Found this for $19, while checking out this deal for $9 (which they also had stock of)
Mount Druitt had heaps of stock.
Link to scanner showing price of $19 -
Found this for $19, while checking out this deal for $9 (which they also had stock of)
Mount Druitt had heaps of stock.
Link to scanner showing price of $19 -
+1 for scanner showing price of $19. I like that.
This is a duplicate post. Was posted 2 days ago.
Admin please remove.
Kmart Penrith had at least half a dozen of these yesterday. There was no price on the shelf but they did scan at $19.
I've started using mine and I'm a bit disappointed at the bluetooth range. It works fine if it's within 1m of the source but put it 2-3m away and it skips every 20s! Move it to the next room and it might stay connected for a while but will soon lose the bluetooth connection. I understand that bluetooth is not like wifi and only works up to 10m but practical range of this device is well under that max.
That being said, the sound is decent for a $19 device.
It's now $10 at kmart. heaps at eastgardens.
Still $19 in W.A. …
Ticketed at $25 (clearance), scans at $25 at Kmart Figtree (on the price check machines in store).
Wow nice price Barry
Good Find