After around 6 months of development, I've just put my new app into Beta release on the google playstore.
It's a unified task organizer that integrates existing calendar events and contacts into a much more manageable To Do organizer.
I would greatly appreciate any feedback on bugs or suggestions.
Here's the Playstore beta link.
A quick video to preview the app.
More info…..
People To Do provides the organizational support you’ve been missing on smart phones with an easy-to-use, minimal app that allows you to organise your To-do list and integrate it with your existing calendar events and link them around your existing contacts. This means no more swapping apps between calendar, todo list and contacts.
It will help anyone organize their Tasks and appointments in a much more efficient singular approach.
This app will benefit anyone who needs better personal organization but particularly;
Sales people, mothers, community workers, managers/bosses, supervisors who want an employee to do list tracker, anyone who deals with multiple book ins from customers - such as mechanics, social group organizers - such as Dojo's, dance schools, church groups, and many more.
+Makes use of your existing Google Contacts
+Makes use of your existing Google Calendar or default calendar
+Very easy to learn and use
+Fast, no unnecessary input required
+Organize tasks based around your Contacts
+Notify a Contact instantly that you’ve marked a Task done
+Send To do items straight to your calendar
+Easily set the priority of tasks into any order (drag and drop)
+Optionally include pictures or long notes with Tasks
+Revive completed tasks to do again
+Split tasks into items for yourself or items based around your contacts
+Instantly jump to the calendar event from the task without changing apps
+Instantly jump to the contact person from the task without changing apps
+Instantly view the number of tasks outstanding
+Easily focus on a single Task without distraction
+Create intelligent tasks
+Share tasks via email
Thanks, I was looking for similar style of task manager. I will try and provide feedback.