This was posted 9 years 1 month 29 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Olympus OM-D E-M1 $899 + ($200 Visa Card & 45mm F1.8 Lens Via Redemption) @ Gerry Gibbs


Hi all,
Long time lurker, wanted to give back.

I've been looking for an Olympus camera system for a while and now with the Christmas offer I couldn't resist.
The camera works out to $699 after cashback AND you get a 45mm portrait lens for free :)
I've used that prime lens for a year; so sharp and quick to focus, can even take handheld 1sec exposure with the E-M1 or E-M5 MK2 image stabilization.

On top of that I also got an Olympus M.Zuiko 12mm f/2.0 Lens for $599! That must be a typo, can't find it anywhere for less than $700, it could be a deal by itself. Most m43 users like myself always wish we had this lens

Retail stores have the cam for around $1350 and some (legit Australian) online sellers go as low as $988, and the 12mm lens retails at around $850. I was considering holding out for a while longer and maybe getting lucky through eBay or Gumtree, but for a new camera with proper warranty this is too good.

JB won't price-match the E-M1 at less than $1000, tried a few different stores. You can get JB to match the E-M5 MK2 for $1096 (compare to CameraPro inc shipping) but that is $200 more for pretty much the same camera.

Olympus Promotion Link

A few other noteworthy offers:

Hope this helps someone!

Related Stores

Gerry Gibbs Camera Warehouse
Gerry Gibbs Camera Warehouse

closed Comments

  • +3

    Great find! That's a ridiculously cheap price on an E-M1

    • Thanks, I think the 12mm f2 lens is a better deal though. I'm just waiting for them to realize it and increase the price.

    • +2

      So you think you've missed out on the Olympus cashback and Christmas gift offers from Olympus, officially the cashback offer ends midnight tonight 24 December however we're not working till 12 o'clock tonight nor are we working tomorrow the 25th we will be working on the 26th of December 9 AM Perth time and that's when we send in all the sales to Olympus to register for cashbacks and gifts

      • Just received an email stating "New status: Back Ordered". Does this mean there'll be a delay in receiving my E-M1 kit?

        • +1

          I have just been in touch with the boss my question to him was "Will any purchases on backordered still be available for cashbacks and Lens redemptions"

          The answer was yes….. Any order (all orders) placed before noon Easter Saturday 26th of December Will be valid for cashbacks and lens redemptions

  • +2

    Good prices, but suxs they need to charge 3% on paypal payment.

    • +1

      Agree, don't like the paypal fees but I did end up buying one anyway.

      I also find it annoying how they invoice the paypal 3% fee as a surcharge on the invoice.

      It would be better if they increased the item price by 3%, this way people using a credit card with price protection can make a claim on the full amount if the price drops.

      Also why not offer a 3% discount to people willing to pay via non-paypal methods instead of adding on a 3% surcharge?

  • +1

    I think you must of read wrong with this:

    *Olympus OM-D E-M5 Mark II w/ 12-40mm f/2.8 Pro Lens $1499 ($1299 after CB) - You end up getting the lens for $420 when it is normally $850!

    It's $1499 AFTER $200 cashback, so it's still $1699, they are tricky bastards, because when you click add to cart it still says $1499, but once it's inside your cart, it's $1699

    • ah damn, my bad. Yea I've been on way too many of these sites and I'm muddled up now. Thanks for the note, I've updated it now.

      • +1

        NP, thanks for sharing.

  • +1

    Thanks OP - cracker price!

  • +1

    Damn; almost worth downgrading from a D610 for convenience…

    • +2

      Buy it and keep the D610!

    • I have both, and it's amazing how versatile you can be!

      • Understand; currently running dual kits also, with the E-M5 elite and a bunch of primes, including a backup EPM2. But thinking may be able to boil it down to the E-M1/EPM2 combo only and ditch the Nikon kit. However, love the damn D610/85mm combo for portraits; may just keep that too. The problem is, once you have a body you want lenses also, and so the gear- whoring carousel continues to spin…

    • Downgrading?

      • +1

        In terms of output, for sure. Have the E-M5 elite currently with a set of primes; done plenty of comparisons. Doesn't touch the D610/85mm combo, in particular…

  • +1

    amazing price for Em1. my em5 II was 870 =/

  • +2

    one thing to note today is last day for free lens and cash back.

  • -6

    It is only an Okay deal to me considering I got the omd-em5 twin lens kit from Dick Smith deal for 290 busks!

    • -5

      And why would I deserve a neg? You think I'm lying!?

  • +1

    thank you!

  • +2

    damn that 12mm f2 price …if only i could find someone local in brisbane to match it :(

    • +2

      confirmed digidirect brisbane cannot match due to being under cost price.

      • +2

        dcw flatout said they don't price match anything anytime.

        • Bad luck..I had a hard time actually buying this one.
          I was thinking hard between the Olympus 7-14mm f2.8 PRO and Voigtlander 10.5mm f0.95.
          The Olympus one @ 7mm produced really flat pictures though, and the Voigtlander is just so damn expensive :(

          I guess I just wanted a lightweight wide lens that I could take with me instead of carrying around the 12-40mm.

    • They've bumped up the price, the 12mm f/2.0 Lens is $649 now. Guess still a good price.

  • +1

    $76 more for the battery grip is also a very good deal.…

  • +1

    Amazing price! Also the 12mm lens is a great deal.

    I bought a m43 set up a few months back so won't make use of it. Would have gone down this route for sure if I could have at the time.

  • -2

    I bought a couple of $44.90 Amaysim vouchers when they were on sale, and would like to apply gem towards a 10gb data pack. Is this possible? Any help would be greatly appreciated!

  • -4

    EM1 is am old model. They have EM10 now

    • +5

      EM1 is the flagship model and sits above the EM10.

    • +1

      Em10 is two levels below em1…..

  • I bought the OMD-EM10 with the 14-42 kit lens during their last Olympus sale for $462.95 incl delivery to Sydney about 2 weeks ago. I thought that was a good price. I paid with bank transfer to save 3% it only took to the day after for them to acknowledge the payment.

    Now I'll have to sell the old Nikon d3100… The size of the OMDs are great compared to the old one.

  • oh no, just bought sony a6000 from last HN sale, haven't open it yet though

    • +2

      Go return it! The E-M1 whoops anything less than $1000. Just feel the shutter click and you'll be hooked.

      **Also, I may be biased; but I think the m43 system has more lens available from different brands and for that reason competition is higher = cheaper lens + more variety from brands like Sigma, Voigtlander, Tamron etc

  • +1

    Is the mark 2 coming soon?

  • what is the cheapest em10 mark ii with kit lens?

    • Probably around 700-750 after CB. Not worth it though, either get the E-M5 II or E-M1

      • may I ask why?

        • +1

          I guess it does depend on the user a bit.
          -Most people find it awkward in the hand unless you get a grip attached.
          - The image stabilization on video is lesser
          - The E-M5 II has a fully articulated screen(can turn around in every way, not just up and down)
          - Mechanical shutter is 1/4000 where the M5 and M1 can do 1/8000
          - Auto focus may not be as good

          *with a difference of $300 I'd consider the EM10 II but at this price no

        • @gauranga: Thanks mate

    • We picked up an E-M10 Mark II w/ Triple Lens Kit + Travel Kit (Tripod) for $960 less $120 GST (via Tourist Refund Scheme) at the start of December. Got it via Ted's Camera House w/ the eBay 20% off.

  • Thanks for sharing, couldn't resist. Now I've got an OMD-EM10 with busted wifi I don't need…and a larger CC debt..

    • :)
      Used to have the EM10, does not compare to the EM1…such a big difference.

      • I'll agree with you after I sell mine. Until then, it's a fantastic camera.

  • Amazing just how much bodies depreciate over time. Fantastic deal! Too bad I've hopped on board the a6000 bandwagon.

    • a6000 is quite good though. If I didn't already have an m43 lens I would have gone Sony or Fuji

      • Yeah it's great. But it's missing an FF equivalent to a 24-70mm f/2.8-4 zoom lens, both oly and fuji have those. Great with the kit and a prime lens tho. Unbelievably light and still very small.

  • Tempted to upgrade my EM5 Elite for the EM1…

  • +1

    Awesome detailed post +1 for you :)

  • If you dont buy it/claim the lens today.. will you miss out on the lens??

    • +1

      Terms for the camera:
      The Promotional Period means from at 00:01 (AEST) on 1st November 2015 to 23:59 on 24th December 2015. The Promoter will accept bonus item claims received by the Promoter on or before 21st January 2016, provided that the relevant Promotional Products were purchased during the Promotional Period. The Promoter reserves the right to extend the Promotional Period, or the deadline for making bonus item claims at their discretion.

      Terms for the lens:
      *The Promotional Period means from at 00:01 (AEST) on 18th December 2015 to 23:59 on 24th December 2015. The Promoter will accept bonus item claims received by the Promoter on or before 21st January 2016, provided that the relevant Promotional Products were purchased during the Promotional Period. The Promoter reserves the right to extend the Promotional Period, or the deadline for making bonus item claims at their discretion. *

  • +1

    Great deal - I picked one up when JB ran it for $777 a few months back and have added the 45mm from Gerry Gibbs - great service :)

    For those talking about the Nikon (or dSLRs) I have FF dSLR bodies for work, and the E-M1 for every day use - both have their place.

  • +1

    Picked one up. Thanks op!

  • Hey guys, a bit of an amateur here. When claiming cashback I can't seem to find Gerry Gibbs in the Retailers drop down. Is there any other names these guys go under?

    • Choose "Other" and type it in.
      You won't be able to claim it without a serial number though(written on the bottom of the cam or box). If you just ordered one you'll have to wait till the camera comes in and then claim it. The closing date is 21st Jan.

    • Camera House

  • Not sure if this is an issue or not… but please note.
    I think you need to buy this from an "approved" Olympus Retailer…?
    The pull down list of retailers in your promotion submission will indicate who is in the list.
    I don't know if Gerry Gibbs Camera Warehouse is part of the list? I can't see it?
    Wish you all luck and hopefully no issues for you if you had purchased it on this basis.
    Good kit.
    And light enough for me to trek and shoot.

    Oh yes, I can see there's an "Other" in the list, may be fine.

    The reply mail from promotion is up to 12 weeks wait… and the promotion message says "Express From North Pole"… Santa must be delivering without the magical Reindeers…

    • Looks like they're a registered business shipping from an Australian address, should be fine.

    • This store is mr billions approved.

    • They trade as Camera House. I've claimed Oly purchases from them before and selected this option.

    • +1

      It's actually Gerry Gibbs camera house, BUT camera house head office will not let any of their stores have a camera house website so we've decided to call our website gerrygibbscamerawarehouse, the official clarification from camera house head office says we cannot advertise our website as a camera house affiliate but as soon as somebody has purchased something from our site we are then allowed to treat them as a camera house customer,

      So in short even though we are a camera house store we cannot advertise gerrygibbscamerawarehouse as a camera house store but as soon as somebody purchases from gerrygibbscamerawarehouse we can then issue a camera house receipt (don't blame me I didn't make up these rules)

      In short short short, yes you will get the cashbacks and gifts

      • I had a feeling it was something like this. I've bought two items from GGCW, great service, fast delivery. I'll buy again.

  • These guys are on point, my order has already been picked and packed :)

  • yes, these guys are great !

    great price, i already jumped on the em-10 a couple of weeks ago…

    if anyone redeems the 45mm 1.8 and they dont need it, let me know… :P

  • +3

    So you think you've missed out on the Olympus cashback and Christmas gift offers from Olympus, officially the cashback offer ends midnight tonight 24 December however we're not working till 12 o'clock tonight nor are we working tomorrow the 25th we will be working on the 26th of December 9 AM Perth time and that's when we send in all the sales to Olympus to register for cashbacks and gifts

    • So can we get the cashback/gifts or not?

      • Yes. Nick is basically saying anyone who orders before 9am Perth time on 26th will be eligible…

  • Yum.

  • Ahr crap, totally missed this deal and was the exact camera i was after. Anywhere else have it on special at a similar price?

  • Got my gift card today!
    No lens yet though…

    Anyone get their lens yet?

    • +1

      Same, gift card received last week. Still waiting on lens

    • +1

      Gift card arrived today and received this email response from Olympus:

      Hi Glen,

      Thank you for your email.

      We can confirm your claim #382 has been approved and ETA of lens delivery
      is 2-3 weeks.

      Than you for your patience.

      • lol just emailed them and got the same response, 2-3 weeks, ( my claim was about #320 )

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