Being Fooled by Service Company for Renovation

I would like to share my ordeal and get some advice from people here :)

Recently I was introduce by a friend about this company called Fowles Auctions+Sales to replace my existing carpet and timber floor installation. Since I was referred I did not look for other company to quote the job. I even gave my apartment key plus the private car park remote to the manager. It was in the middle of October that the company went to measure my apartment. However I did not receive the quote until early November. Soon after I receive the quote I make a 20% deposit to make them move quickly and get the job done.

Since my property is an apartment, it requires Owner Corporation approval before any major renovation can proceed. So, I asked the company manager to send me the specifications of the carpet and timber floor. He promised to send it immediately, however it took him weeks to just send me the timber specs and no carpet specs I received even until now (end of December). In the mid of November he even asked me what short of carpet I was looking for although he quoted me the price and gave me a chunk of sample when I visited the showroom last October. Long story short, I quickly forwarded the specs to the Owver Corportation in which I got approval for just two days. At this point of time I've been very frustrated on how he handles things and to make it even worse he was very hard to contact. I heard from a friend who refered me to this company he said he couldnt find the specs that took him weeks to send me one (HOW COULD A COMPANY RUNNING A BUSINESS DO NOT HAVE THE SPECS IN HAND?? It doesnt make any sense to me)

So I ask the company to get the job done quickly, however the manager was so difficult to contact and he even ignored my voice message to give me a call back. Story short, the day of renovation was booked on the 10th and 12th of December through a friend who referred me. I was a bit of disappointed as the time frame was too long. Unexpectedly on the 9th the manager called me multiple times in the morning as tried to reach me saying the job would be done on 11th as something came up and he ordered me to pay the remaining material fee before the job can proceed. I was so pissed off knowing he further delays thing and when it comes to money he asked me so harshly.

On the day of 11th, I received many calls in the morning just to ask the situation of the apartment (E.g. the lift, concierge, gates, etc.) in which I dont live there in the mean time. FYI I'm a shift worker, to take phone calls in the morning required a lot of effort as I work the night before. For the sake of my apartment getting renovated before Christmas I did it anyway. As the day went by and I woke up later in the afternoon just to find out from the voice message that the renovation couldnt be performed due to concierge problem and the manager would reschedule the installation. I was so angry and pissed off of the reasons because I took a phone call from the apartment concierge earlier in the morning that they were willing to help although I did not book the lift for renovation purpose. A few days later I visited the concierge and asked them what happened on the 12th, I only found out that the installers (in which they represent the company) did not want to sign a declaration form to use the lift. I find it everybody that wanted to use the lift for the purpose of renovation or moving in/out must take full responsibility of the lift. A simple signature turn out to be a problem for them who dont want to take any responsibility in case they damage the lift… I really cant figure out why they cant take any of these.

A week before Christmas I kept pushing the manager on when they will do the installation. As Christmas was coming and I was very aware of the cut of period. He seems a bit unhappy on how I pushed him. He made a phony promise in which I really disappointed, he sent me text promising to do the job on the 18th but that day never came by. No one showed on the day. He sent me text again offering a full refund as he didnt think he could ask any installer to do the job before Chritmas but he was "trying" to get it done before Christmas. I was to the point of my boiling anger, how could a professional company fooling me around like this. I immediately ordered him to do the job properly, he said he booked the installation now on 6th January (next month) and also still trying to get it done before Christmas.

Christmas has passed by, of course nothing happened. This Fowles company has ruined my Christmas and my plan to move in. I have suffered a lot of financial loss due to I have to rent somewhere else to live, and wasted substantial amount of time that I could at least rent out the property. They put me in limbo situation and I couldnt move on to my life as I always think about this every now and then even at work. I have sought and alternative company just in case he put me on another round of playing game. Enough is enough. Now I am thinking of bringing this case to Consumer Affair of Victoria. Has anyone ever done this before? Or perhaps in similar situation? I think I deserve a great deal of compensation for the time and money I have lost although I am sure the company wont give me anything. Please advise….


  • I'd leave your review everywhere.

    Ask for a refund if you can and get another installer. I doubt you'd get any compensation but you could always try if you think it's worth the time and effort.

    • I will seek for other alternative company as I have been so pissed off to deal with this. And of course dont ever give Fowles Auctions+Sales any business again…

  • +2

    It sucks this happened to you but honestly no contractor in my building has ever had to sign a document taking responsibility for the lift. I can see why someone might be concerned to sign that…at the very least you should have discussed that with them prior to the job commencing.

    Another thing I would advise from personal experience is that tradies can never be relied upon to do the job without supervision. I would recommend next time you be on-site and managing the situation. If that was the case you may be able to have worked out an agreement with respect to the lift responsibility/signature.

    Lastly, don't ever try to get renos done in the weeks before Christmas. More often than not it leads to delays and f-ups because the tradies are managing a million jobs which everyone wants done "by Christmas". So it's super busy and chaotic time.

    I don't think you have a case for Consumer Affairs because this kind of stuff (delays on renos) happens ALL the time to people - and in this case they can say you never informed them about the lift liability so it was your fault as they could not perform the task in the scheduled time. Posting bad reviews everywhere is probably the best outcome you can hope for. And just keep on their case about getting the job done. Perhaps wait to post the bad reviews until after the job is complete or they might figure out you've been posting bad reviews and refuse to do the job until you remove the bad reviews.

    Good luck!

    • Thank you for your advice. I've been warned by a few friends saying most of the tradies are less concern on what they do on renovation, they prefer to be chased than follow up with clients.

  • Very unhappy with the service provided. Their accounts department does not seem to have any idea about what they are doing . Wrong quotes were provided at the start. The quotes provided were for the wrong address. This happened not once , not twice but three times. After several follow ups finally got the right quotes ! This should have been a warning sign in itself but I proceeded to seek their service. The carpets were laid but the job was not fully completed. Took several phone calls and emails to get their installer back to finish the job. Once completed, was invoiced for wrong services and the invoices were not in line with the accepted quote . And when I tried to resolve this matter with them I found them very unreasonable and they had a high handed approach !! Have learned the hard way that you get what you pay for ! will never engage with this business again. Buyer beware !

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