This was posted 9 years 2 months 4 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Free Sunglasses (if Original Price < $50) for BUPA Insurance Members @ BUPA Optical Online

Related Stores

Bupa Optical
Bupa Optical

closed Comments

  • +2

    targeted deal for BUPA members

    • lucky i am… horray

      • +1

        Lukcy I'm not.. Horray —- *no exuberant premiums

        • +1

          Exuberant Defn "Full of joy and vitality"
          Exhorbitant Defn "Excessive"

        • +1


        • Correction FAIL.. LOL

        • Sorry, google chrome auto-correct is a biatch

        • @Gavman:
          Yeah, I know the feline ;)

    • +1

      Can't find the right sunglasses. Code also gives $50 off Contact lenses for members.

      As stated elsewhere, code is single use. Once you have purchased using the code it no longer works for your membership number.

  • +2

    Worked with just ambulance cover which cost me $42 for the year :) Cheers OP.

    • +1

      Really?? Time to get Ambulance cover, oh wait i get that for free anyway :P

      • +3

        Wut? How do you get Ambulance cover free? (We're talking about Ambulance right and not hospital?)

        • QLD does free Ambulance.

        • -1

          Centrelink? lol… im 18 and Studying, Thanks to all the Tax Payers :P

        • @Tehcookiemonsta:
          No thanks to tax paying QLD residences. The QLD government provides the free service.

        • @djlech: not true. We pay for it in electricity bill.

        • @djlech: Im not from Queensland i don't know why you assume im from QLD , i Live in Sydney.

  • not much choices or i am looking at the wrong page?

    • Going via the main deal link, then sort by price (since it needs to be $50 or under), I saw a couple of other "youth" sunniest, but otherwise that's it.

  • +2

    confirmed one per member number

    • +2

      Yes, once you try the 2nd you get this message: "The HIMS-CC1 coupon can only be used once per Bupa membership, and it has already been used with your membership."

    • Yupp confirmed but it's a little silly considering I've got 2 paying members on my card (my wife and I). Oh well. It is what it is.

      • +2

        I have 6 of us on our family account and could only get one pair! Oh well!

  • Cheers. Managed to get a pair. Sucks the Oakley's & Ray Ban's are sold out. Only if I had seen this coupon earlier… :/

    • Same, kicking myself for not seeing the code from crazynic earlier today. Ordered before some (ugly) Carrera sunglasses as a backup

  • Thanks, the deal gives you $50 off your order. I ordered two pairs for the kids and only had to pay the difference of $14. Bargain!!

  • +7

    I'm looking forward to this being cancelled like my OPSM order

  • Please let me know
    Do we have to log in as bupa members or just the
    Number will work?

  • +1

    is it one per membership OR one per member ( on the membership card) ?

    • +1

      per membership number

  • "Card not required"…won't let me past here.

  • Purchased!

  • Hopefully these don't count towards our optical extras.

    • It's the last day of the year. The limit resets tomorrow for everyone I believe.

      • That's a good argument for it not counting actually - as I've already used my extras for the year and this order was still free and completed without issue.

        • Lets hope it all goes well and there is no issue with the code being applied on Sale items. Just read something on the other thread that makes me worry now :/

    • Sunglasses don't count towards optical limits. They would count towards optical limits if you had prescription lenses inserted in them. And also, as pointed out your limits renew on 1 January as well.

  • Thanks, picked up a pair.

  • most of the sunglasses on sale are RAD. honestly, bit overpriced for what they are. discount makes it evenly priced, so yes.. good bargain.

  • +1

    Thanks, ordered a pair for my wife. Nothing to lose, much less time spent on this than on finding things to buy off Ebay - only to find out that promo had been cancelled early…

  • Cheers mate…am with BUPA so suits me!

  • -4

    Yup you can thank the OP if your order gets cancelled….. sometimes it's best keeping these little gems to yourself.

    • +3

      I like to share. :)
      If not then not

      • -5

        Yes but it's a targeted promotional code.
        I'm assuming you never received the email from BUPA giving you access to this code, some of us did.

        • +1

          Just to clarify, I am a BUPA member for more than two years now, paying a couple of $,000 each year and using bugger all.

          I may have received the code in the past (honestly don't remeber) but certainly never ordered from BUPA optical before. I don't support people abusing the offer if they are not insured with BUPA, but why should other legitimate BUPA members not benefit from such a possibility to order sunglasses for free??

        • @ahara: I agree, that was my original point. I am also a BUPA member, I'm referring to the people that are abusing this.

    • What Does it have to do with the OP if the order is cancelled, OP done the deed and provided the Deal, Up to Bupa to hold their end now…

  • thanks OP. got a pair :)

  • Ordered a pair of the Carrera sunglass for free! Thanks OP!

  • *Cannot be used in conjunction with any other discount or benefit from any source Discount is only off selected styles and only while stock lasts. Offer only available for online purchases

  • What's stiff no?

  • Finally I get something for free from Bupa. Thanks for the deal OP

    • +5

      So you placed the order using someone else's membership number and suggesting others to do the same?

      • -2

        i personally believe its just a loophole in there system. I mean how can they process it without matching the name and the membership no?? Also, Bupa have got a big problem with their system if they select the membership no serially instead of going randomly. Changing the last 1 digit should not match with other members id in a million way.

        • That still doesn't make it right.

        • No its called theft.
          You are gyping the system almost certainly using another members number to bring benefit to yourself. This is not honest bargain hunting, it is theft using a system or trick.
          If you don't know the difference it is because you actually have a dodgy nature and can't see what is plain and obvious to honest people.

    • +1

      Just add the suffix of individual member to the membership number and it will go through. Don't enter other numbers as it may deprive other members their use of the code.

      • Only works one per membership

        • +2

          Maybe add the suffix to the number? As opposed to the other box?

        • @mackaxx:
          Thanks, will try that.

  • Thanks for posting, ordered !!!

  • 》implying they will actually honour this

  • Thanks, good find

  • +2

    Ordered 2 pairs for the kids = $6.

  • Thanks OP. Ordered an Oroton pair for my wife. $72 and paid only $22!

  • Its applicable for all the products in there online store. If its >50$ then discount 50$.

  • Is this the Sony $30 voucher all over again?

  • Cheers! Got some Careeras for $24 not too bad

  • Dad is a BUPA member, bought the Carrera aviator-style sunnies for him which is what he wants. Thanks.

  • -3

    Anyone care to share via pm a bupa member number to try the above change a number trick?

    • -1

      just type in a random 8 digit number starting with 2******* and use a random name and use number 1 as member suffix. Seems to work but fingers crossed if it gets delivered.
      just worked for me and im not a member!!!

      • -1

        Someone above mentioned 00001111 worked for them

  • +10

    why didn't BUPA e.ail members about this offer? how shit is it to only find out about it via Ozbargain. ..

    • Agreed - yet another case of crap customer service

  • +1

    Ordered. Thanks…about time I got something for my membership :-)

  • ordered the free carreras .. now to seee if they come through .. THANKS OP!

  • Great pickup, two for the kids and one for me. Annoying that with a family membership one is only entitled to one pair, had to get onto the grandparents.

    Actually paid a little cash for some of the unisex marc by marc jacobs glasses in the end,

  • Kewl. Bought some Orotons for the Mrs.

  • Thanks OP. As I did not utilise the member benefit very much, this is a good small present to myself at the end of 2015 :)

  • thank :), got 2 for me and 1 for my wife

  • +2

    Great. Entire office is gonna turn up with the same sunnies ()^()
    Thanks @ahara !!!

  • +2

    I've been paying BUPA monthly for years, for no reason, I am so stupid.

  • -1

    I know somebody has confirmed the discount code only applies once per membership number, however try to change the last digit, or any digit for that matter and the second order will get through. Happy new year!

    • +1

      It will be interesting to see if Bupa will validate the membership number and cancel orders. Time will tell.

      • +1

        Correct, lets see. I hope not :/

        • Highly unlikely it will not be cancelled…. Hope not… :)

      • +4

        I don't think it's fair to use some random people's membership number to get free sunnies if you are not a member yourself. What if that person try to order one him/herself and find his/her membership has been used?

        I have tried ordered two sunnies for my parents (both father and mother are members but on one same membership number), it wouldn't allow the second order.

        • +1

          Exactly my point, yet people keep down-voting my comment..

  • +1

    Picked up the Oakley's for 93 bucks. Great value as the lenses alone last time I picked them up in the States was 90 US from Oakley.

  • That is a seriously good post

  • -1


  • Order confirmed with just ambulance cover. Very nice year end gift. Thanks OP.

  • +4

    Not sure if it's just me, but the code doesn't seem to be working anymore. Nothing happens when I click "update".

  • -7

    Well I attempted and it said DECLINED as credit card not valid….I put my BUPA number in?
    IT wanted to charge me $42 even thought code made $0.00?

    • -3

      Same thing happened to me

      • +1

        Maybe somebody has already used your membership number.

        • -1

          I highly doubt it being a 8 digit number.

          I thought it asked for my credit card details as protocol (even though it was a $0 amount).

          There wasn't a final confirmation page and it just said thank you for your $42 payment.

        • @Bargainaholic:

          Bupa membership numbers are very easy to guess.

          However, this time it appears the deal has been halted with the Update button being disabled for said code.

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