This was posted 15 years ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Dick Smith: Final Fantasy XIII - $79 + Free Delivery for PS3 and XBOX360


Hey Ozbargainers!

I have here Final Fantasy XIII for an unbelievably low $79 + Free Delivery. Both for the XBOX360 and the PS3 (both limited stock)…..Need i say more? :)

Pre-Order it on the weekend (05/03 - 07/03) and have it dispatched Monday / Tuesday to get it to you sooner.

This is an Online only price. It is available in stores for $99.

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Dick Smith / Kogan
Dick Smith / Kogan

closed Comments

  • Awesome! I was just gonna pick this up at Target for $85 later on in the day. Thank you, you just saved me a trip and 6 bucks.

    • I ordered a copy. Man… Thanks DSE!

    • Its not out yet…right??

  • I've tossing between purchasing it from for roughly $68 (incl shipping) but receive it 1-2weeks later, or pay the extra $11 and get it earlier from here!

    • get it from here, it's only 11 bucks and u get an extra week or two to lock yourself up ini your house playing. also ur supporting aussie stores :P we didnt avoid the recession by doing nothing

      • +2

        And plus, once you're done playing, you can get at least half the price back when you trade to local stores since it's Australian content-rating on the cover. If you wanna keep it as well, just 11 bucks and you get it faster from DSE without worrying about postage times or faster postage with added costs.

  • wat's the price on the collectors edition? still the regular 140?
    and damn beats my post by 6 dollars :P pricing war starting? hopes something better turns out before this sunday :D

  • Still trying to decide if I want this… What are everyone's thoughts on FF13?

    • +1

      Should be an awesome game. Its always been one of the best RPG series ever made and it's one of the most successful game-franchises ever. Look up the HD trailers and some online previews and decide for yourself. It should be an awesome game.

      • Seriously, I got negative voted again for a straightforward comment on my thoughts about Final Fantasy XIII. Some jackass is going around giving me negative votes for no valid reason.

        • Maybe someone just doesn't like Final Fantasy? :)

          I'm not a fan much of the hidden negatives either. Makes everything seem that much more sly!

    • From some reviews I've read, if you're already a Final Fantasy fan, then it's a no brainer.

      But if you're not into jPRG's, you may have more fun playing western RPG's, or other games…

  • I bought my ps3 and new tv last month primarily for final fantasy. That's how highly anticipated it is!

    And I use to lock myself at home to play 7,8 and 10 when I was younger.

    • Second that. Final Fantasy always is a benchmark for beautiful graphics. I saw the HD trailer for Final Fantasy XIII and my jaw dropped. The cut scenes are so damn beautiful. But I guess I shouldn't have been surprised. FFX had the same effect and so did every Final Fantasy before that…

  • will jb/eb price beat?

    • -1

      They'll price match I guess but what's the difference then? Might as well get it off DSE and they'll deliver it to your place.

      • well given that it's delivered, jb might discount by $5 if the person picks up? also, won't need to wait around all day for it…

        i've ordered mine for $50 anyway so my question was for the benefit of others

        • where did u get it for $50?

          • @wonga:

            posted here a while back

            • -1

              @leeroys_dad: Seriously? A negative vote for that comment?

              Edit: Actually, its okay. I didn't know JBHiFi will reduce the price by an additional 5 bucks… But I don't really see the point in trying to price match unless it's like the OfficeWorks 5% off guarantee. Well, unless you really dont want to wait for delivery then the price match option is better. I guess in the end it really depends on your comfort level…

              • +1

                @ragflan: I'm pretty sure JB Hifi won't reduce the price by $5. They may price match to $79 but no lower. I've asked them to price match an online store before and they came in $5 above arguing that I would be better off through them as I wouldn't have to pay postage. When I pointed out it was free postage they wouldn't budge, arguing that I could pay $5 more and walk away with it or save $5 and wait a week to get my hands on it.

                • -1

                  @whichtyler: Then I got negative-voted for nothing. Perfect.. But anywho. Thanks for clearing that up Marlboro man.

      • JBHiFi Midnight Launch!! :-P

  • CAN SOME1 PLEASE FIND A COLLECTORS EDITION at a good price :( pleaseeeee

    -louise s2

    • I'd say its not possible to get a deal below 100 unless you import. Even Zavvi which is generally cheap has the collector's edition from UK for around ~$96 delivered. Don't be too drawn by the Collector's Edition.. You'd have to be a really huge fan to get that. No additional game content as far as I know. You get a soundtrack, a couple of postcards and an artwork book.

      Now, on the other hand.. the God of War III Collector's Edition. MWAHAHA. Everytime I see that, my hands automatically do the 'gimme' motion.

      • FFXIII collector's edition has no additional game content but just collectibles that you might not enjoy unless you're a fan. God of War III's collector's edition does have additional game content. Just pointing that out.

  • Just ordered hope too get it very shortly after the release

  • Was trying to get an overseas version but just get this deal. Save me trouble to go to K-mart.

    • Lol not wanting to leave the house…sounds like typical RPG player. Joking :)

  • Just ordered mine, I haven't ordered from dse before what are they like for delivery? about 2 days I hope?

  • any pluses to get teh collectors edition of the guide book?

  • Great price ordered mine today. Canceling my EB FFXIII CE pre-order, compared to other games the collector's editions of this game in Australia are pretty crap anyway.

  • can comments be deleted?

    • just edit them.

      • +3

        edit them and just make a non-sensical comment about how your day went or how leggings are not a form of trousers and should be banned from fashion.

        just sayin.

        • they look hot on girls though

  • for people that don't mind cdwow,… $66.95 instead. personally i have nothing against then as I've had multiple purchases that worked out fine.

    • Wowow!! Anyone knows if this is the Australian edition? If it is I'm ordering right now!!!

      • I bought a couple of WII games from cdwow.

        You can really pick up some great bargains coz of the strong Australian Dollar.

        It takes a long time to get here as my games came from Switzerland! (thats what the postage says). and the Games are UK specs. Works ok in Australia but JB and EB won't accept non Aussie versions if you intend to trade them in later.

        • Both JB and EB may take overseas versions depending on the member of staff you get / whether there are OFLC stickers in store.

  • Just ordered one. Thanks heaps for the awesome deal. For those who think about whether you should buy it or not. If you do play JRPG, think this way, the contain of FF 13 is twice as exotic as the rest of any JRPG game. So if you are paying almost the same price, you are literally getting either two games' value for one game price or one game half price. So still need to think about it?

    • now im confused

      now im twice as confused after reading it twice

  • What does the * next to the free (free* delivery) shown on the sticker of the game represent? Is it suppose to represent that it is free for online purchases only?. Thanks.

  • Got one myself :o)

    Edit: Got mine from CDWow :P

  • got one too. Hope it's here soon :)

  • +1

    for those who have 3 games laying around and dont want to play them jb have ff on their trade 3 for free promo

  • For those of you who can wait a week or two 365 games have it for $65 with free postage…

  • anyone tried price matchting this at eb or jb successfully?

  • Reviews for this game have been from average to mediocre, and once you shuffle out the paid reviews, there are some very negative thoughts on this game. I don't think it's going to be a consistent big seller and a price reduction is likely to come quickly as soon as the word is out, this game stinks. PS3 version also has much better video quality than 360.…

    eb or jb won't price match internet shops, especially if they are overseas. If you can show a ctalogue form a bricks and mortar store they usually match. Unless it's a crap eb like the one at Helensvale..

  • -1

    woot just got my copy from ebgames + price match @ target with my $9 gift card = $70, gotta get back to work! can't wait to hit 5pm !!!!

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