This was posted 9 years 2 months 7 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Breville The Boss BBL910BKS Blender - $344 @ The Good Guys


This is good in making smoothies. I bought it today and made smoothies using ice, Milk, banana, and Mango.

Best cheapest price I can find in staticice is at Myer for $399 followed by Binglee for $579

This is from 2014 review and compares the 3 well known brands.

Here are other things you can do with a powerful blender.

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The Good Guys
The Good Guys

closed Comments

  • +4

    $344 for a blender to make smoothies……….really?

    • Some use their blender daily. If you're blending ice, cheap blenders with inferior motors and plastic don't last.

      • -3

        I bought a Prima cheap from and used it to blend ice for about 2 years. The par that wore was some small rubber washer between the bolts holding the blades. Put a new washer in and never looked back

        • This blender will blend, not just crush, large ice cubes filled to the brim into the consistency of slushy snow and not break a sweat. Yours won't. That's what you're paying for. That's why places like Boost don't have a production line of $50 Prima blenders.

        • @dellbon:There are lots of reasons they don't use Prima blenders, that doesn't cheap mean they aren't able to crush ice.

          -they want a consistent product across stores
          -they want something fast
          -they want something that is highly reliable
          -they want something low maintenance
          -they want something that is supported by the manufacturer

          Don't make assumptions that this blender won't crush/blend ice. I hear people say this over and over again as though it was 1970 and blenders couldn't crush ice. Yes some are better than others but A couple of hundred watts and a different shaped blade probably makes all of an extra 20 seconds of blending time at best. Put this against a 1000-10000% increase in price for the average consumer who can live with the difference

        • @Jackson: that and primas don't blend ice. No cheap blender does. The ice melts before it reaches that consistency due to insufficient speed and torque which always comes at a price well above $100.A half decent Chinese clone of a vitamix costs approx $200.

      • +1

        I use the Breville Power Blender every day for my protein smoothies - around $55 from Myer - no issue crushing ice and a banana.

        Got to agree - $344 is too much - I can buy 6+ of my Power version…. but….. if someone wants to spend that money.. when what else can you say ??

  • -1

    Our $15 cheapie from kmart can blend ice and banana easily,surely you want a 300 buck blender to do more don't you.?

    • +1

      Buy nice cheap ripe bananas, skin them , wrap them in glad wrap and bung them in the freezer for cold smoothies .

    • +1

      I highly doubt this.

      • True. It's a $15 from kmart that looks kinda like a nutribullet style thing that you blend in the bottle.
        We have had it for a year and make banana smoothies with it (or sometimes berries) milk, 4 to 6 ice cubes and one banana. Blends well.
        I don't believe it will blend like a real blender or is built as good of course but for simple smoothies it's perfectly fine.

        • Your initial comment is a bit misleading, you said it 'blend's ice easily', this would lead one to believe that it crushes ice, which is quite unbelievable.

        • @tranqme:
          Nah, I meant like the ops use, banana ice and milk. Blends all fine.
          It's only about a 500ml bottle, not big like a blender, so a full banana a half a dozen ice cubes only leave about a cup of milk.

  • +1

    I have this blender and it is great. If you want a high-speed blender - much faster than standard blenders, then can't go past this at this price.

    • +1

      What abou the Aldi/Kuchef one witg similar specs and build quality for $130?

      • +2

        I got the kuchef kettle for a friend and they say it's the best kettle they have owned. I got the toaster for myself for $50 and then realised that Russell hobs is selling it through either DJs or Myer for $125. With 60 day returns and 3 year warranty it would be worth a punt over this

  • +1

    Wow these have dropped in price. Was deciding between this and a Vitamix when they were at the same price point, glad I chose the Vitamix!

    • if I am not mistaken this blender ued to be $990 couple of yes ago at HN.

    • -1

      Same for me, wanted to get Vitamix but it was too expensive. The Breville is still expensive at $699 but this is on special. Maybe a few more years and this will be standard price.

  • -1

    I got the boss to go… paid about $200 for it. Best blender yet. Think you get what you paid for.

  • -4

    thermomix kicks all your arses.:)

    • +7

      Have fun with your pyramid scheme..

      • It's multi level marketing, get it right

      • what a stupid thing to say LOL

  • I have the The Kinetix Pro Blender BBL800BSS, anyone think this is worth upgrading too?

  • The Kogan blender is great but is not on sale at the moment.
    It can usually be bought for $ 99 with free shipping. Has been outstanding so far.

    • +1

      I have seen both kocgan and aldi side by side. Similar but I prefer the aldi kuchef

  • +1

    If this product is comparable to the Vitamix or Optimum 9400 high-speed blenders, then it's quite a good price. I'm surprised at the comments about crushing ice being a tough test for blenders. Ice is pretty easy provided you have some liquid as well. Try making nut butter with your el cheapo blenders.

  • -1

    Just be advised that the Chinese clones or the occasional sale from Aldi will have something similar at $99. I have to laugh at people who pay $344 for it. Ozbargainers should be smarter than that. Cost price on these things is probably around $50-70.

    • -2

      So why would you buy an LG phone… instead of a cheap Chinese brand? They go way less than the LG mobile you wanted at that time. I have to laugh at people like you making comparison with a cheap brand to a branded one but then will do the opposite when it comes to an item you are interested in. You should be smarter than that.

      • Just because I asked a question about a phone doesn't mean I bought one. Gosh, you are terribly defensive to have to dig through my comments to look for something to comment. I also asked about some Chinese generic phones too if you look through my comments in the past. I go for value for money, REAL value for money. This stupid blender, I'm sorry, isn't it. The generic ones from Aldi and Chinese sites do exactly the same thing, I don't know why people still buy into this premium brand marketing spin when it is the same. You should be smarter than that.

        • Defensive? Someone who implies people buying a $344 blender is not smart should really look at themselves first. I don't care if you go for value. This is about the price of the blender and why it is cheaper at this time. I only commented that it makes good smoothies but I have other need for it. Maybe you can compare first what the Aldi and chinese blenders can do against the Breville instead of making unhelpful comments. Does your blender offer 7 years warranty? Can it crush ice to make snow flakes? Can it do pizza dough? Do your research first before implying people are not smart.

        • @naira: Suit yourself. I have to laugh since my cheapie $99 blender can do all that. Anyway if you really llike your blender then good on you. I'm moving on from this thread.

  • +2

    $304.32 shipped with CELEBRATE2015

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