Property Manager Costs and Charges - Perth

I have recently advertised my NOR rental property in the West newspaper, with little response. I have successfully self-managed the property for a number of years, but it looks like I will need to use an agent on this occasion.

I would be interested in what others are paying in this market.

A local agent scouted my ad, called me, and sent a follow-up email with the following terms:

We are somewhat flexible as to the monthly % we charge, from 8% plus GST. The more properties you have the lower the rate. There are some one off charges applied to the property such as;

  • 2 weeks rent plus GST

  • Initial Property Condition Report (20 to 30 pages properly/completely describing the condition of the property with photos), this is done by an independent company and is non- bias.

  • We advertise on 5 internet sites at no charge.

  • The other fees are only charged once a year, if applicable.

It all seems rather expensive to me, but I would welcome any comment.


  • +1

    Sounds in the reasonably normal range - I think I got a good deal at 7.5%+GST a few years back with my agent (but had two properties with them - I've sold them now).

    The first two weeks rent is their 'letting fee', aka what they get for getting it rented out.

    The Initial PCR is obviously going to be labour/time intensive if done right, and therefore possibly not that cheap. However, you do want this to be comprehensive if you need to claim anything off the tenant in the future (eg bond costs at exit) - to ensure you can prove the condition when they entered.

    I assume there will also be an inspection fee (not usually rolled into the 'Management fee'), and that can be a bit too - but of course depends on how often the inspections are done (at the time I was recommended a 3 month one at the start - to confirm everything is OK - and then go six monthly. Had a couple of longer termers that ended up being annual as was pretty confident with them - however you can never be sure about new partners or family who may suddenly appear).

  • +1

    sounds normal - we got 7%

    what does this mean? "The other fees are only charged once a year, if applicable" - not seen that before……

    to maximise your tax, you MUST get a building surveyor to do condition report (or depreciation report or what ever it's called) - ours cost $600 plus GST, but over 3 years we claimed about $10000..

  • -1

    in the West newspaper, with little response.

    sorry, but who looks for a flat in the newspaper these days? Online is where it's at.

    Start on gumtree and facebook. I hear there are services that act as an agent for

    • Me as well i use , sometimes gumtree but never newspaper when i look for a place to rent

      • 10 months too late man

  • We have managed our own 3 bedroom villa in Innaloo rental property for the last 12 years. We have always rented it only to employees or family or friends of our former (very large) employer advertised on the internal electronic bulletin board.

    In the past the properties have been taken in a day or two. This time it took 6 weeks, even though we were in contact with eventual tenant after 2 weeks - she was waiting to see if she got transfer to Perth.

    We reduced rent from previous $450/week to $390 and lease period from 12 to 6 months.

    A friend of mine who was renting at same time put ads in West, Sunday Times, Post and Community. The only replies he got were from agents. Our place was leased 2 weeks ago. I haven't heard from friend that his place has been taken.

    I was starting to research alternative ways of advertising. Here is a list of possible web sites that REAs or you can use:

    REIWA - NO

    To advertise properties for sale or rent on you need to be a REIWA member. - NO

    All property owners must advertise their properties by enlisting the services of a licensed real estate agent.… - NO

    You must be a registered real estate agent to advertise a property on Private listings are not accepted.…

    List your rental property for FREE.
    Find your next tenant faster with a fully self-managed ad on Australia's No.1 rental property website.
    Create your FREE listing. Normally $99.

    Cost - $55 (inc GST) for 12 months access
    Advertising of residential and holiday rentals

    Get the exposure you need, Australia wide, to sell or rent your property or find a flatmate quickly
    Rent (incl GST)

    2 weeks - $254.10
    4 weeks - $387.20

    Renting out your property?
    Our services include on-line advertising on, (in most states),, legal documents, tenancy database checks and more.

    Exchange Classifieds offer a variety of advertising options:

    Free Classifieds Adverts - Text and an image of your choice!
    Effective text ads organised by category that have been getting results since 1998. Submission is simple. No registration required. Image upload available after ad has been reviewed and posted to the site. Adverts may be edited at any time.

    Bold Paid Classifieds - Lots of extra's for a tiny fee!
    Bold classifieds ads offer you all the above plus the opportunity to take the limelight! Paid ads are posted to the site within minutes of submission and you can choose to add up to 5 images and include a working weblink to your own domain. Bold ads are also larger and get more page displays. Bold ads always appear above the free adverts. You may elect to upgrade in the ad placement process or afterwards.


    Is it free to post an Ad on Gumtree?…


    Free Forever
    Unlimited properties
    Try Now
    1 Tenancy
    Free Advertising on Cubbi
    Upgrade to and Domain $180
    Automatic Rent tracking
    Basic support

  • I have a friend who rents 25 properties. He uses a REA to lease properties but he does all the management himself.

    If you do decide to go with agent you don't have to have them manage property with ongoing fees. On a fee for service basis you can get them to do whichever of the following services you require.

    My friend's agent does all of the below for a flat 2 weeks rent including GST:

    • advertise on REA only web sites

    • prepare property condition report and take photos (you have probably already done this yourself so you wouldn't have to get them to do this, other than put it in their standard format)

    • show property to prospective tenants

    • vet tenants via REA accessible only "blacklist" database

    • prepare lease documents and get them signed

    • receive first 2 weeks rent that they keep

    • receive bond and submit

    My other friend with a single rental property tried to find an agent who would do the above but they wouldn't bite so it may take a ring around to find one.

    My 25 property friend's agent may only do above because he has such a large property portfolio. He gave me an intro to the agent.

    Does this web site allow private messages? If so, send me one and I will give you agent's details. If not, post a throwaway, or regular, email address and I will send you the info.

    • There is a PM function, but you appear to have your account set to not receive them. You can change this in the My Account dropdown > settings > messaging > allow.

      • Activated

        • Many thanks werdnanostaw who shared details on possible options, tips such as REA lead - was impressed of how quick his response via PM!!

  • The only two services a REA can provide that you can't do yourself are first and fourth so you may wish to ask REAs to provide just these services.

  • Thanks for the responses thus far - I will have more time to sit down and consider them tomorrow.

  • If you have an Onsite Manager, it will be worthwhile to use them; they are more dedicated than "usual"real estate agents and they live in the complex and hence keep a close eye on your tenant and property.

  • To close this off, I have signed up for a Let Only service (advertise, vet, sign-up) with Realmark in Scarborough, for 60 days.

    Cost is 3 weeks rent (+ GST), $239 for advertising (online x 5 sites, plus internal), $115 for professional photographer, and $15 for tenant database search.

    I am happy with the deal - assuming they get a tenant soon. :)

    A special thanks to member werdnanostaw , who sent me a detailed email, outlining his experiences, and some very helpful tips.

    • How did you find their service? Did they successfully get you a good tenant?

      • Service was good - as it should be given the level of fees.

        Took a couple of weeks to find tenants - not what I was looking for, but have turned out well so far. First choice was for a family, but ended up with 4 young professional guys who are Fly-in/Fly-out in the mining industry. This means the house is only lightly used during the week.

        They came with good references, and have not disturbed the neighbours. But very importantly, they can certainly afford the rent, which they voluntarily pay well in advance.

  • Thank you for sharing your experiences and advice. Hoping to revive this thread as I am in a similar situation and looking for a steer on a good property manager in Perth (inner northern suburbs).

    I have a unit that I let out and want a full service arrangement for a % of rent. I rent elsewhere to be closer to the mine I work at so cannot self manage.

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