OK Bogans. Dont know what to do with your $25 Kogan voucher from handing in your worthless Dick Smith giftcards?
Get 5 of these for you and your mates and celebrate Australian Day in true Bogan Style
Aussie, Aussie, Aussie…. Oi Oi Oi
OK Bogans. Dont know what to do with your $25 Kogan voucher from handing in your worthless Dick Smith giftcards?
Get 5 of these for you and your mates and celebrate Australian Day in true Bogan Style
Aussie, Aussie, Aussie…. Oi Oi Oi
Noted: Comes with a 1 Year Australian Warranty:
Support & Repairs
Phone & Email Support
The repair clause might get a workout.
Did not see that in the T's&C's so should be good.
Or your racial slurs…
Whom in particular did he slur? "Ungrateful members of our multicultural community" is a race?
Flags can be misused a lot of ways by a lot of different kinds of bigots
So can religions.
Is there a correct usage of religions?
i.e. Strictly for entertainment purposes only.
There are some ungrateful members of our multicultural community who wouldn't hesitate one second to burn this…
i herd u like whataboutisms so we put a whataboutism in yo whataboutism so you can whatabout it while you whatabout it
Flags should never touch the ground, or be worn as its not meant to be a cover. So not only is say thongs, towels, undies, and flags draped over shoulders nationalistic bullshit, its very disrespectful. So next time youre stepping on the flag (thongs) or wrapping your nuts in it, or get tired of wearing it around your shoulder like a cape and toss it in a bag, or on the grass, or in the boot of your car, think about that. You may as well be burning it.
Not to mention there is a procedure for disposing of them too.
Theres a flag statute of 1953 that predates the modern racial nonsense, sadly, no one thinks about it. Just the nationalist jingoist bullshit.
The beauty of Australia, youre free to disrespect the flag, even if you think youre proudly supporting it.
You sound like you are from India… In India there are still rules about how you can and cannot use the national flag.. Certainly no undies and thongs.
Not meant to be a cover? Aren't the US really anal about flag usage? And don't they use them to cover coffins?
@rhangman: Coffin is an exception.
From https://www.itsanhonour.gov.au/symbols/flag.cfm#protocols
The flag can be used to cover the coffin of any Australian citizen at their funeral.
The upper left quarter or canton should be draped over the ‘left shoulder’ of the coffin to represent the heart.
The flag should be removed before the coffin is lowered into the ground or after the service at a crematorium.
@dealman: Nope, Aussie born and bred. Irish/English heritage. Point was if you feel strongly enough to parade the flag about, you should feel compelled to treat it with the expected level of respect. Not sure how you can claim one, if you ignore the other. Do as you like, Im just stating facts.
However India isnt alone. NZ, France, Denmark, Germany, Croatia to name a few all have laws regarding it. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flag_desecration
Thanks, I'll wait for the Australian Flag, Towel & Cape (3-in-1).
Nope, Aussie born and bred. Irish/English heritage.
Good to know absolutely Totally against flag desecration, In fact I also found Thongs and undies in flag prints offensive but hey each to their own.
I think if you start putting flags on Thongs and undies it looses some of it's value
Point was if you feel strongly enough to parade the flag about, you should feel compelled to treat it with the expected level of respect.
Absolutely agree. And we do even as capes. yes the kids wear em and we took lots of photos with them on Australia Day. But that is not with any sense of dis respect.
Interesting reading. We really are a bunch of ockers aren't we :)
I just read that Howard opposed implementing laws to criminalise defacing the flag, saying "…in the end I guess it's part of the sort of free speech code that we have in this country".
I don't think too many consider that they are exercising their freedom of speech by treating it as such.
No offense meant mate, families and people should celebrate how they please and what makes them happy, but disrespect regarding the flag is not about intent. Its objective, not subjective (albeit the current official views were based on opinions). Flying a flag is fine, using it as a coffin cover is OK too but pretty much anything else, while perfectly legal, is disrespectful. Im not saying its not fun to fly one on the Falcon or Commodore, or let the kiddies run around in it in some form or another, or sip a coldie from stubby cooler with the flag on it. But despite the intention, despite truly noble thoughts and feelings, its disrespectful. Clothing arent really a flag, they have the wrong proportions, but the flag is meant to be of set proportions. So the items themselves are disrespectful, let alone wearing them, and disposing of them when worn out.
Ill give you an idea of the level of respect expected. The flag should be raised at sunrise (not before), and taken down before dusk. If left up at night, it should be illuminated.
Dignity of the flag
The flag should not be allowed to fall or lie on the ground. The flag should not be used to cover a statue, monument or plaque or an unveiling ceremony; to cover a table or seat; or to mask boxes, barriers or the space between the floor and the ground level on a dais or platform. The flag should never be flown when in damaged, faded or dilapidated condition. When the material of the flag deteriorates to a point where it is no longer suitable for use, it should be destroyed privately, in a dignified way.
Like I said, were free to do as we please, and should be…
@SlickMick: There is a significant difference in consequences to a society when an act is made illegal through legislation, versus making it socially unacceptable by condemnation. Example, if I started going around calling Weary Dunlop an a**hole, I would be loudly condemned. I would have my opinion criticised and denounced and there would be a social cost to pay. And in my own opinion rightly so.
But if it was legislated that, for instance, insulting the ANZAC memory was illegal and did the same thing, I could end up in jail. Look at Thailand, their lèse majesté law makes it illegal to "insult or threaten" the royal family. I'm sure you've read stories about journalists who get into trouble by publishing something that could be interpreted as critical, and therefore insulting, to their king. This makes it extremely difficult for objective commentary about them. How can something be debated if everyone has to be on one side of the fence by law?
My point here is that once a freedom to do something is affected by writing a law against it, there are flow on effects to a society. If you truly believe in freedom, you believe that a person should be able to express themselves and leave it to the people to determine how comfortable they are with that view via social discourse, and not via the government or the courts enforcing it.
That picture on wiki, a girl has a flag on her ass. SHE IS WIPING THE FLAG ON HER ASS! OH NO THATS UNGRATEFUL!
Off to Cronulla this Australia Day KaptnKKaos?
Nothing to say except your an idiot.
youse're ?
Why burn a perfectly quilted piece of fabric?
Something ironic about grey import Aussie flags!
Sold by Russians.
of the Jewish variety
Sold by Belarusian to be precise. According to wiki, Ruslan Kogan was born in Babruysk, Byelorussian Soviet Socialist Republic, Soviet Union.
Although his home town is quite famous among Russians.
As a 100% owned and operated Australian company, we are proud to offer the Australia Day Cape Flag for 2015!
Made in China.
Made in China by machines powered from electricity generated from Australian Gas and Coal. Mwahahahaha
It is quite funny how Australians have that orgasm over the prospect that it is australian made though.
@spn: yeah, the idea of trying to buy products made in a way that generates Australian jobs while complying with minimum environmental standards sure is hilarious.
There's a cosmetic company "Face of Australia" proudly made in china.
Have people gotten their $25 from Kogan already?
I doubt I'll get my $25 within 25 hrs time!
Or click and collect from Cronulla Beach
Kick and collect**
Straya. I get my flags off gumtree
Sittin' at home last Sunday mornin' me mate Boomerrang Said he was havin' a few people around for a barbie, Said he might Kookaburra or two.
I said, "Sounds great, will Wallaby there?"
He said "Yeah and Vegemite come too".
So I said to the wife "Do you wanna Goanna?". She said "I'll go if Dingos".
So I said "Wattle we do about Nulla?"
He said "Nullabors me to tears, leave him at home."
We got to the party about two and walked straight out the kitchen to put some booze in the fridge. And you wouldn't believe it, there's Boomer's wife Warra sittin there tryin to Platypus!
Now, I don't like to speak Illawarra, but I was shocked, I mean how much can a Koala bear.
So I grabbed a beer, flashed me Wangarratta and went out and joined the party.
Pretty soon Ayers Rocks in and things really started jumpin'. This Indian girl, Marsu, turns up, dying to go to the toilet but she couldn't find it. I said to me mate Al, "Hey, where can Marsupial?" He said "She can go outback with the fellas, she's probably seen a cockatoo".
Well just then Warra comes out of the kitchen with a few drinks for everybody. Fairdinkum, you've never seen a Coolabah maid. I grabbed a beer and said, "Thanks Warra - tah".
always loved this, by Austen Tayshus for those that don't know :)
To add to this, it was written by Billy Birmingham (12th Man) and performed by Austen Tayshus.
A couple of Queensland at the party, one smellin' pretty strongly of aftershave. One of 'em sat down next to me and I turned to him and I said, "Ya know mate, Eureka Stockade!"
It was a really hot day; Oscar felt like a swim. He said to Ina, "Do you want a have a dip in the Riverina?" She said "I haven't got my Kosciusko".
Well Bo says, "Come in starkers, Wattle Lake Eyre!" Ina says "What, without so much as a Thredbo?" Ah, Perisher thought! Has Eucumbine in yet?
Well a few of the blokes decided to play some cricket. Boomer says "Why doesn't Wombat?" "Yeah, and let Tenterfield".
He said I should have a bowl but I was too out of it to play cricket so I suggested a game of cards. I said to Lyptus "Wanna game of Eucalyptus?" He said "There's no point mate, Darwins everytime."
Well Bill said he'd like a smoke. Nobody knew where the dope was stashed. I said "I think Merinos." But I was just spinning a bit of a yarn. Barry pulls a joint out of his pocket. Bill says "Great, Barrier Reefer, what is it mate?" "Noosa Heads of course. Me mate Adelaide 'em on me." And it was a great joint too, Blue Mountains away and his Three Sisters.
Well I thought I'd roll one meself, I said "Chuck us the Tally Hobart". He said "They're out on the Laun, Ceston, can you get em for us?" Burnie says "Its okay mate, she's apples, I'll get em for ya"
Just then Alice Springs into action, starts to pack Billabong. And you wouldn't believe it, the bongs broken. I said "Lord Howe!"
"Hay-man" somebody says "Will a Didgeridoo?" I said "Hummmmm mummmm mummmmm mummmmm maybe it'll have ta."
I look in the corner and there's Bass sittin there, not getting into it, not getting out of it, I said "What, is Bass Strait or somthin?" Boomer says "As a matter a fact mate, he's a cop" I said "Ya jokin mate, a cop, I'm getting outta here, lets Goanna." She said "No way, I'm hangin round till Gum leaves. Besides, I dont wanna leave Jacardanda party on his own. Have you seen him? I think he's trying to crack on Toowoomba, he's already tried to Mount Isa And he'll definitely try to lead you Australiana!"
Yay!!! Aussie flags made in China!!
How Australian…
It seems quite entrepreneurial to me to have another nation slaving away to make flags for us.
Perhaps the Chinese should be indignant that their resources are being used for our benefit.
I won't buy until it is made in Australia. Seriously, the flag means nothing for me if it's not to show off my pride for Oz. I feel insulted when I hold on to an Aussie flag that was made in you-know-where. Furthermore, it's not some rocket science that we cannot make it here. Maybe we have to pay 50% more (~ 2.5$?) which I'm willing to do. No racism here. I would say the same if it is made in somewhere else and not Oz.
Good luck with that.
Pretty much EVERYTHING is made in China. Toys, food in Coles, you, me, everything.
What you wrote makes zero sense. Can you rephrase?
we make oil. China makes flags.
I tried to make it simple for you. I think you're going to have to take an economics class. Basically, every does what they do best, ad sel it the the others. Everybody wins.
@SlickMick: I think you need to improve your English and take extra economics class. I was questioning you because you seem to lack a basic grasp of the English language and the lack of general comprehension skills.
First, what you wrote makes no sense ''the Chinese should be indignant that their resources are being used for our [Australia's] benefit''.
Actually, they would not be ''indignant'' as you put it because their resources, that ultimately produces goods, are sold to other countries like Australia. So a country ''slaving away to make flags for us'' is not free for our benefit as they're profiting from the sale of these flags. Thus, this is contrary to what you stated where they should be ''indignant'' when subsequently stating that ''everybody wins''.
Second, Australia doesn't ''make'' oil. They dig up the oil in which they sell to manufacturing countries that require these resources like China. China in turn produces goods that are bought by consumers in Australia and around the world.
Judging by your grammar, punctuation and nonsensical ramble, it would be ironic to advise someone to take extra class for that matter.
Yours Sincerely,
Mathematics/Statistics/Economics Honours Graduate.
Terribly sorry that my keyboard was playing up, but I really don't come here for improving my spelling or grammar.
Your making my (sarcastic) point. We shouldn't be indignant that China make our flags either.
We get flags cheaper by having China make them, so we win. China profits by making a margin. They win. Win win.
You clearly are well educated in English and mining as well as economics and have found many flaws in my in depth analysis. Bravo.
Why God, do they make capes? They're an awful idea.
Because Aussie supermen are our superiors.
Flag-capes make Aussies wog-proof and give them super powers.
Disposable protestwear…
Naaah we got them last year, the kids love em… Awesome for photos,,
As part of the government's policy to move us from mining, this aligns to innovation (new way to use flag) and agile (in time for Australia day) also moves us from manufacturing (made in china) to service (sell on street corner) real innovation would have been reversible cape Australian flag on one side indigenous flag on other side to reduce inventory needed.
Mad now I can run around and act like a bogan on Australia day!
Latest fashion label, "Bogan, by Kogan"
What about OzBogan?
Brand is always on sale
it is a shame that everyone that has an Australian flag or shows Australian pride is labelled bogan trash or a racist by idiots, especially when all other races can show and wear their flag and spout off about their home country pride so much without a peep from anyone
I agree. Thought the same thing with the Southern Cross whilst in South America. It has a deeply important presence in quechua history, it's such a cool constellation - bogans a have ruined everything here.
Yes, its true. My wife thinks that the Southern Cross is "racist".
Such a shame that that is her impression of such a great and historically important symbol. I guess she has seen it on one too many idiot utes and shirtless chest tatts. I guess I could understand her thinking it "Bogan" but racist? Maybe Cronulla caused that.
Bogans, Cronulla, and all media attention on the extreme elements of the 'reclaim' type movements, really hurts the branding of the Australian Flag.
The funny part is that most of the participants in the original Eureka Stockade were themselves migrant…making the boganisation (new word!) of the symbol even more ironic.
Tribalism is bigotry
I think you'll find a difference in someone waving a Swiss flag watching Federer play… And someone who would want to wear an Australian cape on strayaday
yes because having an australian flag on "Australia Day" is awful
Having a flag or wearing a cape? Maybe both
Flag (Made in China) around your neck with the end of it dragging in the dirt. Corona (Mexican) in your left hand. Right fist constantly clenched ready to punch the first minority that encroaches on your "freedom".
There might be a difference.
Not really, no.
Like the Swiss are the ideal, neutral in WW2, then take all the stolen goods! At least Australia chose a side and doesn't use tennis as the pinicle of their national achievements, oh and protecting the vacitcan :)
Watches? Cheese? Chocolates? Fondue? Knives? Red Cross? Higgs Bosons?
Like Australia has a choice of side. I never suggested it was ideal, nor would their participation in the war have yielded much difference either way. Everyone knows that the reason you're not speaking German or Japanese is because the United States got off their butts and the Nazis didn't know how to fight in the Russian winter.
They were quite a different bunch back then…
Unit 731 (warning, will make you sick), Sex slaves, brutal treatment of Australian prisoners etc.
I get your lighthearted jest, but I don't think this 'Welcome our new Japanese overlords' idea is to be joked around with when you don't know what they did to prisoners / people of other nations.
Just my 2 cents.
@inose: True, wasn't that long ago. Though i love Japan for tech and geography, they do some terrible things to humans and animals
@D3m3ntia: Actually the Germans had a string of strategic failures in command that would have resulted in collapse of war effort regardless of the Russian winter, this just sped up the process. Same as the US joining the war, swanning in at the end and supplying a lot of manpower and equipment from their industrial machine, simply sped up the process - defeat was for the axis was inevitable by this point, and the 'Lebensraum' plan had already begun to collapse and shrink by this point. Same as the defeat of Japan, once it was clear that they would not surrender nukes were considered the only option, this would have happened with or without the US, arguably just taking longer. Don't get me wrong, I am not belittling the US involvement in the war in any way shape of form, everyone who fought in the war made a valuable contribution, but to suggest that victory can only be attributed to them after the many years of effort by the other allied countries is foolish, and not backed by historical events in any way.