Tips for Getting Rid of Mozzies in The House?

A bit of an unusual question but I'm hoping some of you have been through this

I've just moved into a little studio in London and the building is extremely warm so the only ventilation I can get is by opening up some small windows. This of course has brought in the dreadful attack of the mozzies!

I've tried attaching some temporary fly screens but they haven't worked too well because the windows require you to push the handle out.

I was looking up those plug in high frequency insect repellent devices but they seem to scientifically disproven!

Does anyone else have any tips or natural remedies they can suggest to help get rid of these little vampires?

Thank you!


  • +2

    All I can suggest is either get a strong fan blowing on you or use something topical like tiger balm. Yeah, I lost whatever faith I had in those devices after seeing a mozzie land on one.

  • A mosquito net of some sort will be the most effective (short of having the window closed). Those high frequency things are certainly rubbish, glad you checked that first :P

    Other than wearing aeroguard I'm not sure what else you can really do.. I'd look into trying to work out a fly screen as much as possible, even if it's not 100% coverage. There are also mozzie bait products you can buy and put it near the window (just inside, not outside so as to not attract them to the exterior of the window) in an attempt to catch them. There are also repellent products you could place outside the window to keep them away from it, but a lot of them are pretty average at doing their job.

    How many bites are you getting? I'm thinking a fly screen / repellent combo is going to be the best option. If it's not too many bites, you can always get stingoes or some sort of stop itch product for the few that you get.

    • I got 10 bites in a period of like 3 days, so its getting pretty uncomfortable. Will probably have to slap on the aeroguard at this stage.

      I think the flyscreen would be great, only thing is that its a rental and because of the design of the windows, it would require the landlord to replace the entire windows to be able to fit one in :(

  • Oscillating fan is all u need

  • How about mozzie incense?
    I know they work for sure.…

    • Burning mosquito coils indoors ends up making everything smell of smoke.

    • do they even bunnings in london?

  • +6

    Leave London

    • +1

      LOL. Suggestion noted!

  • +2

    You need to fight at the source of the problem which is your window. I have the same problem with my bedroom window and you really have 2 solutions. The best and permanent solution is to install a sliding fly screen so you can slide it open to open the window before sliding it shut. A temporary solution is to install a 'mesh' type of curtain which allows enough lights/air in and blocks the mozzies out. The trick is to keep it tightly sealed all around.

    • I think you're right - just a shame that I'm renting so unlikely that they'll be willing to install a fly screen, will look into some sort of temporary curtain attachment that might be available

  • Mozzies in winter, in London to boot. What are the odds?

    Must be standing water somewhere close. You could always turn the heating off- that will get rid of them.

    • London has been really weirdly warm since Winter has started, hovering around the 14 degree mark most days! Have even been able to wear a dress out without getting frostbite

  • Yea, like others have said, check for standing water around your flat. If it is more a London thing to have mozzies, maybe you can consider installing a magnetic flyscreen. I used to live in a house where if you need to open/close the window, the handle needs to be pushed out/pulled in. We put in magnetic flyscreen so that it is easy enough to lift the flyscreen to open/close the window. Something like this:…

    • That actually sounds like a great idea - will have to look for one that I can cut to size, but so far that looks like a pretty effective plan

  • +1

    After living in London, thank your lucky stars they aren't bedbugs, that's all I can say LOL.

    • A friend of mine had to fork out 800 recently to get an exterminator to get rid of the bed bugs…nasty!

  • Spray Listerine on door frames and window frames.

  • Haven't heard of that one but will definitely look into it

  • They hate Citronella

  • You can take this with you when you leave.

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