Hey guys I reckon this is a bargain, seems pretty cheap. Went on static ice next cheapest was at $140.
Pretty good deal, so don't blush baby.
Hey guys I reckon this is a bargain, seems pretty cheap. Went on static ice next cheapest was at $140.
Pretty good deal, so don't blush baby.
3TB drives are the sweet spot for price/GB.
But for some reason 2TB and 4TB drives tend to have a lower failure rate than 3's.
Not that any of my 3's have failed.
Any opinion on 5TB? (Seagate.) As in failure rate compared to other sizes - do you recall reading anything? I'm trying to decide if to buy 3x 2TB, 2x 3TB, or one 5GB drive. The 5 is, as is typical - cheaper.
I think you got lost.
Nope I didn't get lost. I got downvoted into oblivion. Ozbargain bullying at its finest.
Downvoted because of irrelevancy.
With the overly flowery language you used I didn't even get the references, I didn't downvote you but I think you tried a bit too hard there mate.
Its such an obscure reference of something that recently happened in cricket, not everyone is going to pick up that.
You agreed with the statement "you got lost" and accused me of using "flowery language". And then you come back and whine at me about personal attacks? Pot. Kettle. Black. How exactly does my getting lost or using flowery language advance your argument, and how is it not a personal attack? You're only reinforcing what I said: Your education is lacking. You don't either don't understand the difference between arguing the point and making a personal attack, or you're incapable of seeing how foolish such hypocrisy makes you.
-15 for commenting on something the OP referenced and I get this baloney. Schoolyard bullies. Keep hitting the negative votes huh? See what a huge impact it makes on my life. I'm sure to lose sleep over it tonight…grow up. Incredible.
@syousef: obscure as it will be forgotten pretty quick after something else crops up. Also 3tb hdd dont make good soapboxes..
So why did OP bring it up? I see plenty of off topic discussion here that doesn't get down voted so you're working quite hard to justify this.
Once again. I was responding to the OP's reference to it. I didn't suddenly bring up the issue without any prior reference.
Anyone know what model is the 3TB in the enclosure? Want to rip them out and use in my NAS.
I don't get why a naked internal drive costs more than a portable. Is it because they know we rip them out of the case and that way they don't need to worry about warranties etc? Or are the portable drives of a lesser quality or performance?
The latter. More reliable storage, these drives are for multi-array nas setups with high write/read specs. They are rated at 1,000,000 hours mean time between failures, whilst the drives in portable storage solutions are a lot less.
Says available online, but I can't find it…
Probably a WD Caviar Green, I ripped one out of a enclosure as it was sitting in the draw doing nothing (for more than a couple of years) and put it in a PC my brother in law gave me.
Can't find the Western Digital 3tb elements external hard drive listed anywhere on the MSY web site. Only the 2tb and 4tb elements. So unable to check stock status.
MSY's website is shit.
the deal of the days are never linked so I dunno how you can order it online to pickup.
Officeworks stock this model too, so price match and less 5%.
If only its available on the MSY website to price match. OW normally check if there's stock.
Any stock in Auburn?
Stocks just started to appear this evening. Available VIC at online, clayton and pascovale. Last special were $127 at Officeworks last August.
Out of stock NSW stores. <:( Still available online NSW though.
$113.05 at Officeworks, Windsor. Backing up my network as I type. Also available at Milton OW.
Seagate 3TB NAS drive also looks good bargain.