Recommend a Red Wine for someone who thinks all wine tastes like goon

I am after a wine for a friend.
I dont drink but the person only ever had goon when younger and thinks all wine smells like goon.
So i want to get him a good red but not expensive.
So something probably $15 to $30 as a present but i dont know what is recommended.
I have seen some of the other threads but what would you suggest, also type i got no clue.


  • +1

    If you do a google search Aldi has taken out several awards recently for many of it's wines that are under $10

    • Yeah head to aldi, even there 2.5 wine is quite good, precious earth. I drink it with take away all the time

  • Is it just my thinking but $10 for a wine to me sounds too cheap…
    Like i feel at minimum something okay would be starting at $20 then upwards into the hundreds.
    Is this common thought tho?

    • -2

      Yes. The first thing a wine connoisseur does is look at the label (and indirectly how much it costs). Any true winer would scoff at anything below $20, let alone some Aldi trash.

      • +2

        thats just a snob.

        you can spend 30$ on a crappy bottle that taste worse than a bottle from aldi.

        aldi and other giant chain stores ( like Walmart) can score superior wine at very low prices because of the volume they purchase, they play a numbers game.

      • Sorry, this comment is absolute rubbish. There are bottles which cost far in excess of $20 and yet still taste like crap. There are certainly fantastic quaffer bottles at $10 or less. Cost is not necessarily representative of value in wine. This is proven over and over again in blind tests performed by "experts".

    • +1

      Not at all, the price partly depends on the purchasing power of the store, like Settero says. Beyond a certain level, it gets harder and harder to compare the quality between wines and it comes down to preferences for flavours. Seeing the label can set up your brain to expect. Only way to be objective is to do a blind comparison. Even experts can be fooled. That said, just find a variety you like and enjoy it.

  • Thanks guys,
    So comparing a $8 aldi wine to that dan murphys $28.99 wine, i assume it costs down to taste i guess?

    • you can make your friend our guinea pig ! buy both , make him do a blind taste , tell him one is triple the price of the other , make him guess which !.

      • sounds like a good idea !

        3 1/2 times !

  • +1…

    This is a pretty safe option - within your price range and "looks better" to a wine snob than buying an Aldi one as a present. Has a large of reviews so can't be too bad. I personally prefer the cab sav but don't mind this one.

  • +2
  • Someone did recommend Aldis Baily & Baily Two Fat Ladies Dolce but like i mentioned $8 just seems way to cheap.
    I guess its only 750ml but yeh…

    i might go one of the above, go in tomorrow :)

  • +2

    I am confused. You don't drink, your friend doesn't like wine, but you are buying them wine anyway?

    • Yeah he said recently he wants to start drinking wine, im happy to join him for it when out having meals etc, so yeah just trying to get an idea for him.

  • Difference between the Pepperjack Cabernet Sauvignon and Shiraz? just grapes - Shiraz is mainly AU whilst CS is US?

    • +2

      no - cab sav is generally fruitier, shiraz hass generally more tannins - IMO

  • +1

    Wouldn't hesitate for Aldi's Rose which won best Rose in Australia. It's $5. Very light and refreshing and doesn't at all taste as strong as traditional reds.

  • +1

    Pepperjack 2006 Shiraz is a nice drop. I used to drink that before I sobered up. St Hallet faith Shiraz is nice too. Those two reds are probably the only ones I drank regularly without any intention of getting drunk off them because they were nice.

    • Agree completely. It sounds like you know wine. And at a good value for money price.

  • -1

    Give him goon with concentrated orange juice

    Atleast it tastes classy

  • Buy a bottle of Wolf Blass Yellow Label Cab Sauv. Try it and see what I mean.

    • +2

      he's trying to not buy goon ;)

  • yeh stuff goon.
    any other suggestions i am going today :D

  • Get wines direct.

    My favourite red quaffers. I buy several cases at a time

    Niche Merlot 2014

    Normans Holbrooks Road Merlot 2014

    The Derek 2013 Victorian Shiraz $6.99, rated better than grange (so they say)…

    and yeah, Aldi bubbles are surprisingly good, haven't tried their reds but I should.

    • I will say $143 on a bottle i dont know if i would like is a bit too much atm haha.
      But i will buy a bottle of it and see.

  • +3

    ChurchBlock from Murphys is an excellent drop @ $20 approx

  • +1

    Aldi's have the following:
    [ Most are 2014/2015 Award Winning]
    Anyone recommend any of these?

    $5 EL TORO MACHO Tempranillo 2013

    $7 THE POND Cabernet Sauvignon 2014…

    $13 LAIRA The Blockers Cabernet Sauvignon 2013…

    $13 TUDOR Central Victorian Shiraz 2014

    $20 BLACKSTONE PADDOCK Barossa Valley Shiraz 2013…

    • Just work your way up and see what you like.

    • rates the $7 The Pond…. I'm a member of this site and he's yet to steer us in the wrong direction. Haven't tried this particular bottle though (not aware of any Aldi liquor stores nearby).

  • +1

    Lindemans Cab Sav bin 45 is delicious, I buy cases of it when its on special, Everyone I serve it to loves it, and its only $6.65 a bottle. I know that's cheap, but I've had expensive reds that weren't as good.

    at Dan's…

  • OP, try Miamup Estate Cabernet Sauvignon 2013. Can be obtained for $10/bottle from Kemenys. We've been through at least 3-4 cartons of it already and will order more. It tastes much more like a $30-40 bottle, and is extremely good value. Have given it to a fair few people and no-one has complained.

    Found it through … His recommendations have never gone wrong yet.

  • +1

    I ended up buying these two:

    $7 THE POND Cabernet Sauvignon 2014
    $13 TUDOR Central Victorian Shiraz 2014

    $20 total cant go wrong, being able to try both, should be good :D
    Didnt break the bank

  • I find wine hit and miss, I found a Tyrell estate one that was nice for about $25, but even buying the same one I would occasionally get one that tasted like a $4 clearskin. I really enjoy the mcguigans black label. Always tastes good, no oaky flavour but it's consistent and cheap (without the really acidic aftertaste) and at about $7-$10 a bottle you don't get much cheaper without it being a risky buy.…

  • +1

    Hope that you both enjoy them! I think a great starting red would have to be a grenache blend as they are smooth, rich and fruity and very drinkable… Teusner has a few great drops ranging from "The pleasure garden" their $14.99 Aldi online exclusive to "joshua"… or my fave "avatar"… which are both nearer $27-30.

    • Love the Teusner Joshua

      A few other 'safe bet' wines for under $20 would be:

      D'arenberg 'Footbolt' Shiraz (love this wine)
      Wirra Wirra 'Church Block'
      Grant Burge 'Hillcot' Merlot

  • I also really dislike wine because I am a very, very, very sweet tooth. However, I really, really like Aldi's Claire Creek red moscato. And it's $5!

  • Hmmmmm…I've had some really 'nice and expensive wines', but the reason they all taste like goon to ME is because I drank too much of them when I was younger. To be honest, wine doesn't just taste like goon to me, it tastes like antiseptic.

    I don't even care how much a bottle of wine cost - if I get given one, I regift it asap.

    A better idea might be to not buy him any wine at all, if he won't appreciate it.

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