Finding A Job Interstate (Gold Coast)

Hi OZbargaining fellows,

I'am looking to move away from Sydney to Gold Coast as it is more affordable to own a property up there now and in the near future.
However I find it very hard to find a job there, especially while living in Sydney.
What would be the most reasonable thing to do? Is it worth a shot to move there first and then find a job? (I can afford to live up to one month without employment) I would prefer not risk it.

While trying to apply for jobs at the Gold Coast, I have noticed the reluctancy to do phone and skype interviews, also an agent told me that most company would not risk employing people that do not live in the same state. Some did welcome me for an interview there, but it is hard for me to decide whether to travel up there just for an interview. What would you do?


  • +1

    Apply for many jobs and come up for a holiday for a week or two.

    • Is there any time of the year they are more likely to hire?

      • Yes, When positions are available ;). Not sure what field you're in but I would it. If theres enough positions online, I think this is your sign. Not sure if you can get up and go on a holiday immediately though.

  • -4

    What sort of work are you looking for? Try applying for a hotel job.

    Gold Coast is lovely and I'd love to do what you want to do in about 10 years time. Sydney is turning into a loud and busy shithole filled with annoying foreign people.

    • At least the foreigners aren't this annoying…

      @OP property costs a fortune in Sydney but wages are generally higher in Sydney too. I was thinking about moving to Melb to escape these insane prices, but in my field the wages and job opportunities weren't as good as Sydney. Don't fixate on what you can afford now, you're just starting out and your wages will get higher. There are still affordable suburbs if you don't mind areas of the west that have been the first hit by the property slowdown.

      • Thanks Jay. Is Melbourne property price lower?

        It is true I should not fixate on what I can afford now, but it does not seem like Sydney prices will drop anytime soon. I am not very interested in moving to western parts of Sydney, while Central Coast areas are too far from CBD. I will need to do more research though.

        • Compared to Sydney everywhere's lower; while Melbourne isn't exactly cheap either the house prices in 'good' areas seem a bit more realistic than those in Sydney

    • you need to sort out your issues mate. I Neg you for your comments. yes i can say loudly.

      • -2

        How do I sort out Foreign people?

  • +1

    OP it will be helpful to say what field you are into and what jobs/positions you are looking at.
    Generally speaking I won't risk moving without securing a job (especially if you have a job in Sydney). As dylanando suggested try to apply for as many suitable jobs as possible and if you can schedule interviews close to each other and come for a short holiday. Otherwise if one job opportunity is very promising it may be worth finding some cheap flights/accommodation and coming for the day.

    The Gold Coast is a nice place to be and would be a good move.

    Good Luck.

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