Much needed feedback on Social Work in London

How Would working in London as a potential social worker offer me greater and beneficial experience over staying and working in Australia?
Or conversely how would it be detrimental to my experiences?

Would appreciate any advice :)


  • +1

    What I would say is if you can score a job in Social work in the UK go for it. I have a friend of mine who actually worked in the social work field and emigrated from the UK to Australia - I couldn't believe the fantastic working conditions! (Probably the reason why the country was suffering economically just like the rest of Europe.) She got culture shock arriving here in Australia though - even in a government job her endless days off, sick days etc weren't appreciated. All I ever heard was….. when I was in the UK it wasn't like this…..

    • Thank you!!!

      • +2

        Don't get your hopes up. You will take a HUGE pay cut and the working conditions are not that good anymore. The crisis took its toll and unemployment is high - money for social services is scarce and they prefer European workers just like in Australia Aussies are given preference.
        Sponsoring won't happen and a working holiday visa you have to switch jobs after a relatively short time, just when you have built some rapport with clients and colleagues.
        For your future career, getting your foot in the job market here is a lot more beneficial and advantageous for you.

        Source: Lived there, worked there, one parent from there, many friends still working there, some in that field.

  • +1

    Leaving Australia would mean one less social worker here. Don't know if that benefits you, but it certainly benefits Australia.

  • +1

    If your job as a social worker in the UK means dealing with chavs, then it would be pretty detrimental, I'd say. Say what you want about bogans but they are preferable to chavs.

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