I'm looking to book some accommodation through TripAdvisor. The rate is in pounds (GBP). I can pay via credit card or PayPal.
I have a Mastercard (euro account) as well as my Australian Visa and AmEx. PayPal is linked to my AmEx.
I don't really want to apply for a new credit card for the sole purpose of paying for this transaction so any advice on my best option here?
Obviously, I'm after the lowest possible transaction/FX fees.
Best Way to Pay for Holiday Rental in GBP

What sort of Australian Visa card do you hold ? Does it have a Foreign Currency Fee ?
Assuming it's you going to the UK it's really worthwhile getting a 28 degrees card and/or a Citibank Plus Transaction debit card. Not just for this transaction but for use when you're there and for future travels.
NFI what a mastercard euro account it, but it sounds like it was designed for this purpose
Thanks guys, don't really want to add another credit card to my name - at least not one that doesn't come with at least 50k points ;-) I'm not going to the UK, will be Thailand, it's just that the owner quoted in GBP. The euro account MasterCard is just a credit card from Europe, it's in euro so not GBP. The Visa cards I have are ANZ and NAB.
Citibank Plus is a debit card not a credit card. Good for ATMs in Thailand or anywhere else and no charge with foreign EFTPOS either.
28 Degrees card.