There is a limit of 1 redemption per Member.
Voucher is valid until 7/1/18
MOD: 400-4000 points required
There is a limit of 1 redemption per Member.
Voucher is valid until 7/1/18
MOD: 400-4000 points required
+1 for subscribing too. Picked up a $20 voucher!
How do you subscribe?
Look up to the box that says "Related Store" and hit the subscribe button
Also $50. Yeah baby!
score! got rid of my 2000 points for a $100 JBHIFI voucher thanks !
Same here. Got a $100 voucher. I used 200 points the other day and this morning I was sitting on 1900 points. Luckily I had exactly 10 labels and could claim my prize. (even if I was one short I would have gone out and bought a coke - makes me laugh when every time a coke rewards deal gets posted someone says they are short by 1 label hinting for someone to give them a code)
It's one of each amount right? Total$370
Down to 10K in points now ;)
Holy shit. Are you pulling bottles out of bins and have minions working for you whilst drinking A LOT of Coke? That's insane!
Not the rewards that came to mind: mood swings, paranoia, insomnia, psychosis, high blood pressure, tachycardia, panic attacks, cognitive impairments and drastic changes in personality.
Voucher is valid until 7/1/18
That's what Dick Smith said too !!!
Dick's vouchers are perhaps still valid, just worthless, unless purchased from Coles or you want to help a Russian.
Woolies have joined the party now with no proof of purchase required…
Moral of the story:
Oh well thats the end of humanity.
awesome! just grabbed $550 worth! not much left in my accounts now after grabbing $400 of the last lot!
well done! Pity you can't use them towards your dental bills !!
dont drink that much coke… cleaners at work recycle all the bottles, we have them trained to pull the labels off them, 3 of us get 30 labels a week each.
I might go through a few litres a week with my mates while drinking spirits. (as in me and 5mates will go through a few liters… not me personally)
I was just kidding - I think if you have access to and the ability to train the cleaners, it is almost criminal if you don't! - Well done
Good to see you taking advantage of the cleaners and not letting them in on the deal. You will go far in management. If only you had real friends to laugh about it with.
How do you know the cleaners aren't in on the deal? Who would take the labels off 90 bottles of Coke for nothing?
@Expon: the cleaner who gets the labels does it is over 65 years old, and has no idea how to do it herself… however, one of the other guys that gets the labels off her, has a secondary account which he intends to redeem something for her..
I gave her $100 when I won the $5000. and she is happy to do it to help out (the same as when she babysits my son)
the other cleaners that round up the bottles for her are just doing their jobs.
also, I am not in management, I am as low on the pecking order as the cleaners are.
Diet coke is your friend
Who's friend, its just as bad for you, just not the obvious way being sugar. Acidity still ruins your teeth, and all the other health concerns related to any form of Coke…
sweet. managed to score two JB vouchers. now to go waste them on a hideously expensive sonos 2-pack that I want but don't need.
Another $320 worth of vouchers plus $430 from last time and $125 coming from Coles. Mmmm a new tv or a new laptop?
thanks 1 x $100 and 1 x $50 my way.
too bad they don't sell eneloops
Too bad Coke Rewards is also getting dicked soon…
thank you op. don't know what to buy yet. seems not much interest in $10 iTunes card
Damn, had a bunch of labels stockpiles (about 1,200 worth) and now frantically loading up my accounts to get to at least 400 per account. Going to take another week or two to do it. Will probably have to wait till the next JB Hifi gift voucher deal as these usually pass by quick. I usually only get the Hoyts movie tickets but it has been over a year since they were last on the site. (About Dec 2014).
I sent an email about that a month ago (just before the announcement about the programme ending) asking if they could bring them back. They said, "We'll take that on board."
Vouchers :)
To anyone waiting for the next rewards deal, I would caution against that as the following can be found in the Coke Rewards FAQS part of the site.
"What’s happening to Coke Rewards?
Having carefully reviewed Coke Rewards, we have decided to close the program. The last day to enter codes and redeem rewards will be 11.59 (AEST) on 21 July 2016."
So there's no guarantee they might restock gifts.
yeah they announced the program closure in mid December. on that same day they added a whole bunch of rewards. heading into xmas, they were adding stuff nearly every day as well.
quite a few people have commented that they cashed out their tokens only to not have enough when the JB vouchers were added.
tl;dr i reckon there will be a few more things added in the 6 months between now and july ;)
Yeah I wasted money on headphones because I missed every voucher release, spewing because it wasn't much but could have become jbhifi money :P
Cheers. Got another $20 voucher.
Damn it out of 50 again. I never win on this stupid system.
Roughly how many bottles would be necessary for a $50 one? It's about 10 points per bottle, isn't it?
Correct, so that's 100 bottles, which takes at least 10 weeks as you can only do 10 labels per week
Alright, thanks :)
10 Labels per week = 100 Points, so yes, 10pts per label.
I've never used a Coke Rewards JB Voucher, if you don't use the whole amount, do they just give you the balance on a normal JB Gift Card, like they do for any other Gift Card?
I read the T &C's but is doesn't specify Coke Rewards.
Maybe it's a stupid question….
Would be nice to see into the future if they are getting more Coles/Myer Group Vouchers, guess I will just grab more JB ones, I see a drone in my future.
***I remember reading on Cokes T & C's originally, that they can close the program at anytime after they have given 90 days notice, so I wouldn't count on it going to July either. *** Which would probably upset a few people but within their rights.
i've never left a balance hanging but when they email you the JB voucher, it's a PDF which you have to print out in order to redeem in-store (they can't scan the barcode off your phone), OR just copy and paste the voucher number + PIN to use it online.
if you print it out, it's just like any other gift card that they scan/swipe at the checkout so i'd imagine you'd get your piece of paper back with the balance written on it.
what other people have done is buy a physical gift card with their e-gift card. this has the benefit of extending your card expiry. you may encounter some resistance from staff who don't know this is possible, but it definitely is.
Correct, I have used a Coke Rewards JB voucher as partial payment and it's the same as a card; they just write the remaining balance on the paper.
the rule still applies -
10 tokens per week = 100 rewards
bah, only $200 JB vouchers left! fun for the peeps who have 4000 coke rewards vouchers remaining! not including myself :(
Looks like there is only $200 ones left?
So do they have to pull them down and put up again to claim again?
I would love to use more points on $200 vouchers…..
i redeemed those $20 ones last time and can't claim it again. grrr. although it means someone else can redeem it instead. but still. grrr :)
Does it say offer already used?
I thought each time they Newly posted you can claim?
maximum redemptions reached
i thought the same as you. perhaps it was too soon from the last batch of rewards posted ¯_([oo])_/¯
@PLANT: yes. do it at a self-serve checkout and get staff authorisation to put funds on the JB card. hide your CM card until they walk away ;)
Cm card?
@tdw: DOH Palm hits forehead!
So do you ask for $350 on ONE JBHIFI card and then put in the 3 CM card numbers to get the credit on it or do you have to do individual cards?
@PLANT: you could. do it as split payments (won't need staff auth for payment). i've never done the same myself
@tdw: Sorry split payments? 3 x paymnets at three different times? Or get 3 gift cards and ask to put money on each JBHIFI and then pay total via each CM gift card on total?
@PLANT: three of your CM cards to make up the single $350 card in one go.
"split payment" refers to the button you hit on the self-serve checkout system.
You should contact Coke, because I was able to get another $100 JB Voucher, it looked like all the Vouchers were reset, unless you are talking about the Coles/Myer ones, I didn't get any last time, so don't know if they are same method as JB.
Argghh, should have waited, had a feeling they might turn up today. Oh well, got one Coles/Myer one, have to accrue more points now. I'm sure I won't have trouble spending the money at JB over 2 years anyway. :-)
you can go to coles and buy a jb hifi gift card with your coles gift card ;) see my epic convo with PLANT above lol
lol I saw that, take some panadol for your headache, but can you go to JB and buy Coles Vouchers with your JB Vouchers? pmsl. I have plenty of JB ones since they reset them, I was going to wait to see if the Coles/Myer ones turned up as I didn't have any of them and they can cover the beverages for Summer. I redeemed points for $300 of JB this morning, to add to the pile, I always wanted a Drone, very tempting, but might get a Lens instead. :-)
Yesss! Missed out on the $100 vouchers last time. I subscribed to coke rewards alrets on here this time so got in early! Thanks heaps OP!