Decent Camera for travelling

I'm looking to buy a decent camera for travelling purposes. My wife and I are headed to the U.S in a couple of months as well as planning on other overseas trips. I'm happy to pay anywhere between $300-700. The pics will just be for tourist locations and scenery. I don't know much about cameras other then basic features so any help on finding me a decent camera at a good price is much appreciated. If you need anymore info just ask.



  • +4

    sony rx100m3

    • Best option out there. There was a deal posted a few days a ago with a $25 voucher for use at the sony store. Grab the extra battery kit.

      This is REALLY helpful especially after those long days where you simply forget to charge your camera battery.

  • the best camera for travel is the one that's with you

    nothing really wrong with modern camera phone these days
    i seldom even use my point and shoot while travelling

    • +1

      I disagree. Sure if you have a iPhone 6 or galaxy S6 it would be better than a $350 camera but a iPhone 4 camera is still shite compared to a RX100

      • +2

        I think people have forgotten how good a P&S can be. Honestly not expensive to buy one either considering you have OzB deals + TRS. Worth buying for the occasional trip and also I would be less emotionally hurt losing a camera than losing a mobile phone with your personal details in it.

        • Exactly. I bought a RX100 M3 at the start of this year with the TRS. Still my favourite point and shoot.

      • no way are those phones as good/better than a new $350 camera. but they are handier.

  • Just get the smallest one you can find with a reasonable resolution.

    Millions of people go to the same place every year and many of which have DSLRs. It also makes you a target

  • The most important thing is that it needs to be COMPACT.
    So most point and shoots will already do. I took my Canon Powershot S95 with me to Vietnam and took some pretty good shots. It was around $350 at time of purchase but this was an older model (released 2010).

    (The S95 is now superseded by much newer models, e.g S110 or S120, and the most current model is the S200, but it's more expensive)

    Don't worry about getting the best, top of the line model with a huge 12x zoom lens, of which you will never use. You're not a professional photographer. Just buy a mid range model.

  • +2

    I'm a part-time professional photographer, so I get asked this question all the time. My answer to most people is that their phone cameras, especially if they have something like an iPhone 6 or Galaxy S6 upwards, are very, very good. If you think that buying an expensive camera will get you better pictures, you're mistaken. It will help, but it will only help as much as a faster car helps you achieve a faster lap time. Technique, imagination, knowledge and skills are all much more important.

    That said, it depends on how much you want to carry and what you're going to shoot. Something like a Nikon D5500 is reasonable for the price you want and it's a reliable, proper camera that will work for a long time and grant you access to a wide lens catalog. If you're after something super small, I quite like the Panasonic GF7 which I recently picked up for $570 with a 12-32mm zoom lens and a bonus 25mm f/1.7 prime lens from Panasonic.

    If you just want a pocket camera and have no interest in improving your photography (which is most people - and to be honest, that's fine), then the Sony RX100 M3 or Panasonic LX100 are your best choices. They will give you the nicest all-in-one type package and you won't ever have to learn about what lenses to use or anything like that. Of the two, I prefer the LX100 as it has 4K video and better IQ with a larger sensor and faster lens. However, the RX100 M3 is smaller.

  • Thank you for all your suggestions, this has helped me. I will look around to see what I can get

  • Sony HX90v sounds better suited for you.

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