What can he do we are not abe to get a refund and the phone is NOT stolen apple will not help.
My Teenager Has Just Purchased an iCloud Locked iPhone 5s

what makes you say its not stolen ?
or do you mean you did not steal it ?We rang Apple and then went to an Apple store we gave them details and they looked it up and neither said it was stolen
this just means it was not reported to apple , not that it was not stolen.
someone might have had it as a old phone not in use that was stolen and has not caught on to its disappearance.It is possible to "replace" the iPhone depending on whether if it still has warranty or not.
You didn't steal it, but the person who sold it to you probably did. If the seller (who I assume is a private seller), was the original owner, there's no reason not to unlock/remove the phone from their account.
We can not get a refund from the seller is not replying we have been told to Jailbreak the phone??
How long ago did he purchase it? If I accidentally sold someone a locked phone I'd be sorting it out ASAP.
< a week it was to be a Christmas present š
did you know it was locked at time of purchase?
As far as I know, they haven't fulfilled their terms of the contract.
Call the seller and tell them you're taking it to the police, then take it to the police if they don't refund you. If it isn't stolen and the seller just got locked out or something small claims tribunal.I'm guessing the op bought it from gumtree. If so, its caveat emptor, "terms of contract" don't exist. Good luck getting any details about the seller to pursuit a small claims court, if the phone was stolen, the seller wants nothing to do with you.
Unless it was listed as not working it's an implied term of sale. It's not like there was a thing where it turns off after 24 hours and you have to turn it back on or it was stratched, it just can't be used. They are different things. Anyway my 2 cents, I'm out.
If I stole something from you or sold something I stole to you, Im not gonna give you my details so you can sue me or dob me to the police. Don't care about terms of sale, contract or any legal stuff.
@Ughhh: ^^^If it isn't stolen and the seller just got locked out or something small claims tribunal.
Caveat emptor
AFAIK there is nothing you can do with the phone (don't know about Jailbreaking) without the phone being removed from the iCloud acct, or the password for that account. Apple techs can't remove it from the iCloud acct, nor does the company show any signs that it intends to change this.
We have a few iPhones at work where an employee who has since left has locked their work supplied iphone to their iCloud acct and we can no longer contact that person. (Why the phones aren't locked to a generic work acct is beyond me, but obviously isn't a big enough problem for senior management yet).
As others have mentioned, trying to redress this with the seller is really your only option, but that may be hampered by their interest and your leverage. (TBH I doubt the police would even vaguely be interested, but given a lack of other options…)
When a phone is locked, does it display the appleid eg email address in full? Can you email that address and say hey I've got your phone?!?
only shows the first couple of letters.
iCloud locked but activated may be able to be jail broken and reused. Inactivated cannot and must be unlocked by the original owner that locked it. There are no other ways to reuse unless it's modded on a board level.
Without the original proof of purchase or invoice, apple won't remove the account that locked on to the device. For future tips when buying an iPhone device, always refer to this website: https://www.icloud.com/activationlock/ to check if a device is locked to an account, before buying.
Thanks everyone not much son can do by the sounds it is useless.
Yeah, it's a very unfortunate situation for your son. Apple introduced this iCloud lock in iOS 7 (I'm pretty sure) in an attempt to reduce theft. Sadly, it doesn't prevent theft, it just leaves innocent second-hand buyers with a locked phone.
When buying a used iPhone it is always very important to see it working at the time of purchase and to reset its settings and ensure it starts up as expected prior to handing over the cash.
Very good advice I guess we have learned a lesson
Jailbraking will not fix this.
Only way to fix is to replace the logic board containing the activation data. See https://www.ifixit.com/Answers/View/154789/On+what+part+of+iā¦ Or sell for spare parts.
It IS possible but like @User167511 said you need to replace 3 chips on the iPhone's logic board. I've heard about shops in China which do it for a fee. Otherwise just get a broken iPhone with a clean IMEI and replace the internals.
So has decided to see if he can replace bits of the phone to make it work… to technical for me but he is looking online to buy bits any suggestions?
that's why we buy genuine products from genuine retail stores LOL
if you cannot get your money back from whoever you bought it, then you are screwed.
sell for parts possible your only option.