Saw this while shopping at Woolworths in Woolloomooloo. Tastes like just like normal custard… But expires in 2 days.
Paul's Brandy Flavoured Custard 1L - $0.05 @ Woolworths Woolloomooloo NSW

Last edited 05/01/2016 - 18:42 by 2 other users
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Imagine all them girls covered in Paul's sticky custard….
"Girls"? I don't think girls would want to smother themselves in custard close to its use by date. You'd have better luck asking 30+ year old women.
I'm ready for the downvotes.
But there's a chance?
Maybe Chris Gayle could pop round as referee!!!
Don't blush baby.
Actually we should probably unpublish our comments. We may cop a 10k fine and be scrutinised by the media for being misogynists.
Don't worry if we add 'jk' at the end it will be fine.
But expires in 2 days.
Brandy flavoured tofu then ???
Seriously. Can we all just take a step back and appreciate that there is a place called "Woolloomooloo". STRAYA!
Woolies at Woolloomooloo!!!
Seriously. Can we all just take a step back and appreciate that there is a place called "Woolloomooloo". STRAYA!
Aboriginies man, gumleaves are a helluva drug!
Why is the first L doubled but not the last? o_0
tried to look around for this stuff after xmas most of my coles woolies didnt seem to have it in.
Did you try looking before Christmas? They won't get any afterwards, this just means they probably sold out.
I gave it a plus just for that name Woolloomooloo luv it:)
Wow! Going out the door
Combine purchase with an item ending in 7c to round down 2c.
7c also rounds down by itself mate :) Not gonna save a thing.
Why bother spending all that bling on 5c purchases when you can live on the 2c product, buying one at a time, which means each purchase rounds down to 0c and is free.
If you spend all day buying one at a time, you could buy a few years worth of custard, maybe use it as afuel in your car instead of petrol.
maybe use it as afuel in your car instead of petrol.
Wha'd'ya drive? A reindeer sleigh? o_0
Not sure, was thiking along the lines of fermenting it and running the car on the methanol.
For next Christmas, try making your own with real brandy. It's quite easy and tastes great.
Forget Christmas, I'm making this tomorrow!
Gutted cost me 44c in VIC ;) the 87c plum pudding will make up for it… Lots of Christmas stock dumping at Woolies Williams Landing in VIC
I am so ashamed. I bought a 1/2 price xmas pudding on xmas eve.
It's good though. Still have some, and would love to get hold of custard at this price to average down my loses.gosh I wish I liked mince pies. 87c a dozen! :)
why do they cook so many? I don't know anyone that likes them.I wish sugar was protein. :[
Brandy Custard! It's whats for breakfast! and lunch and dinner!
Why is it worth all the handling etc to sell at 5c instead of dumping?
All the handling? This would be left over stock that they just put up a price tag on. Some money > no money.
I am more bewildered as to why they wouldn't price it at 10c or even up to 50c. They would still clear the stock in no time.
i saw it at 88c yesterday, but thought they probably reduce it even more tomorrow, the fridges looked pretty full
Because stores are measured on shrinkage, which expired products are included within. Better to sell for 5 cents at a loss then dump it as a write off.
Because stores are measured on shrinkage,
Wait 'til you see the freezer section!
When I worked at Woolies the Manager override prices were scrutinised more than the shrinkage report.
After all, the whole point of a giant chain is that you get a similar experience everywhere.
Besides the accounting perks it's better than wasting stock too.
It's also better for the customer base.
I hope store managers don't follow this website. Who are you to reason why? ;)
I guess there's not a huge amount of handling, but it still seems odd to me.
If any regular custard-buyer switches from vanilla custard to brandy custard to get this deal, then they need to sell another 20 or so to make up for it.
All those cartons are checked out, packed, maybe some are dropped, maybe some are returned, all for about $5 in sales that would be pointless if two regular custarders switch.
Yes, selling at 50c or a dollar seems sensible, but I don't get the 5c.
Quiet you! ><
Brandy custard that tastes like normal custard? Still cheap at that price I suppose.
Brandy custard that tastes like normal custard…
…that's a few weeks past the expiry date.
Does this contains brandy? Means is flavor contains actual brandy or just a few essence \ chemical
Milk, skim milk, milk solids, sugar, thickener (1442)(from maize), flavours, stabilisers (452, 407, 412), colour (160a)
lol no brandy, but 3 kinds of milk :)
Thanks. I checked all thickener and stabilizer and they are good for vegetarian. However when I picked from shelf , filler said it may contains Brandy (alcohol)
Thus I thought to ask on this forum.Update:
Alcohol is in 500 gms jar but not in 1 ltr pack.
I called Paul customer care to get this details
I just copied the ingredients list from my carton,
then checked website for pauls which matched.Don't know if asking the staff at woolies is necessarily your best bet. I've had staff confuse mandarins, tangelos and oranges before……..
Though Id say some stores are better than others, having formerly worked there as a shelf filler I can say that knowing what your actually put on the shelves wasn't anywhere in woolies training.
Though some of the brandy products around Christmas actually include brandy, I've yet to find a custard that does.
Best to buy normal custard, and add your own.
Is that the Woolworths at Crown Street ? Near the Sydney boulevard Hotel ?
That's right.
Thanks OP. Just picked one up. As of 11pm Tues there was still plenty left.
Thanks OP. Just picked one up.
Just picked one up.
picked one up.
The score I made at my local Woolies was Darryl Lea - Rocklea Road at 1/2 price. Bought three boxes and doling it out judiciously. When we were kids if my parents visited Melbourne then they brought back some to share between us kids. Happy memories and still very tasty.
Time to start the custard diet!
Bought two today and they are now 1c per carton! If buying more than one, remember to buy separately and insert 5c for each purchase. The automated check out machine will spit out another 5c as change, essentially making them FREE!
That's awesome! Going to go tonight!
wow that's cheap!
time to organise some custard bikini wrestling