This is doing my head in. My Optus CG3000 will not forward most ports, and only a few work. I've called and they refuse to help due to it being an 'advanced function'.
My question is, what is the solution. Would a new Modem do it, or is it something on Optus' end? Do I need to switch ISP?
I'm on one of their most expensive plans, Unlimited 100Mbps Cable, Unlimited International Home Phone, and 1TB Fetch TV w/ All Channels, and they treat me like a second class citizen.
This is getting ridiculous.
It used to work perfectly.
I'm on the same plan and they recently gave me that modem router when my old modem died. You can buy a new router (don't need a modem router) and connect that to the CG3000 and put that in bridge mode, so it only works as a modem and the new router does everything else and you should be able to do the port forwarding on there.