Crazy price at only $0.01 each. Easily the cheapest anywhere.
100x Tealight Candles $1 @ Masters

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Don't forget their never ending 10% off usually found at the end of woolworths receipts and woolworths gift card D:
Just in time for bushfire season…
Sarcasm before anyone thinks I could be serious about this…You're such an Arson
Perfect for the Zombie Apocalypse!
they get attracted to the light
That's why they're perfect.
Pro Ozbargainer would melt down the tin and sell it at a profit.
My Dad does this.
I guess if you don't value your time, or you get your jollies out of smelting metals and selling small amounts of commodity metals.
Why the hell are you making this post sir, I guess you don't value your own time now that I see that you replying to a post making a joke that the poster doesn't value their own time like you do as though you are some sort of authority on how someone else should behave when you aint.
Because I get my jollies this way?
Any specials on 9-hour candles?
This clearance price is only available in the CHULLORA store. Whilst stock lasts. Please check your local store for local pricing.
Try changing your store. It's a national offer.
$1 at Box Hill, Vic.
Received my order is ready for collection email this morning and bit p*ssed off that when I went into the store nothing is there. First time doing business with masters and it will be the last.
They did that to me too, bought some wallpaper off them, went to collect it from Hawthorn East and was told they had sold my order. SOLD the order I had already paid for. Not much the staff could do as they didn't have any more in stock but left a sour taste in my mouth as that was my first time dealing with Master's and not Bunnings.
Hi Ozbargainers: What are you going to do with 100 tealights?
Turn off every light in the house and use these instead. Just think of the savings!
Set my world on fire.
Buddhist offering and prayers.
I once helped go through 1000 of these in a weekend.I will use them to kill fleas
Nothing unusual. Maybe set the mood for a bath, do a bit of satanic worship, burn some fragrent essential oil, something like that
Burn bakhour.
Wedding Planner. We'd put fancy washi/glitter tape around them and sell them for 50c each to clients. Wedding = everything suddenly costs a whole lot more.
Measure the luminous intensity of my eneloop powered cree flashlights in candela units.
Thanks TA you light up my life.
you light up my life
Like nobody else…
Lots of bright sparks here
Great post, thanks, TA.
Bunnings price beat?
Cheers OP brightened up my day.
No stock in Adelaide
Even stores which show low stock still won't let you click and collect.
What can you do with that many candles? Other than lighting atmosphere in a bar / restaurant
My old house mate at uni lit 100 candles in his little room as a valentines day surprise for his gf. It was so hot in there when she walked in that they had to blow them all out. Many candles makes a lot of heat not just light!
If you are having dinner in your backyard you can use these candles to keep the food hot. That's what some restaurants and caterers do with these candles.
None in CBR
Uhhh, is it too cynical to guess they're dumping them because they're the ones with lead in the wick ?
No thanks.good to hear. But so are un-cetified USB chargers that can kill you, so I'd be surprised if leaded-wick tealights weren't still offered for sale
It's actually a good point - not because they're likely to have lead in them but have you ever held a candle up to the roof? Guess where all that black crap goes when it doesn't have a handy roof in the way.
Who the hell holds candles up to the roof? Is this a thing now?
Maybe youre talking about unburnt wax when you for example put a spoon or something through the flame and it goes black?
Maybe youre talking about unburnt wax when you for example put a spoon or something through the flame and it goes black? Said black crap would get burned otherwise
No option to purchase online?
I am going to visit my local Masters store for the first in time in a very long time for this. (8km away, will definitely cost me more in petrol)
You haven't converted to candle powered steam engine yet?
Bunnings Price Beat by 10% = 90c each. Score!
I doubt any place would price beat a clearance item. Try your luck though.
I'd definitely try my luck given that they're direct competitors, I'd be surprised if you weren't price matched considering it's 0.9 dollars.
Let us know how you go.
Awesome! Got a few these came in handy in the storm season last year during blackout etc, :)
None left at Chullora NSW, Saturday morning drive fail.
Thanks for the post so I won't waste my time and petrol getting there.
Awesome, now all I need is a lock of hair and my shrine to tightarse will be compete
I would like to remind all ozbargainers that open candles are a fire hazard and to please take care.
I think a safer way to use these candles is inside some kind of glass or ceramic enclosure.
Sir, you are the reason why other people don't get a fair go at good deals. Very considerate of you to get 20. What are you going to do with that many candles?? Set up your own church and have a vigil for those of us who didn't get even one?
the 20 pack of candles i get is for the Church use my friend is not for my personal use.
thats awfully nice, well done
Thanks TA organised 10 packs.
2 packs left at Coomera, none at Nerang.Bibralake WA sold out of their 8 boxes
out of stock in cairns
Masters.. They wouldn't need to do $1 deals if there was a store within 15km of my inner-city Sydney suburb. Good deal though.
Picked up 20 about an hour ago from Springfield Lakes - they were marked at $3 so nobody seemed to take much notice of them. Even surprised the lady at the checkout. There must've been 20 boxes of 8x100 in each left on the floor, truckloads.
Plenty left in Joondalup WA - went to collect my lot today.
They were in the online clearance section a few weeks ago and my click & collect went through…then got a call to advise that they weren't in stock.
Out of stock at Springfield. Alas was going to get them for my wife's birthday. More than enough for a candle for every year…
I know most people use these for (very) cheap candles, but I wonder how many people use them for their intended use: to maintain heat in a teapot…usually a cast-iron one..? I now do, and it works brilliantly, so good if you're a tea nerd. To be honest I didn't associate tealights with tea at first. Not sure how I found out their original use, at which point it was a "doh!" moment :) Anybody else?
Tealight palmoil candles.