Any way to get cheap mushrooms?

I love them but at $11 per kg at coles, they are WAY too expensive to eat on a regular basis compared to other vegetables like carrots. Does anyone know places that sell cheaper ones?


  • Local food markets for a start. If you go on the last day (ie Sunday) when they will want to get rid of all stock as they usually only open fri sat sun. I got a whole box for $5 sometimes.

    • Never seen any. Are there any in sydney?

      • Yep, Sydney markets (once know as Flemington) at Homebush … go on a Sunday afternoon like the suggestion above

        • Are there any in the eastern suburbs?

        • @Question: if you go east of homebush you will find fleminton markets.

          Short of 'organic' flea market stalls around the eastern suburbs there wont be any

  • Grow your own under your bed

    Or drive out to semi rural properties under the cover of darkness where they grow wild - but dont eat the "magic" type

  • guessing you missed the sale

  • You can grow your own, Bunnings & Masters sell mushroom growing kits

    • How large are these kits, and how long do they take to grow?

  • +3

    I have some mystery mushrooms growing occasionally in my veggie patch. You can have those if you want. No warranty.

  • I am trying to grow shitake and oyster, but it's too hot here (northern NSW) to get them to fruit .

  • The price is seasonal. The fruit+veg shop I go to has them for $3-4/kg sometimes, but at other times in the year they're $15ish. The coles price never seems to change so I buy them out of season at coles.

    I go to Swansea St Markets in Vic Park if you're near there. You can also try Spud Shed.
    Edit: nm I thought you were in Perth.

  • How about can canned and or dried mushrooms?

    • Still more than $10 per kg (once you account for the liquid in the can)

  • Magic mushrooms taste better

    • That's the psilocybin a hallucinogen in the MM. Good for a lot of mental disorders but probably won't help for Ozbargain Eneloop Obsession disease :)

  • Try Aldi, I prefer them over Coles/woollies stuff and cheaper($4.49/500gms)

  • Self criopping is great. I used to do it in USA. Just buy the kit and reactivate by hitting the compost with hot steam to sterilise and get rid of the bad microorganisms/pathogens that also grow.

    Mushrooms have a low food value count but they are know to boost your immune system.

    Better when fresh picked but be careful in the wild as the notorious Death Cap mushroom tastes great but is a killer. To test a mushroom for toxins, rub one on your inner arm: if it goes red, don't use the mushroom as its poisonous. Otherwise ok.

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