How can someone play 972 hours on Steam in the last two weeks? - I do not understand - can anyone else?

I have come across this guy:

Apparently he played 972 hours in the last two weeks.

How is that possible? There are not even that many hours in a fortnight.

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  • +2

    Looks like he is idling multiple games at once. Some people are just suckers for steam stats.

    • +2

      He is probably using Idlemaster.

      You can grab it yourself here

      The catch nowadays though is that due to Steam's new refund policy, the game must be run for more than 2 hours before it drops any cards. 2 hours also happens to be the time limit before the game is ineligible for a refund.

  • Ah, OK. Never thought of that.

  • He has a tardis.

      • a robot for a girlfriend
      • +2

        Robot says yes every time.

  • He and the robot have no life

  • So that people can post it on forum and his e-peen grows

  • idlemaster.
    best way to make money off idiots who buy virtual crap ;)

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