Hi does anyone know if there are any boxing day sales on iPhone 6 or samsung galaxy 6 and if so how much please?
Samsung Galaxy S6 or iPhone 6 Boxing Day Sales

LGaios87 on 24/12/2015 - 16:15
both are bad, S6 has ram and software problems, Iphone6 is very outdated hardware, only 2gb ram and whatnot Also if there is a sale for them it would be for the iphone6 16GB, note you only get 8gb to use. and a samsung s6 32gb note you only get to use like 24GB they both also dont have slots to put a SD card in so its up to you what you really want.
And to think I am perfectly satisfied with my cheapo single core Android. Teehee, $1K for a phone.
Op is asking galaxy or iPhone, it's the same as asking apple or orange?
op hasn't asked for opinion on devices
Hi does anyone know if there are any boxing day sales on samsung galaxy 6 and if so how much please?
Fixed that for you OP.
just wait 36hrs and you will find out for sure