This was posted 9 years 2 months 7 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Far Cry 4 for PC - USD $19.98 (~AUD $28) at Steam


This is my first post so not sure what else to put in.

Was checking for game deals and just found a decent one for Far Cry 4 at Steam. They are selling it for only $19.98. Please follow the link:

Enjoy and happy new year to all.

Update: Harvey Norman is offering half yearly deal and selling the game for AUD22. Please have a look at the following link:…

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closed Comments

  • Historical low according to is there any deal . com

  • This Is a Lower Price, However it is on Uplay…

    EDIT: Maybe The Price in AUD might be better

  • Was going to get number 3, is 4 worth the money over 3?

    • Both of them are good so upto you.

    • +2

      They're both good but 4 is extremely iterative, it just adds more onto what 3 is so in a sense 3 is just a gimped 4. Although 3 does have a much better villain.

    • I bought the gold edition of Far Cry 4 for $25 but I do not recommend it over Far Cry 3 because it's coop is shit.

      $20 for a steam edition, albeit vanilla, is still a good price.

      • +1

        3 it is thanks!

    • 4 is a reskinned 3.
      better off waiting for a goty edition tbh.

      • There already is for both titles. The Far Cry 4 Complete Edition has all the DLC plus the Season Pass. The Far Cry 3 Deluxe Edition has all the DLC released to date minus the only thing you can't get as PC gamer; the PS3 Exclusive High Tides DLC.

        • the only thing you can't get as PC gamer; the PS3 Exclusive High Tides DLC

          Is the PS3's high tides dlc different from the PC's somehow? I know it's not exclusive as I remember playing through it on the PC.

  • +3

    3 is much better overall. Better story, better bad guy, better location. 4 polished some gameplay but felt like an expensive reskin.

  • +3

    dont forget it's $20 USD - so about $28 AUD!

  • Arghh…So tempted. Just not in that $10, 85% off sweet spot yet. Much gnashing of teeth.
    Also, no HN stock in WA.

  • +1

    Fantastic game, sad part is finishing it and then having to wait for another farcry.

    • +2

      I hope you enjoy bashing mammoths to death with rocks….

      • That's what she said.

        Wait, does that work?

        • +1

          the next Far Cry: Primal is like Skyrim with guns…. but without guns.

    • If you've never played Far Cry 2, and you're still craving the same sandboxy, free-roam gameplay, now is the time to go back and see how the series both progressed and devolved in many ways (mostly devolved).

      • Farcry 2 was a FAIL
        Farcry 3 improved the free-roam and gave new means for open-world free-play with a shoddy story
        Farcry 4 built on FC3 only with a better storyline, but it introduced too many out-of-game aspects such as discovering gems, locations, upgrades, etc

        Farcry Primal looks to be a fail

        • Thank you but no.

          I refer you to this rant (now deleted) from WP. Also this post. Far Cry 2 was certainly not perfect but it's still the best Far Cry by miles.

        • @Amar89:

          FC 2 only received a little limelight (that you and others cherished) because it was a huge leap from Far Cry's cartoonish, 'closed-world', single entry/exit method missions.

          FC2 then came along and allowed you to free-roam, take multiple "contracts" and choose factions in an open world of wandering wildlife.
          This does not mean the game is great. it just means that similar to the GTA 2 > GTA 3 transformation, it just built on the previous release in a better way.

          Your rants about the Save Game system shouldn't impact the game itself, FC 3 was a little buggy in it's first release but later patches sorted it out.

          The other issues about you spending 10 rounds on a tiger, or why tigers were roaming in daylight and not night, well if you're after that level of detail, maybe you should try Cabela's Big Game Hunter?

          Here are some stats for you that are not from Whirlpool personal posts:

          According to Wikipedia,

          FC 2 sold 2.9 million copies


          Far Cry 3 was a commercial success. It had sold about 4.5 million units as of February 2013,[49] and more than 6 million copies as of May 2013.[50] On October 30, 2014, Ubisoft revealed that Far Cry 3 had shipped 10 million units

        • @frostman:

          FC 2 sold 2.9 million copies

          That figure is first referenced in January, 2009. Obviously not accurate as of 2015. Could be triple that by now.

          Not that I place that much stock in mainstream popularity, as a majority of gamers wouldn't know creativity and innovation if it jammed their vibrating controllers up where the sun don't shine.

          Far Cry 3 was a commercial success. It had sold about 4.5 million units as of February 2013,[49] and more than 6 million copies as of May 2013.[50]

          And Far Cry 4 outsold Far Cry 3. Does that automatically make it a better game? The original Sims outsold both of them combined. Should we all give up on FPSs entirely and go decorate virtual surbuban homes?

          Ridiculous straw man arguments.

          Using sales figures without context is meaningless. It gives no sense of how intense the competition was from other hyped titles at launch, how strong the marketing campaigns were, when the games released (holiday season launches always generate more sales), how fast they were discounted on store shelves and online vendors' sites (this fact alone along with FC3's bundling with AMD's Never Settle Promotion explains 40% of Far Cry 3 sales), the linear growth of the gaming industry and general economic variations in consumer spending trends.

          You can't compare sales data so historically disparate. The gaming industry of 2008 is exponentially light-years apart from the gaming industry of 2013.

          I'm talking about honest-to-God imagination, attention-to-detail and taking risks in game design.

          You're talking about a pure popularity contest based on which game was played more.

          We're not on the same page.

          To most people, FC2 is a hazy, long-lost memory. I don't expect them to remember it fondly now, some 5 or more years later. In fact I don't expect the gaming demographic to remember much of anything fondly beyond 5 years ago unless they're older.
          But if you actually go back and play it and then go into FC3 and FC4 after a fresh retread, there's no comparison. They're parodies of FC2.

          I liked FC3 to a degree as well, but I'm able to put aside instinctual urges to label something as "Good" simply because it was a fun distraction and actually rationally look at what I'm experiencing in between moments of juvenile glee. It was more frustrating than anything else because it kept going off-the-rails from letting me do what I want and play how I want to boxing me in and telling me to jump through arbitrary hoops the developers decided all gamers would agree to.

          Your rants about the Save Game system shouldn't impact the game itself, FC 3 was a little buggy in it's first release but later patches sorted it out.

          They certainly should and did. It was retarded dying half way through a mission and then going back to the site of the objective to find half of the camp is still dead and environmental stuff I've interacted with is left in its last known state.

          I'm not a console gamer who can't hit the broad side of a barn from 5 metres away with a sniper rifle. I can do just fine without having to have everything be spoon-fed to me and the gaming holding my hand because Ubisoft think every gamer is a down syndrome-afflicted 16 year old. Save that shit for the consoles.

        • @Amar89:

          That figure is first referenced in January, 2009( Obviously not accurate as of 2015. Could be triple that by now.

          Sorry I go by hard stats, not by "could be", leave your assumptions for other matters, such as debates about aliens.

          And Far Cry 4 outsold Far Cry 3( Does that automatically make it a better game?

          Generally yes, a large selling of a game driven by demand can usually contribute to the success of the game.

          The original Sims outsold both of them combined. Should we all give up on FPSs entirely and go decorate virtual surbuban homes?

          Nope, it means SIMS is a great game and highly regarded against people that like Simulation games. If it's not up your alley, it doesn't make it shit. I hate racing games, can I go up to a Forza freak and tell him it's a shit game?

          Ridiculous straw man arguments.

          There was never a straw man attempt in my debate

          You can't compare sales data so historically disparate. The gaming industry of 2008 is exponentially light-years apart from the gaming industry of 2013.

          However it's still in proportion. Selling 1,000 copies of Star Craft, or 3,000 of Warcraft 3 is still in proportion such as selling 6.0m for FC3 in 2013. Star Craft, WC 3, Red Alert still rated amongst the best games of their time.

          We're not on the same page.

          I agree, perhaps you're tyring to make a different point?

          But if you actually go back and play it and then go into FC3 and FC4 after a fresh retread, there's no comparison. They're parodies of FC2.

          Perhaps, but as of today, I can say that I switched off FC 2 after 3 hrs gameplay, whilst I finished FC 3 and FC 4 in ~ 50hrs

          They certainly should and did. It was retarded dying half way through a mission and then going back to the site of the objective to find half of the camp is still dead and environmental stuff I've interacted with is left in its last known state.

          I honestly despised that, but this was more of a functional game issue, not gameplay/story/plot/Ai/, etc

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