Bicyclists now required to carry a photo id or fines apply

Greetings fellow Aussies and unruly bikies, the NSW government had yet released another unnecessary law to keep you kids in check-…


New South Wales will be "the laughing stock of the world" when new laws are introduced forcing cyclists to carry photo identification, a cycling advocacy group has said.

The change in laws was announced by NSW Roads Minister Duncan Gay as part of a crackdown on cyclists who break road rules in the state.

From March 2016,riding without an ID will result in a $106 fine and not wearing a helmet or holding onto a moving car will cost $319, while running a red light will incur a $425 fine

Starting next March, make sure you and your cycling friends (and possibly even your kids) carry a photo id so that your nanny state can properly do its job of raising revenue and enforcing the road rules.

Better start carrying a few hundred dollars with your cycling gear in case your friendly neighborhood cop decides to have a chat with you.

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    • What did you stop for….KEEP WRITING ya nit. Can't wait to read you views on how to fix the drink driving and drug use issues. Do you like the thought of living in Canberra? Ahh I see it all now, another Darwinian, I can't wait to go back.

      • +1

        The issue with drink driving is almost a culturally related rooted issue. The whole, "If you drink and drive your a bloody idiot, if you make it home you are a bloody legend".
        Making a change to culture is very, very difficult and very slow (but necessary, a culture that does not change and evolve will either die or hold its people back).

        As to the act itself, there are only a few ways to stop someone from drink driving (not all are effective)
        1. Don't give them alcohol
        2. Don't give them a license
        3. Don't let them operate a car
        4. If none of the above work, catch them

        At the moment we pretty much have all of those steps in place to varying degrees, but most are not going to have an impact. For example;
        1. There is a responsibility on bartenders and the Responsible Serving of Alcohol acts, as well as lock out times and even a banned drinks register (at least in the NT).
        2. Various demerit points/license suspensions
        3. Confiscating cars of repeat offenders, Blood Alcohol lockout devices
        4. Random Breath Tests

        The areas that that fail
        1. You can still buy alcohol from bottle-shops (or get someone else to buy for you). This was partially addressed in the NT with the Banned Drinks Register (that was overturned).
        2. Lots of people (especially in NT and remote/rural areas) drive without a valid license anyway (not having it does not physically stop you from using a car).
        3. use another persons car (or have someone blow in to the lock out device)
        4. only work if you get caught, and even if you do it "OMG revenue Raising!", and they only work after the fact.

        I do have a couple of ideas to minimize the drink driving ("grog/booze buses" - a service by the venue where patrons are taken home - with plenty of vomit bags and easy to clean seating and incentives for the venue (e.g. no lockout times)), but as for elimination, there is absolutely no force in the universe as strong as stupidity.

  • Awesome about time, bring it to W.A

    • -4

      Make cyclists pay to ride on the road too.

  • +1

    The ID laws a bit strict (next step, neck barcode tattoos!) but the rest seems pretty reasonable. I think most of us are sick of watching the cyclists run red lights, ignore most of the road rules, then crack the shits when something bad happens to them

    Hardly a "laughing stock"

  • +2

    Was planning to do some cycling, now ill just browse Ozbargain for some great food deals instead.

    • +1

      Don't be a fat ass. Go get or hire a friend and a bike and get some exercise.

      • +2

        Not worth the (financial risk) anymore

      • Nah, just pay someone to ride instead. Ha ha.

  • +6

    I ride really slow in the ultra fast lane, while drivers behind me are going insane….

  • the world has gone mad

    do you need to carry a drivers license to drive a car?

    • yes

    • Not in QLD, unless on L, P Heavy Vehicle or medical restrictions (now inc glesses, with letter from MO)

      Of course with this ridiculous law, I can picture a MAML saying to the officer things like:

      No need to search me, what you see is what you get..

      Sorry officer, no pockets on this suit..

      No, I'm not happy to see you, I had to put my licence somewhere…

  • -5

    Who cares about the free loading cyclists who sponge off motorists!

    Perhaps if a few are fined
    a) they will ride better
    b) appreciate the cost motorists have to pay on vehicle registration

    • You sir win the award for most inaccurate post of the week!

  • If you want to correct the cyclists behaviors, law enforcers can impound the violators' bicycles at the scene. That would be enough to penalise the infringers.

    I believe this is just another excuse for the heavy deficits. The government is mad at creating revenues. Maybe sooner or later they will impose pedestrian license - yes, pedestrians violate road rules too.

    Just make me painfully recall my last infringement penalty a couple of years ago. When RBT near Berowra at 12am, I passed breath test without problem. The A$$hole did not let me go, just circled around my car about 5-8 minutes, flicking the torch in and out of my car. Eventually he said my son's seat belt (waist belt) was not tight enough, and deemed that as not seat-belted therefore issued me a ticket for $252 fine, of cause demerits as well. I protested, but no avail. Later OSR sent me the fine notice, bearing a reason of "putting a child under 7 on the front seat"! I called OSR to explain the story, the bitc# was very impatient, replied it did not matter what reason they put on the paper, and if I would not comply they would just sued me. I did not take the case to the court anyway, just felt my life quality way more important than a couple of hundred bucks. However at times when I was in low mood I was thinking, maybe next time similar thing happens I should run my car over the SOB bastard.

    Vent is over. Happy Boxing Day all!

  • -5

    I don't think cyclists should have the same right to use roads as cars. Most people who are driving are driving to get to work, provide an economic benefit or travel to some place . Cyclists mostly are riding on the roads for recreation and exercise, there are better ways to get recreation and exercise than inconveniencing motorists.

    • i have feeling you'll get many neg this xmas.

    • +1

      considering how many schools and business are currently closed
      how do you explain the traffic?
      particularly around tourist places????

    • +4

      When I went to school, the bike racks held several hundred bikes. After visiting the same school recently, there would have been fewer than 50.

      A nearby major shopping centre had special parking for staff who rode to work. It also numbered around 100 or so. There is now no provision.

      With growing obesity and Type 2 Diabetes we are going about all of this backwards. Instead of imposing more and more restrictions, we should be saying how do we restore use?

      With savings in medical costs, reduction in pollution and reduced road congestion, there are huge savings for a realistic Govt with vision. If only we had one. Anywhere..

  • I read somewhere that the only successful litigation regarding a road accident involving a cyclist was where a pedestrian sued a cyclist. If Cyclists can't sue, don't see why they should have to carry ID. Except maybe to help in identifying the body…

  • Why not finger print? Hate carrying all these ids.

  • ITT: I make use of government road infrastructure where my negligence can endanger me and/or other road users, and they're asking me to take precautions and be identifiable to authorities. Woe betide me! What a great incursion upon my civil liberties this is! It's the nanny state, I tell you!

  • +1

    They should be enforcing bicyclists riding without a helmet. I see more people riding without helmets and the police do absolutely nothing. People's safety should be more important than stupid laws like carrying photo ID.

  • +2

    And next up in the news: all Aussie's must be bubble-wrapped at all times when venturing outside of their homes…smh

  • +2

    In certain instances it is a lot safer for the cyclist AND more convenient for the car driver to let the cyclist run the red light

    "“If a cyclist waits for green, and a bus or HGV wants to turn left, then they are in real danger – that’s how most cyclists in London are being killed. If someone on a bike can turn left before the light turns green – watching out for pedestrians of course, and we’re very clear that pedestrians have priority – then you can be away before the bus or HGV starts moving and you can avoid getting squashed.”"…

    for more information read about the Idaho Stop law

    • $638 from the guys in the back not wearing helmets. sweet.…

      i wouldn't trust sydney drivers to slow down and possibility stop to give way to cyclists while they're turning right (left in the vid).

    • I am not convinced by your idea and reasoning, but it is a good start. I can see people dying from running a red light, so that is not an option, but to further your concept, modify the rules, then education and fix/upgrade the lanes/lines/signs etc, and then your onto something.
      It does not matter how big or small your wheels are, you can be killed or be a killer if someone runs a red light, even an orange, and the same for many road rules.

      I do not want to be in either shoes.

  • +2

    We can easily see this thread is the most popular post in Sports and Outdoors! Good to see everyone riding a bike and helping lower pollution levels! LOL

    • +1

      Wanna see the turbo donk on my pushy?

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