Dodgy Colleges running in Melbourne

Hi Guys, I have heard a lot about dodgy colleges running which where students just enrol and get Degree and don’t study. The college on the other hand makes a profitable business claiming money from Govt. etc. Any advice how such dodgy people can be reported as it’s our tax paid money ?


  • Its just how it is, the student does need to study in order to obtain their degree but the training organization can still claim the money if they only attend a few things. Also, there is a limit as to how many one can do per year and it must be classified as an upskill. A lot of people use this to get basic jobs when they have no prior qualifications.

  • That sucks then. Money down the drain….

  • It's generally Cert 3s and Cert 4s, not degrees. Bear in mind that most of the time the organisations overseeing the sector know exactly what's going on but lack resources to properly investigate anyone (TEQSA for example).

    To be honest government for a long time successive governments were happy to throw money away like this as they could legitimately reduce their 'not working or in training' numbers and pad their figures.

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