As per title.
Not as good as the previous Ted's deal with 15% eBay discount , but not far off…
As per title.
Not as good as the previous Ted's deal with 15% eBay discount , but not far off…
What's today's standard?
You might want to buy this when it's out…
the native range is 100 to 51,200, and it can be expanded to 50-1,640,000.
LOL… 1,640,000 ISO (expanded)…
upto 1,600 is bearable. 3,200 if pushing it. personally try to avoid anything above that unless absolutely needs to.
Yeah expanded range is pretty much useless, except for maybe video when you're just trying to capture something that you would otherwise miss.
I tend to stick to 1600 and below on my smaller cameras, but am pretty happy with the performance of my 6D up to 6400
I have D610 and I don't go past 1000 anyways, only went to 2000 couple of times and it wasn't bad at all
The D500 is actually a very nice camera spec wise. It's premium DX and will cost around $4k+
I am a FF snob. So no cropped. I remember someone was telling me how good the Canon 7D was, whilst I was shooting with a 5D. Didn't appeal to me.
@googleyahoo69: I don't mind any as long as it does what it is suppose to.
FF clearly have advantages over the APSC/M43 sensors which is why I bought it as well.
what do you have now ?
had nothing until last week's "sale". Sold all my Canon gear over a year ago. 5Dii, 24-105l, 24-70L, 70-200L 4.0, sig 50-500, Tokina 19-35, 50mm 1.4.
Nikon D610… because of the sale. Ended up spend more on buying lenses and flash.
Got a G1X too, that I am in the process of selling.
@googleyahoo69: Damn! nice setup you had.
How practical was 70-200 range for shooting events? I bet you want to upgrade to 2.8 ?
I had canon gear too last year but because of the D610 sale I bought that last year.
Let me know about 70-200, as i'm in the market for one of those. I heard Tamron 70-200 f2.8 with VC is nice
I don't shooting for a living. Just a hobby. 70-200 2.8 was too heavy, tele was used outdoor 99% of the time. 4.0 was fine.
I used the 19-35 and 24-28 the most. More 19-35 when travelling overseas.
The D610 is actually good in low light and not very "noisy". You don't want to go above 6400 generally anyway, for nearly all cameras.
To the OP. It looks like the Camera is now out of stock.
pity about it's poor ISO maximum. way too low compared to todays standards.