This was posted 9 years 2 months 11 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

GreenManGaming: Rocket League US $9.80 (AU $13.56) with Code (~50% off Steam Key)

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Rocket League is currently 30% off on GreenManGaming, but with coupon code GMGAUS-30J9MF-MUINWW this comes down to approximately 50% off overall. Works on DLC as well:

Deal has expired, but 20% voucher should still work: XMAS20-PERGMG-SVINGS

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Green Man Gaming
Green Man Gaming

closed Comments

  • +4

    Top Notch, been looking at this game. Although I won't buy it, I know this is a GREAT deal. Awesome first post, and welcome to the contributing side of OzB.

    • +1

      You really should buy it, it's the best game ever.

      • +3

        Nah, can't afford. I'm too poor. Especially with the AUD -> USD translation. I will pay for it when I can afford it. I wish I could buy it. WISH being the keyword.

        • +2

          I would absolutely have bought it for you but I'm drained from xmas too :(

        • @XeKToReX:

          Such a nice gesture man! But yeahs… i'm kinda of drained in general financially ahahaha.

      • +1

        i got this for free on ps4 and really didnt like it :s

    • Thank you for the kind words! Yeah it's a pretty good find as it's only 30% off on Steam itself and this game has received a lot of praise in 2015.

      • Yeah i've played it, but this is definitely a great deal man. Keep up the good work!

    • R.I.P. Negged and not sure why. No worries, neg me away, this deal is what matters AHAHAHA.

      • Some people in the community itch to use their daily 5 negs for any reason. Threw you a plus :)

        • Ahahaha this is hilarious, i'm getting negged for saying I can't afford a game. WEOW.

  • That code works on other stock too. Better than the 20% listed on the main page

  • +1

    Any deals for a PS4 code for this game? :)

    • I also prefer RL for ps4…

    • It was on ps+ for a while. It's unfortunate that you missed it.

      • Yeah I know right. I don't have PS plus yet anyway, im getting a PS4 for christmas but still

  • Timing out for me

    • Same here, hit pay and it appears to have taken the money out, but it just keeps popping up with internal server error…

      edit: now timing out and saying its gone from my cart, my bank account is down $14 with no transaction showing up and no history on my account of a game ever being purchased…

  • I'm wanting to buy a second key for this to gift to a friend, is there any way to do that in GMG short of creating a new account?

    • No idea, but that's a good question.

    • +1

      Their terms specifically state you can't use a new account, but I guess you could make one for your spouse/friend/kid/anyone else. I may or may not have done so before.. 3 times.. for this same game :|

  • I just bought this at the full discount price 2 hours ago.

  • +6

    Bought a third copy of the game! Can never have enough copies of RL!

    Who knows one day I may venture from OzB and find a second and third friend! exciting times Merry Xmas all!


  • Got this game free on PS plus.

    Great split screen fun game when the mates are over.

    WIsh they would get it to play online but owell

  • hmm….coupon code only works if you geolocate as being in australia, so you have to switch off vpn etc.
    works better that their other 20% off code though, so worth the few seconds work :P

  • Thanks for mentioning DLC, going to get all of it! (As soon as it processes, currently I get errors at order confirmation :/)

    • I can't buy it either, getting an error 500, is that what you're getting?

      • I was getting that exact error yes. I have re-started now and added the items to my cart again, but now it is telling me it is "Unable to add voucher". Maybe they didn't intend for this voucher to work so it's being blocked now :/

        EDIT: I can't add the 20% off voucher either (XMAS20-PERGMG-SVINGS). This is pretty disappointing, I'm taking my vote off.

        • Looks like you're right about them not intending it. I tried again now, and it did work with the 20% voucher in the original post "GMGAUS-30J9MF-MUINWW" and it went through this time and got emailed the Steam key instantly.

          Although now Steam is telling me download error so I have to re-download the game, lol.

          BUT. I now have it, for slightly cheaper than buying from steam directly.

  • When I try to add the voucher I get "Unable to add voucher"

    I'm not using any VPN or anything. Is the voucher published anywhere?

    • +1

      I'm getting this message as well.

    • +1

      GMG may have blocked the 30% off voucher now. The 20% one (XMAS20-PERGMG-SVINGS) should still work though.

      If a couple more people can confirm, I'll mark the deal as expired.

      • Thanks the XMAS20 code is working. But not the GMGAUS one.

  • For those unsatisfied with the 20% discount, you can get a 4 pack on steam and sell the other 3 copies. Works out to be 10.3 usd per copy instead of 11.2 usd.

  • Pooo just missed out :(

    Was so keen on getting Rocket League to play with friends that have received it for xmas aswell oh well :'(

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