pages and pipe out data.
Next, we'll look at the Cheerio and how we can use jQuery-like syntax to retrieve elements off a page.
Then we'll take what you've learned to create 2 sample web apps to scrape and display data first to our console then to a web page.

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closed Comments

  • +11

    Nice, this one will come in handy for my OZZBargain.com.au website ;)

  • +8

    My 397th course I'll never do

    • +1

      I'm up to 389 and have started half a dozen. Roll on retirement :-)

      • +6

        I need a course on how to do courses first.

        • Coursera's most popular course is "Learning How to Learn", go nuts

    • I've made the rookie mistake and actually paid for a course… that I'll never do of course

      • OMG that wd devastate me. I've heard that Amazon will give your money back if you accidentally buy a book - maybe udemy is the same??

  • Thanks OP. This should come in handy.

  • Thank you, should be useful.

  • You should already somewhat familiar with Node.js. We're using express.js to set up our server and create a few routes. So some prior in experience is helpful.

  • +1

    For the very basics of Node.js, start from this course


  • I just use https://github.com/ruipgil/scraperjs Awesome!
    Still, might check it out. I like scraping for fun.

    • Looks great!

  • Thanks. Looks interesting.

  • I have in the past paid for a licence for a software scraper to pull contact details from YellowPages.com.au and so on
    Limited searches for legit reasons - I am not a spambot bastard :)
    I find most programs aren't designed for AU site and frequent changes at YP 'break' the software
    Does anyone have any experience with Scraping YP.com.au and want to share
    Or if I sit this course what's my chances of being able to do this myself?
    Background - tech savvy, love AHK scripts etc. but not a programmer

    • So what do you want to do with the contact details?

      • We do use them to contact potential B2B customers in low numbers and in a personal and professional way
        I like many here don't much like direct marketing approaches
        But many of the people we contact are quite friendly and happy to be quoted and very satisfied if they take up the offer

    • If your not a coder (pffft) then maybe this would suit you….

      Here's a simple scrape for you to try….
      …just import it. And dont blame me for the eFd up address as I couldnt get it to recognize anything!!

      • Thanks for the tips - Chrome app looks interesting
        I am keen on experimenting a bit
        Can you expand on 'just import it' - import into what
        Don expect a full tutorial - just point me in the direction of where to start

        • After you install the extension, press f12 to bring up the console bit and then select its tab "Web Scraper" and then click on "Create sitemap" and then on "Import sitemap", paste the pastebin into the box and click "Import Sitemap".

          This extension can be a little tricky to get started on, have a look at his videos. I couldnt figure out squat before I saw them ;P.
          If you have any problems, woteva, feel free to ask away.
          And if you hit the click bug (I cant remember exactly what it was) tell me and Ill tell you how to install the fix. I fixed it wonks ago, but have a shocking memory so cant recall what the exact problem was ;P. Not usually a problem tho.

  • +1

    I'm the author.

    Here's a couple other free courses I recently released:

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